Winter Project, Nirve Switchblade

I know it seems like I'm making a career out of this gas tank and I'm starting to feel like that too but we're starting to see the end.
Here's the tank in white, then with the blue field and finally the red stripes. I spent part of today cutting out the white stars and after I've hit the tank with some 600 wet paper I'll put the stars on and start shooting clear.
Here's where I'm at as of now.


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Thanks guys. I'm glad you have patients with me. This is taking way longer than I wanted it to but with the winter we've been having I don't have anything better to do that sit in the garage and work on this thing.
I'm thinking I'll take the seat pan to the upholstery shop in the next couple of days.
That's some nice looking work. We've got lots of patience.

After all we've got nothing better to do than watch your progress

Take all the time in the world . There's no way to rush a good job.

Time to move on.


EDIT: I just checked this photo and the pixles make it look like the red lins are jagged. They're not. :) If you click on the thumbnail you'll get a picture. If you double click on the picture it opens with a much better image. Weird, but true.


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'Nuff said.

Hopefully the seat comes out half as good, but relying on other people work can be a gamble, eh.
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I was up as high as the crown back in the 70's, but even if they would have let me go as high as the torch, how do you fit the torch ornament inside the staircase to get it up there and bolt it atop?

Probably check with MIT students as they have been known to do pranks that actually look like that stuff you used some picture edit program to do. Of course this is something that will probably not get by authorities since 911, so best not to try in real life anyway.

... just a rhetorical question anyway KC


Again way cool tank!
Nice job Tom, you've done some outstanding work on this bike, looking at all the pics just to this point makes all my dusty ole hillbilly bikes look like, well..............huh!

Dusty ole hillbilly bikes

Just like everyone else that's watching this, I can't wait to see the finished project, once again, Fine job Tom..!

Peace, map
I delivered the seat pan to the upholstery guy today. He said he needs a couple of weeks. He just got a contract to recover bus seats for the Denver buses and he's on a time schedule. I'll be patient. I'm going to start tomorrow taking the bike apart to paint the frame. That will take a while so maybe by the time I'm finished, he will be too.
I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement guys. It really means a lot to me.
I know, the real 'Captain America' didn't have a front fender but my wife asked me what I was going to do with the one that came on the Switchblade. She said, "Why don't you paint it to match the gas tank?"

So, that's what I did. I don't know how much I'll run with it on but there are times and wet streets where a front fender can really keep the splash out of your face so I have it. Nirve made removing and installing the fender easy. Four 5mm screws and it's on or off. The fender is a well built piece and there is little to no vibration to make it a problem.
What do you guys think? Fender or not?

Tomorrow I start tearing the bike apart to paint the frame. I have a couple of weeks before the seat is done so I'll take my time and do it right.
I'll keep you posted.



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I think that fender adds a very nice classic look, in my opinion you should give wifey a be hug and a thank you honey..! for mentioning that, I know it will look awesome with or without it but you did a great job on that paint, and it adds to the bike and doesn't take anything away in my opinion.

Thats gonna be a wonderful looking bike when you're done, I'm on pins & needles waiting for the finished product....

Map (^)