what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Adjusted the brakes so they work, repacked my wheel bearings, greased the chains, cleaned out the gas tank, rebuild my old NT carb just in case...

The bike is 100% ready for my new engine to arrive in the mail now... Waiting for it is killing me, riding weather is here!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Know the feeling Skarrd.

lol, i expected it to pop a bit with fuel still pumping through. but not act like the road is bubble wrap popping!

and not the tiny bubbles, those massive 1" bubbles that sound like a gun going off when you step on one. XD
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Removed the "red" CNS carb that came on my Skyhawk kit and replaced it with a NT "Speed" carb.

After scratching my head for over two hours trying to figure out why I couldn't get any power under throttle, I removed the float bowl to uncover that the Jet tube had no threads and the jet was just sitting on the bottom of the bowl. I tapped new treads into it and screwed the jet in place. It ran perfectly. I was ale to get the motor to idle for the first time since I assembled it.

I removed the SBP expansion pipe kit because the exhaust header was spewing fuel and the silicon hoses had been obliterated. I replaced it with the stock one until I can figure out why the black header pipe is 1/16" too large in diameter to accept the copper exhaust tubing that was supplied.

I replaced the crappy Walmart seat with a Brooks flyer springer saddle. I can't wait for it to break in, though. My grundle is not pleased after riding fifty miles to check durability.

And some other little stuff that isn't of consequence. Mostly aesthetic fixes.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Chrisme thank you for asking -yes climes hills even faster-starts with a funny idle then evens out after 20 seconds or so and then runs strong had to adjust idle screw down
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Putting a new engine on the Huffy today, had a internal failure of some sort that allowed the carnk to have too much in play and caused the mag rotor to eat into the block about 1/16" ruining the crank seal and the area that holds the seal in the block, engine was still running but started surging real bad and that was my first clue that I had an air leak, I figured it was a seal or intake gasket, so first thing I done was to remove the mag cover and bingo, loads of alum. shaving all inside the mag compartment and then I seen clearly what had caused the shavings when I noticed the rotor had eat into the block, I then pulled back and forth on the rotor and of coarse the crank just clunked back and forth to a major degree, I'm thinking that the engine has thrush washers on the crank that hold it a set distance and adjust the amount of end play it can have, it's been since last year since I've had the case open so I cant remember for sure, but it seems that I've lost those spacers or something else that allowed the crank to move to the side enough to cause all that damage to the block and ruin the crank seal on the mag side.

I have a spare engine that I unboxed and started preping for install in the next couple of days, hope it last more than 400 miles, one of my other bikes has 1180 miles on it now and runs like a top......

all of this problem happened on my way back from a 16 mile trip, I got lucky that I didnt get stranded and have to use my kick starter/peddles to get home.

wish me good fortune on this new engine guys.....

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Road my bike the longest ride to date. I went from Beaverton over the hills to downtown Portland across the Willamette River to the other side of town so I could get my titanium frames fixed for my eyeglasses(Harley Davidson). I was going at a pretty good clip but I could not tell what my rpm's were (waring old pair). It was a beautiful day and I got to see many good looking female joggers on the way and got more than a few smiles as I rode by.(I love the spring!)

Came home after about forty miles and found out I had used less than a half a tank of gas. Motor was strong for the whole ride and the bike handled grate.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Chrisme thank you for asking -yes climes hills even faster-starts with a funny idle then evens out after 20 seconds or so and then runs strong had to adjust idle screw down

That's cool, I've never heard a lot of positive about the boost bottle.
I must have some vac canisters from some car or other hanging around my garage. I have WAAAAY too may car parts. I'll have to give it a try!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

it's the smaller canister shaped one about as round as soup can but just 2-2.5 in. tall off a 80's Mustang found in side right hand front wheel well-I drilled the manifold at the top bend near the corner for a SMALL metal tub inserted just inside (A 1/32 OR SO) solder it from the out side I hope you get the same effect I did
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

For me it'll probably be off an old subaru Loyale or GL. I have mostly subaru parts (or whole cars...) laying around. (yes, one car literally upside down for me to rip parts off...)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Unboxed my first motor last night. Grubee Starfire GT-4. Cable boot and spark plug were both broken out of the box (replacing both anyway, so not a huge deal). Gas tank was also pretty beat up (hopefully it doesn't leak!) Small pieces of metal everywhere! I was really nervous to open it up because I thought I would find the worst. Actually, to my surprise, The insides are fairly clean. Not even much slag! Cleaned everything up, installed new hardware (thanks SBP!), installed sound dampeners, and set the motor in the frame for a mock up. Perfect fit! Only thing is, the pedal crank is too large. . . the motor actually rests on it a bit. Oh well, gives me a reason to get a new sprocket for the crank :) All I need to do now is exchange the head studs that I bought (need 6mm, bought 8mm), polish/clean up the ports, make a couple of new gaskets, apply some loctite, rig up a kill switch, install my Tac and speedometer, Clean up the electrical with heat shrink and proper connectors, and wait for my sprocket/adapter from Sportscarpat! I also installed my new stem yesterday, along with my headlights, tail light, and lay-back seat post from Pirate Cycles. Bike is looking sick! Can't wait for installation and the maiden voyage!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

started working on better porting. smoothed out the exhaust port, now working on the piston skirt so the intake fully opens rather than getting 7/8ths open. aiming for the bike to easily get to 40, and cruise at 35mph.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

started working on better porting. smoothed out the exhaust port, now working on the piston skirt so the intake fully opens rather than getting 7/8ths open. aiming for the bike to easily get to 40, and cruise at 35mph.

I've tried adding 1/8in. plate to mach the small manifold to the big port I open the manifold as much as I can and the plate opens the rest of the way to the port and then port gaskets plate gasket manifold good to go.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

NEWSED muffler, new to my bike-used on the ped I cannibalized for the re-manufacturing of a pipe I can top out faster with it I used to fall behind cars going DOWN Mentone BL. now I keep up with cars going UP the BL. --HW 38 CA.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Put 21 miles on my new engine today and I am bubbling over about how well it is running, it's a very smoothe engine and it seems like it's gonna be a very cherry engine.....

Kicking myself for having such a good one just sitting on the shelf while I was running a much rougher one on my bike........kinda glad the other one failed on me now in a away, other wise I wouldnt be enjoying this very low vibrating, sweet running engine I have on it now..

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

finally got my motor back together and running yesterday. so far so good..still i feel like imma babying it now when i ride. kinda like when ya break the motor in lol. having a new head and rings N all
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

finally got my motor back together and running yesterday. so far so good..still i feel like imma babying it now when i ride. kinda like when ya break the motor in lol. having a new head and rings N all

Well you do have to set the rings your wise to go ease good luck