Why buy an electric bicycle?

OR they have grants for specific technologies, but you have to already have a million dollar plus factory or equivalent equipment or for a car type thing.
You will notice that since an ebike is a very low cost item to run and doesn't require gas (re: oil from their cronies) or allows the common man to build something on his own, which in turn doesn't allow for the purchasing of other oil company type items.
Politics suck!
Electric bike? One word - Stealth.

I really doubt anyone would care if you ride by on an electric powered bicycle. These days most people would applaud you. Heck you could mount the batteries on bike rack, put a fake grocery bag over it and ride past the most hard core traffic cop.

I have one of the original Zappy scooters. It peaks out at about 13 mph and can go about 8 miles on a charge. Boring outdoors! Lots of fun indoors! We use to have motocross races in my house and the halls at work.

I am looking to add a gas engine on one of my bicycles. Mainly to build up a "rail bike" for local train tracks. Due to the low friction and almost zero grade of train tracks; and the stealth properties of an electric motor, I may look into building an electric bike.

If I need to go fast, yea I have a motorcycle that will go 105 mph. Been there done that, no need for more speed.
I think the day will come when I could get interested in electric bikes, but I'm not there yet.
Electrics have their place for sure. They are very quiet. I have 2 36V E bike systems that I will have to post and sell soon. I have been so busy, I have not had time to post them yet.. But.. I can tell you, they are a blast to ride !! 20mph or so and silent to be sure. Brushless dc motors do make for Stealth for sure. Range is only 10-15 miles on Lith ion. But.. Again..Like I said. They have a place.. For Grocery getting or swinging by mom and dads house in the neighbor hood. They are perfect for that. 20mph is fast enough for most folks. Easy to insall, powerful and quiet. Ya gotta love em !! Enjoy the ride...
Electrics have their place for sure. They are very quiet. I have 2 36V E bike systems that I will have to post and sell soon. I have been so busy, I have not had time to post them yet.. But.. I can tell you, they are a blast to ride !! 20mph or so and silent to be sure. Brushless dc motors do make for Stealth for sure. Range is only 10-15 miles on Lith ion. But.. Again..Like I said. They have a place.. For Grocery getting or swinging by mom and dads house in the neighbor hood. They are perfect for that. 20mph is fast enough for most folks. Easy to insall, powerful and quiet. Ya gotta love em !! Enjoy the ride...

What's the specs on the bikes.... I would be interfere in purchasing.
Wheel is 26 inch. Motor is 36V 720 watt max power which is around 1Hp. These are some of the highest rated setups for 36V you will find. Comes comepete with rack , charger, Lith Ion Battery pack, regulator ect ect ect. Everything you need except the bicycle. Comes with a warranty as well. Email me or call me. I will go to swap and shop and post more there on these ebikes such as pricing and such. I only have 2 left.
"ooraah" HBWH hehe... yup electric are more stealth incredible acceleration compared to the HT motors even when ported polished with tuned pipes, my brother has one, have ridden with him and was actually quite amazed how much quicker my electric was, he ran tuned pipe, jack shaft and i ported and polished it for him... THe quiet side for me has little to do with the choice i must admit i LOVE the sound of screaming ICE motors especially quality two strokes, the "green" side of it also has absolutely nothing to do with my choice...Only real downside is they are very expensive compared to building a HT motored bike, but again IMO a HEAP more fun to ride... HBWC had his first big ride on group ride i organised and is already talking upgrades to go faster LoL.. Nice job getting the frock powered trike running, now for the CYCLONE !!! woots you will be impressed when you have that going i tellz ya...

I think the electric bikes are kind of neat but many of the "clean air" arguments and reduction of fossil fuels arguments fall apart the moment they get plugged in to charge them.

I have the same issues with the auto industry. An electric car conserves zero fuel, it still takes the same amount of fossil fuels to produce the electricity to the house they are plugging it into. I don't think they are any cheaper to operate, could you imagine the electric bill at the house and of course the range just simply blows.

Now some might say you can get x amount of miles for range, ok say that it is even 100 miles. You are stuck to 50 miles in each direction. That may be great for a few people but when it dies how long do you have to wait before you can get going again? On a gasser you dump in some fuel and keep going as long as you want to.

Also when the batteries no longer hold a charge they become environmental hazzardous waste. They are not GREEN at all like some propaganda would suggest.
I have an electric bike that is capable of 115+ miles and costs in terms of power 1.7kw of power at a cost of about 35 cents.
I don't believe that the amount of carbon waste in 1.7 kw of power created is anywhere close to same amount of gas in regards to it's refinement and emissions of a gas powered bike with the same amount of distance.
Used Lithium batteries are no where close to the level or hazardous waste that a lead battery in a car is.
Also, don't forget, I CAN and DO use solar panels to recharge my bike when I'm not in a rush to recharge which = NO CARBON FOOTPRINT WHATSOEVER!
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There will always be guys that will knock the electric bikes, cars. The real deal is that you and others don't all share his opinion. I never argue the point with anyone who is a gas only type of guy. When the Chevy Volt and the new Ford Focus with it's 100 mile range come out, things will slowly begin to change in the minds of many.
The restaurant's in Manhattan are using electric bikes to deliver take out orders. There are so many of these bikes zipping around that now there is concern that there will be injuries to the walking public. This started about 2 years ago and is getting to the point that they are common place in the city. The e-bike shop must be doing something right they sell them around E84th St.
The restaurant's in Manhattan are using electric bikes to deliver take out orders. There are so many of these bikes zipping around that now there is concern that there will be injuries to the walking public. This started about 2 years ago and is getting to the point that they are common place in the city. The e-bike shop must be doing something right they sell them around E84th St.

Isn't it the case though that they have laws making gas powered bicycles illegal?
I have an electric bike that is capable of 115+ miles and costs in terms of power 1.7kw of power at a cost of about 35 cents.
I don't believe that the amount of carbon waste in 1.7 kw of power created is anywhere close to same amount of gas in regards to it's refinement and emissions of a gas powered bike with the same amount of distance.
Used Lithium batteries are no where close to the level or hazardous waste that a lead battery in a car is.
Also, don't forget, I CAN and DO use solar panels to recharge my bike when I'm not in a rush to recharge which = NO CARBON FOOTPRINT WHATSOEVER!

I'm afraid I have to call this BS. If it's true your bike is the only one in the world.

Go 30 mph and throw in a few hills and I'm guessing your range will drop to about 30 miles.
Bikenut- any kind of powered bike is illegal here. The thing is the electrics are so quiet that they are pretty much under the radar.
I'm afraid I have to call this BS. If it's true your bike is the only one in the world.
It's not BS. I'm definitely not the only one in the world.

Go 30 mph and throw in a few hills and I'm guessing your range will drop to about 30 miles.

Who said 30mph? I didn't. And yes, it's true, it's only going ~17mph that I get that range with NO pedaling. But I'm in no rush to get anywhere.
At 20mph, it's only 80 mile range, but it's not the most efficient speed for my motorS (16-18mph is). If I have small hills I CAN pedal. And still keep those ranges.

It's not very hard to get 200miles range on a bike, depending on how much you want to spend and as long as you're not going to fast.

I bet if someone made me 2 - 36v 30ah 20C LiPo packs and I kept a steady pace of 18mph and pedaled a little on the starts, I could achieve 200 miles.

I've taken my bike, from Boca Raton to Miami and back on a single charge.
I left at 6:00am, got there at ~9:00, spent most of the day hanging out at my friends house and Starbucks, left at 4:30 and got back at ~7:30 all on one charge. (116 miles total round trip)

Don't call anything BS, if you've never tried it yourself.