NBC Red & Blue stations
AM radio, rock & roll from little rock & wolfman jack from mexico.
Dick Clark /American Bandstand in Philadelphia
$5.00 would get you gas, a burger,fries & a shake for 2 & into the drive in movie
Red Ball Jets & P.F. Flyers
the Dodgers were in Brooklyn
Black & white TV only
the Berlin Airlift
Paul Winchell & Jerry Mahony
Business coupe's-no back seat, just a platform
Civil War & WWI vets at the Memorial Day Parades
the US Navy's Blimp/Dirigible fleet
Motorcycles didn't require head or tail lights & helmets
only one brake light on cars & no turn signals
traveling before the interstate highway system
steam locomotives & steam ships
the Empire State Building was the tallest building in NYC
Alaska & Hawaii were territories
dime cokes & nickle candy bars
Recently I was talking with some guy in an astronomy group to which I'm a member. A small group of us get together on Wed. nights for some chin wagging and for some reason its called a Geektogether.Allen,
Had the same basic thing happen when I lived in upstate New York. I used to go into a wood workers store that was managed by a young lady half my age. We used to sit and talk and one day out of the blue she asked when we were going out.
There was an Applebys on the parking lot where her store was and we would go over to have dinner on the weekends and one time one of the guys who was a waiter kind of hovered around then asked her if he could take her out if her Dad (me) didn't mind.
She told him she would have to ask her husband and then looked over at me and said "Is it OK with you".
The look on that poor kids face was a had to see moment but just imagine the worst and you probably have it.
....If you remember who Neil Armstrong was, and what he symbolised the achievement of.
two dollars would fill the two gallon can,leaving enough for a large ice cream cone.
my arms arent long enough to read the breakfast menu.forgot me glasses.
Do what I do. Put it on the floor and stand up to read it. It's better if you don't put it on a table and stand on a chair.
Or Chuck Yeager. Or Micky Thompson. Or Craig Breedlove. Maybe Ed Burns, or George Burns? How about, Ike? Jack Ruby? Paul Tibbets?....If you remember who Neil Armstrong was, and what he symbolised the achievement of.
Weren't they all regulars on Monty Python's Flying Circus?In which case, I'd be an American Geezer; But how many of you remember Rag, Tag and Bobtail, The Woodentops, Four Feather Falls? And what about Larry Dart?