You got to love that. I think you definitely deserve that kind of recognition. But what about magazines Norm? I've had motorcycle magazine subscriptions constantly since the early 70s. I can't remember seeing a motor bicycle in one, ever. They always do articles about bike builders in Cali.
Considering how the motorcycle magazines how gotten pretty boring the last few years it seems like the time might be right to try to bring something new to their attention.
I wouldn't play the racing card to them at first. They would probably laugh us off as a small group of nuts. Street riding, and how numerous, and practical it is might be a good approach, and then after getting their attention you could talk about the growing racing movement. Mention your studio sales too. Sales numbers are what gets their attention. Try to impress on them there might be a buck to be made off us. Mention that nation wide thousands of motor bicycle kits are being sold monthly, and this trend has been going on for more than a few years now. They could be the first publication to shine a light on this movement. There's been a couple of articles about Ruckus's in the last year. They kind of made fun of them, but at least they got mentioned.
Our biggest obstacle is there's no big factory to advertise in their magazine, but they might still be interested if they think we're a possible new subscription source, which we would be if they ever noticed us.
Cycle World's address is, 15255 Alton Parkway, Suite 300, Irvine, CA 92618. How far is that from you? You're probably the best person to do this Norm. What do you think?