You Might Be A Geezer If


NBC Red & Blue stations
AM radio, rock & roll from little rock & wolfman jack from mexico.
Dick Clark /American Bandstand in Philadelphia
$5.00 would get you gas, a burger,fries & a shake for 2 & into the drive in movie
Red Ball Jets & P.F. Flyers
the Dodgers were in Brooklyn
Black & white TV only
the Berlin Airlift
Paul Winchell & Jerry Mahony
Business coupe's-no back seat, just a platform
Civil War & WWI vets at the Memorial Day Parades
the US Navy's Blimp/Dirigible fleet
Motorcycles didn't require head or tail lights & helmets
only one brake light on cars & no turn signals
traveling before the interstate highway system
steam locomotives & steam ships
the Empire State Building was the tallest building in NYC
Alaska & Hawaii were territories
dime cokes & nickle candy bars

Well, I do remember American Bandstand and Black & White TV but, overall, I think I might have been out-geezered.
OH!, I know something I miss. Those little black hoses that used to lay across the drive at gas stations that rang a bell when you drove over them. We'd go screaming through on our bikes, the bell would ring and the gas station guy would run out and yell, "Hey you kids:( :( :( :(

Any of you guys pump gas in the 50's or 60's and have a car full of girls from school show up and want you to check the air in the tires, oil level, windshield washed, fan belts inspected and on more than once the spare tire pressure.
All for a $2 fillup. They would be laughing and giggling as they graded your performance. Then they would be off to the next station where they knew someone from school was working and do it all over again. They would do it as long as the $10 Dad gave them for gas would hold out.

Then there were the girls who would wear the low cut tops and really short skirts then point to the spots you missed on the windshield so you had to look right at them. My fun was ignoring them just to see how far they would go to get you to look.

Remembering old men who had to hold small change at arm's length to count it being funny.....

And never mind television, when I was a kid, the world was in black and white. In Britain, grey was a colour and a two tone grey car was considered racy.
Had the same basic thing happen when I lived in upstate New York. I used to go into a wood workers store that was managed by a young lady half my age. We used to sit and talk and one day out of the blue she asked when we were going out.
There was an Applebys on the parking lot where her store was and we would go over to have dinner on the weekends and one time one of the guys who was a waiter kind of hovered around then asked her if he could take her out if her Dad (me) didn't mind.

She told him she would have to ask her husband and then looked over at me and said "Is it OK with you".

The look on that poor kids face was a had to see moment but just imagine the worst and you probably have it.

Recently I was talking with some guy in an astronomy group to which I'm a member. A small group of us get together on Wed. nights for some chin wagging and for some reason its called a Geektogether. (?) Anyway the topic of the moment was favourite old TV shows and one of the more youthful attendees there asked me if I remembered watching MASH when I was a kid. I was a little confused (not abnormal theses days) and flattered when I replied " Son, I remember watching MASH but I wasn't a kid then. When I was a kid I watched the Korean War on the front pages of the St. Catharines Standard and the Toronto Telegram." He was a little slack jawed and looked me up and down for a bit. I swear, if asked me how many times I saw Halley's comet I'd have poked him in the nose!
I delivered the Toronto Telegram for years. When I started it was 5 cents a day and I got 2 cents of that for each paper delivered.
I think you were probably safe with Halley's Comet. I'd bet he never heard of it.

When my friends meet it's called a Geezer Fest for some odd reason.

two dollars would fill the two gallon can,leaving enough for a large ice cream cone.
my arms arent long enough to read the breakfast menu.forgot me glasses.
....If you remember who Neil Armstrong was, and what he symbolised the achievement of.

...and if you'd actually been watching the lunar landing back in '69 (or even the whole durned space program whenever the news covered stuff about it) on a little black-and-white set with big, round, chrome-plated knobs that went KLUNK*KLUNK*KLUNK whenever you changed channels (which your parents had you do now-and-then, because remotes hadn't been invented yet).

OH! - and remember when the first TV remotes had cords on them?
two dollars would fill the two gallon can,leaving enough for a large ice cream cone.
my arms arent long enough to read the breakfast menu.forgot me glasses.

Do what I do. Put it on the floor and stand up to read it. It's better if you don't put it on a table and stand on a chair.
Do what I do. Put it on the floor and stand up to read it. It's better if you don't put it on a table and stand on a chair.

Or ask the youngster serving you to "hold this a minute" hand them the menu and tell them to back up till you can read it. :D

You can also fake it real well if you ask them the special and what the soup of the day is. For a breakfast menu its real easy just order what you want all breakfast lunch places have generally the same menu for breakfast.
Its funny you guys are talking about reading a menu, a few years back my wife and I when to a restaurant and both of us had forgotten our glasses. As we were sitting there wondering how we were going to read the waitress brought us menus, inserted in the menu was the pictures of the specials of the day. So we had the special.
....If you remember who Neil Armstrong was, and what he symbolised the achievement of.
Or Chuck Yeager. Or Micky Thompson. Or Craig Breedlove. Maybe Ed Burns, or George Burns? How about, Ike? Jack Ruby? Paul Tibbets?

In which case, I'd be an American Geezer; But how many of you remember Rag, Tag and Bobtail, The Woodentops, Four Feather Falls? And what about Larry Dart?
In which case, I'd be an American Geezer; But how many of you remember Rag, Tag and Bobtail, The Woodentops, Four Feather Falls? And what about Larry Dart?
Weren't they all regulars on Monty Python's Flying Circus? :)

Then there were "On the Busses", "Doctor in the House" (I think, it's been forever), "Wayne and Shuster", "Ed Sullivan", "The Honeymooners", etc.
One of the things I remember about the Sullivan show was Topo Gigio, a litle mouse (puppet) that was put to bed about halfway in, that was my sister and my time to go to bed also.
We keep getting repeats of On The Buses. And they still haven't become funny, even after all that repetition.