Winter Project, Nirve Switchblade

I want to thank everyone who watched this build and gave support, encouragement,advice and suggestions. I'm deeply appreciative of all the kind words and compliments.
The chopper has met or exceeded my expectations. Yesterday the odometer hit 100 miles and the bike has performed perfectly so far. The only problem I've encountered (if you include stupidity) was running out of gas when I forgot to turn the fuel on once. Dummy! Other than that it runs good, smooth and is a blast to ride. All the old guys recognize it for what it's supposed to be and never fail to comment on the movie and their memories of it and the chopper ridden by Fonda. In that respect, it has fulfilled my goals.
Thanks again for all your attention and positive feedback on this build. It was a fun project to be sure.
I'm still thinking about the 'Billy Bike' idea. Maybe I'll have another winter project. I've mentioned it to my neighbor who bought one of my bikes and who I ride with occasionally. He's thinking about it. I'll keep you posted.

Great to hear the bike is still bringing a smile to your face and that you got that fuel valve back on.........LOL!

I know everyone as well as myself would be excited to watch the process of another build you choose to tackle in the future if you do decide to take on that Billy Bike project.

As always best wishes in all you do Tom and again great job on that chopper bike......!

Peace, Map/Shan
Now ya gotta do her Sister MB tom!

Show pieces, matched set collector items!

"Rare two of a kind homage to a great American movie"
Gone, but not forgotten.
I sold the Easy Rider chopper today. A young man bought it for his Father's birthday present. The bike served me well and never gave me a moment of trouble. I'll miss it but I'm happy it's going to a Dad who hopefully will enjoy it as much as I did.

Good by, Captain America. Thanks for the many miles and many smiles you gave me.

That's cool Tom. What a great project that was to watch. Guess I'll have to try and step up and get my first bike (chopper) back up and running. It won't rise to the level of the Capt America, but it brings smiles when I ride around town.

Kool Tom. Had to go through and re read the build. Sad to see things go but glad after, i have been downsizing myself. A lot of things went in the last couple years, man did i find room in my garage ...............Curt