You Might Be A Geezer If

way, way OT but that would make a great book "Dogs I have known" "Penelope" in Mystic hated to be touched but would follow the mailman threw town, If another mailman was across the st and she preferred him/her, she would cross and follow them.

I forget the dogs name but on Long Island, a man sold a bar but every day at 3, his dog walked the 2 miles to the bar. They would pour a can of Budweiser in a dish. After he had his 1 beer, he walked home. (Musta lost his driver's licence but I never saw him drunk)

Gotta love the puppys. They are crazy and smell bad. Just like us only on all 4s


I never met a dog I didn't like.
Well I personally know 3 women that met up with an old mutt and when they were tired of him, dropped him off on the side of the road of life.

I had two dogs in my life and when I lost the last one I just couldn't get another one.
Some times you just cannot replace those that mean so much.

You gotta love a good dog. It will never tell lies about you and is always glad to see you. They never ask to borrow your money or stuff and will give their life to protect you. Too bad they have such a short life.
Yeah, I Know What You Guys Are Saying. 20 Some Yrs Ago My Wife Left, A Month Later My Dog Left!! I Still Miss That Dog!! Lol Ron
Dangit Ron!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had a mouth full of beer! Now I have to replace that key board. Snork
Put both in the trunk of your car for a 3 hour ride down a country road and when you open the trunk see which one is glad to see you.
Put both in the trunk of your car for a 3 hour ride down a country road and when you open the trunk see which one is glad to see you.

SNORK, SNORK SNORK! Just how many key boards do you guys think I have!!!????
laughing hard lol. i will add to the list

put a motor on your bicycle because they dont pedal as easy as they used to
Paul, Its Not Just Me Then!! I Have A Good Workout System. Resting And Sleeping! But, I Think Its My Downfall. Ron
your a geezer if you remember sneaking in the library to look at a national geographic magazine for a thrill
Your a geezer when 40 yr olds say " You and your wife are so cute). God I hate that.

Your a geezer when they tell you that ""60 is the new 50 and your still two old to qualify!

When visiting old friends they say with amazement "wow have you gotten old, and I didn't relalize how short you are" (actually I am shorter than I used to be).
You might be a geezer if you remember:

6 (or more) burgers in a bag for a buck

shooting marbles (puries, boulders, cat eyes, steelies, van scrambles)

Red Ball Jets

DA haircuts

Mumble Peg

The dreaded clip-on bow tie

The words to "Froggy Went A'Courtin" (a-ha a-ha)
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You might be a GEEZER if you didn't believe it when you were told that they were going to start selling milk in cardboard boxes and they built a radio with no tubes! Go to the moon "NEVER HAPPEN"
If my arm was twisted I'd admit to being about 20 years old when this short 17 minute film was made in 1967 (wow) ... but it still resembles a lot of my childhood from the 1950's (sigh)...

building a fort
flying a kite
making a raft

I wonder if this was more fun than video games? Apples and oranges I suppose.

The Children of Fogo Island by Colin Low - NFB
