Who else always pedals?


New Member
When I ride my MB I always pedal, but in the MB videos that I see almost no one ever pedals. Do any of you pedal while riding?

I am a life-long pedal cyclist and pedaling is just natural to me. It's like a reflex. If I am riding a bike, I have to pedal.

I tried not pedaling and I hated it. I didn't like riding my MB if I didn't pedal. Without pedaling I lost the feel on the bike, I felt like I wasn't doing anything, and it felt very boring to me. Besides, I just don't think a bicycle looks right if it is not being pedaled.

Anyone else feel the same way, or am I just that different?
I've lost the urge to pedal and I've been pedaling all of my life. I really only pedal when I run out of gas or riding one of my mtn. bikes (no engine).

I do back-pedal occasionally, when setting-up for a turn.
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I pedal; many times I just shut the motor off and ride it like a regular bike. In fact once a week I pedal to and from work just for the exercise.
Another plus thing about not pedaling is you can ride your bike to work and not even break a sweat. Sweat soaked clothes are no fun to work in and a change of clothes requires extra time spent....and a backpack.

The only real downside of not pedaling is that your not getting the great exercise that pedaling provides. Besides when I pedal I only use clipless pedals and shoes....that's pedaling!
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Wish this thing would start by itself without me peddling....Other then that...NEVER. I won't even peddle if I ran out of gas or broke down....That's why I own a cell phone.
i pedal to start and off the line. i was even thinking of putting on some 3" cranks so they'd almost be footpegs. when i'm on my motored bike, pedaling just seems prehistoric.

that being said, i ride my cool, non-motorized cruiser to the beach all the time. it's about 3 miles, downhill all the way. which means, it's uphill all the way home. and there's one 6% grade hill that i can still make it up. gets easier everytime.
I pedal with the motor going, just makes me feel slightly less lazy.

My bike is far to hard to pedal for a long distance. I ran out of fuel the otherday 5 minutes from my house :(
Other than from a dead stop, or up a vicious hill that the motor is having trouble with, pedaling a motor bicycle is ludicrous. LUDICROUS
I pedal every day ;)

...to start the engine lol

Seriously - I do actually pedal now and then, if I'm in the middle of town I'll sometimes kick it to the sidewalks and pedal, same w/a bike path (it'd be rude, if not illegal to motor there) and whenever I'm rollin' with pedal only bikes... tho it's true I'll get lazy & put along in first w/my shiftkit and tease them as they sweat up a hill.

They are never amused by that :D
dontcha just love passing people on bicycles goin' uphill?:) my motobike roars up that same 6% grade i was talking about without breaking a sweat (well, maybe a drop or two.) even hardcore roadies struggle with it. sometimes, i slow down and putt alongside them, just to be a jerk...

here's a video of the hill:YouTube - getting beer is uphill all the way.
YAY fer the Colson and Happy lol (^)

It's hard to judge the grade of any hill on vid, but I'v heard how quick that bike winds up normally so I've pretty good idea how hard it must be workin' - don't it figure that no sooner than ya get up on the best of the powerband, there's yer turn and ya gotta slow down?

OFC the trip back down must be a blast :D
When I ride my MB I always pedal, but in the MB videos that I see almost no one ever pedals. Do any of you pedal while riding?

I always pedaled my e-bikes. I usually pedaled harder with the motor than without, because the motor seemed like it needed the help-- if you know what I mean.

I have not yet built my own internal combustion engine bike, but I intend to build one that drives the crank, without allowing me to idle the pedals. (The engine will freewheel, but the pedals will not.) I'll have to be careful to set up the gearing so that the motor's top speed is within my ability to pedal along.

To me, this is the only compelling reason to start with a bicycle and add a motor. Otherwise it's just a small and incredibly weak motorcycle.

Pedal, I did that before the motor and I'm doing it post motor, until the replacement arrives and then I figure I'll do that until I sell the headache and get a Morini or go 2 kW electric. The ad will read, motorized bike for 150 lb and under.
dontcha just love passing people on bicycles goin' uphill?:) my motobike roars up that same 6% grade i was talking about without breaking a sweat (well, maybe a drop or two.) even hardcore roadies struggle with it. sometimes, i slow down and putt alongside them, just to be a jerk...

Yeh, I do love passing them going up a steep hill like they are standing still!
I had to pedal the other after running out of gas, but I quickly realilzed that I was to old and fat to sustain it, so I stopped my brothers and stole some chainsaw gas...
I had to pedal the other after running out of gas, but I quickly realilzed that I was to old and fat to sustain it, so I stopped my brothers and stole some chainsaw gas...
Did you use the gas reserve? I only foudn out about this a week ago :O

I though by reserve it meant control the amount of fuel going out