what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

So I did some reading, and it looks like I wasted my money on getting a CNS carb... I was hoping it would be an improvement on the total POS carb on my last engine I got a few years ago. Oh well :(

Are there any CNS success stories...? It seems like everything everyone says in negative. I'm pretty good at making carbs work, so I think I'll be ok... I hope. Otherwise you'll be seeing a howto on modifying a carb from something else to work. haha.

So I'm used to working on cars... It's weird taking that tiny little engine off. I'm used to pulling big car engines. The blown HT is sitting on the shelf with 2.2L and 2.5L subaru engines, a 13hp honda, and a few random subaru cylinder heads.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Adjusted the tensioner, put some gas in the tank and went for a ride. Very nice, no drama. Started right up and ran nice and smooth.

This motor does start real good. Even cold, starts every time. Set choke, prime, pedal and pop, give some gas for about 20 feet, keep pedaling as I open the choke and there we go.

I am starting to llike this thing more as it breaks down less - :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My old motor started nice, didn't even need choke, just held the throttle open for a bit. It ran wicked rich at idle though, compensation for running well at half throttle to WOT.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I sleep late just having my coffee-then ridding to pick up a R/X that's down hill than up hill on highway 38 40mph speed limit but cars do 45-50 heads up ride WOT-EYES IN THE MIRROR. I LOVE MY BIKE! 1 car household and my wife is using it today after that I'm going palish the exhaust port
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yeah, I'm a little rich I think. Plug is pretty dark, but not wet. Just a little brown on the insulator. Clip is in the middle, I'll raise it a notch after I burn up the fist batch (gallon and a quarter) of gas. Better rich than lean in a new motor me thinks and I'm still running 25:1 oil mix.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Emboldened by my morning ride, I headed out to the motorcycle dealer 7 miles away and inquired about the 600 mile service charge on my Burgman 650. More than the cost of a happy time motor, but I think I will do it. Plan to change my own oil in the future, but I think I'll get the first one done at the dealer.

Great ride, no problems. On the way back I gave it some gas and it did go faster than it had been, so the faster as it breaks in stuff is true. But the vibes go up too, way up, so I will just stick to the 20 MPH plan. 20 is good, bike runs smooth, very little vibration, plenty of time to slow down. I like 20.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My last one would run op to about 35 on flat ground and not vibrate pretty bad. (I had a lot of work done to that engine to make it run that well)
But I found the key to keeping the vibes down in making sure the engine to frame mounts are nice and tight with no play or anything.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Oh yeah. I broke a grade 8 socket head cap screw flush with the engine case. When I removed it I found a quarter inch gap in my spacers to mount scheme. So I was flexing everything a quarter of an inch. Stupid me. I think I was in a little too much hurry when I remounted the motor for the third time.

So I redid the spacers to fit perfectly and all seems pretty good now. And yes, locktite works. Still I don't think I was that bad when I did it, I think running changes things a little. Maybe best thing to do is mount the engine, put 10 to 20 miles on it and then check.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hi, I just bought a 66cc Grubee Skyhawk and when I push the clutch arm all the way in, it doesn't spin freely and i cannot intstall the chain. any solution?, kit is brand new.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Take off the magneto cover and turn the crankshaft nut with a wrench with the clutch engaged and the spark plug out.

The chain will feed right in.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i had no problem feeding the chain, but i can't get to the bike to roll on its own.:-||
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You will have to adjust your clutch by moving the "flower" washer.

Go visit the "hubs, sprockets and gearboxes" section.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

So I did some reading, and it looks like I wasted my money on getting a CNS carb... I was hoping it would be an improvement on the total POS carb on my last engine I got a few years ago. Oh well :(

Are there any CNS success stories...? It seems like everything everyone says in negative. I'm pretty good at making carbs work, so I think I'll be ok... I hope. Otherwise you'll be seeing a howto on modifying a carb from something else to work. haha.

So I'm used to working on cars... It's weird taking that tiny little engine off. I'm used to pulling big car engines. The blown HT is sitting on the shelf with 2.2L and 2.5L subaru engines, a 13hp honda, and a few random subaru cylinder heads.

It very much depends which one you got. Red air cleaner CNS V.2? Or the good one with a K&N style metal mesh/cloth CNS V.1?

BGF on eBay still has the V.1, sometimes for around $40. If you order make sure to add in the messages the difference between the two. Then if you get the wrong one dispute it ASAP. Ricky Shi hates disputes so he'll work quickly to a resolution but don't hesitate to file.

There are rumors that some have gotten the V.2 to work but they are few and far between :p
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I ordered it as a package deal with my skyhawk. I placed the order Friday afternoon, so it hasn't shipped yet. Probably hasn't even been packaged yet. I don't know which one it comes with. It's listed as "High Performance Carburetor, Gen B." I guess that's bad... heh.

Should I email and say that I want it shipped with the older version? Is the older version actually better than the standard NT, or just cancel and save my $20.

Maybe my old NT carb was just a bad one, but it never stopped giving my grief, it would go from running too lean, to pouring gas all over the place and flooding the engine.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I road my Morini Boxer aimlessly for 5 hours straight today. Musta saw 30 garage sales etc. Was a really nice day to ride. Did nuttun to the bike simply road it good and hard. Tons of stop and go. Ran perfect! Put 58 miles on it since last night.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I ordered it as a package deal with my skyhawk. I placed the order Friday afternoon, so it hasn't shipped yet. Probably hasn't even been packaged yet. I don't know which one it comes with. It's listed as "High Performance Carburetor, Gen B." I guess that's bad... heh.

Should I email and say that I want it shipped with the older version? Is the older version actually better than the standard NT, or just cancel and save my $20.

Maybe my old NT carb was just a bad one, but it never stopped giving my grief, it would go from running too lean, to pouring gas all over the place and flooding the engine.

If you can get it that way I would..

I'm starting to think there's a reason you can buy 3 cheapie carbs for $25.. it takes all three to make up 1 good one ;)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Bike Is Ready< Weather Not Co-operating.
Still haven't figured out a way to limit the fork's suspension travel, so I installed my 26" wheel onto the 29er fork. This gives almost 3" clearance between my expansion pipe and the top of the 26" tire.

Also installed an AVID BB7 203 mm disc brake kit onto the rear wheel. Now that I know it fits(.125" frame clearance), I'll order another 203 mm brake for the front.

Fuel tank and rear rack is mounted. All hoses, cables and wiring reconnected......and it's raining.:-||

Test ride tomorrow. Can't wait to see how the new pipe and larger rear brake works.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That reminds me... I need to make the brakes work on my bike before I get it running again ... .bf.