what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Last thing I did on mine was 2 days ago, but I took it out for a ride after getting the new front end instaled, got down the street and found out the front tire was still hitting the expansion chamber so I brought it back home, took the pipe off and completely re routed it, lots of welding and cutting but I got it to fit but this time I made sure the tire would clear by at least an inch with the suspension fully compressed, got it welded up about 90% of the way before running out of time, but will have it finished soon.

Today I got the keys to my new shop I'm opening up monday so I spent all day moving my toolboxes and tools from my garage to the shop. I'll be taking that bike over there too so I can work it after hours or on the weekends etc since I took all my tools over to the shop and will be buying new toools to keep at home after I make some money.
That good news Dave, I wish you the best with it.
I also cut up my expansion chamber that I spent quite some time making fit the Mongoose. I decided it should go on the new dual suspension bike and that the Mongoose should get the plated KTM 'fatty', I think I have worked them both out, but getting a little frustrated with getting a nice looking weld with the stick at times. I will likely just tack them till I can get them to my mates MIG (with gas).
Thanks man... Gonna need that luck starting out...

Yeah, my expansion chamber looks all funky now with all these pie slices cut out and new metal welded in and all, I even had to add about 5" more to the belly section so it would route the way I wanted it to go but that should also bring the powerband down to a lower rpm. It's nice and strong on the low end already and take offs from a dead stop are very easy and pleasant, but then it starts to make power really fast once it gets going, I'm actually kinda hoping it don't take too much from the top and put all the power too far down the rpm range, but I do plan on getting a few more used KTM pipes to weld and cut on so once I get this one routed right and making power where I want it to I can just cut up one pipe and put the bends where they're needed without all the extra welds all over the place so it'll look nice too... lol
The bike does look pretty radical with the noleen front end installed and the expansion chamber but it'll look much better with only a few welds instead of several at each bend.
only issue I see is that it may be to big in length, those coils are for working inside of a bigger flywheel than those smaller engine, but hopefully Im wrong about that and it will work fine for you if your flywheel has the magnets inside for it.


I'm fairly certain that as long as the leaves of both coils are touching/conductive surface between them, they'll both pick up off the same magnet.
A while ago the cops said I can't ride it anymore or fines etc apply. Over the past few days I've had the depressing task of decommissioning my beloved bike.
Pulled it down to the frame. Now I'll go over it ready to re spray some bits so I can sell it as a nice looking push bike.
Amazing how long it took to put together the way I did , then how long it didn't take to pull down.
A while ago the cops said I can't ride it anymore or fines etc apply. Over the past few days I've had the depressing task of decommissioning my beloved bike.
Pulled it down to the frame. Now I'll go over it ready to re spray some bits so I can sell it as a nice looking push bike.
Amazing how long it took to put together the way I did , then how long it didn't take to pull down.

Damn, Cruise, Aus gets more pussyfied every day. About all you could do is run for public office and try to change laws from there. Have you research the laws completely? Sometimes there's a loophole or clause that the cops ignore in their zeal. Happened here...
I've looked on their recently updated website. There's enough in there to specify against motored bikes like ours, and a bit stating how if the motor is the main propulsion then it's not allowed, so it's broad for them also, but not us.
I'd like to think there's some in-between ground to allow these awesome alternates to cars, but it's a battle I can't do right now. I must have a licence for work so can't risk that.
I agree with the pussified bit too.
Just went over my old 50cc motor on my original bike. Have to say after about 47,000km it's still in great order and I only had to change a head gasket, some clutch pads and a clutch cable. After going the stainless clutch cable it never failed. A really good build I'll say by Tony at Ricksolid Engines in Australia. Not sure if he reads this but it should be known by those who ride.
I went for a ride a few weeks ago and my phone went flying off my handlebars at 36mph, only to be run over by 2 escalades. I was really happy, about to push 37, then really sad.
Surprisingly, it still works and is now the dedicated speedo for the bike, with a tether for backup.
Last night, I got to cut and strip a spark plug wire with my teeth on the side of the road. My cdi slipped down, and damaged the wire where it would not screw back on.
Last night I disassembled mine completely. The motor had already been pulled, and yesterday the frame broke. Now all the useable parts are in a corner of the basement, and the frame is in a pile of parts to go to the scrapyard. But soon, I will have a new bike, a 1951 roadmaster with custom wheels and a 79cc preddy.
I had a thought about my 6-1/2 HP Monarch with the 3 speed Sturmey Archer tranny as a jackshaft. It went harder than it stopped (around 55) so I put a light Cerriani fork and narrow motorcycle 18" wheel with a big disk on it. I mounted a manual go-kart caliper on it and I think I could do a stoppy with it, but the rear coaster converted to rim caliper sucks. I just realized I can do the same to mount a caliper disc on it as I did to mount the drive sprocket. It is a split magnesium drum clamping the coaster brake housing with a hole for the oiler to keep it from slipping. I can also stick a setscrew in the oil hole if necessary. Anyhow the sprocket end has a large diameter into which are screwed 3 spacers through the spokes. If I make a new drum with a large flange on both sides I can mount a disk the same way. The calipers are reasonably priced on Ebay.
I'll make this the past week...
7-22-14 Widened bars.

7-25-14 Made leather grips.

7-30-14 Put Loctite on cylinder studs and cut the tops off my acorn head nuts, sanded head surface.

7-30-14 Got 1/2 link for bike chain, still a little droopy...hard to get 2 chains to jive.

I'll also add the last week or so but with one pic
Riding down the road with new kit fitted to Bella ,motor goes BANG at 30 kph and completely locks up ,all run in processes correctly applied ,open the pot and there's a huge crack in the piston ( yep I was dumbfounded as to why) .

Took it to the dealer who apologises profusely ,I was given a reject kit instead of a new one ,honest mistake ( well I'd like to think so) replaces with new motor immediately ,turns out his apprentice had been playing with boring and increasing compression ,had repacked the motor into carton ( motor hadn't been run so appeared new) I had been given that kit mistakenly apparently and owner was waiting for the call

Fitted the new NEW MOTOR and improved via advice from forum members such as removing rubber on engine mounts ,soldering wiring and shrink wrapping ,also used 9mm shrink to tidy up throttle and kill switch cables ,I must say she now looks very tidy ,greased all areas and waterproofed mag cover ,replaced factory jet with smaller one and finally took her for a run .

This motor has a good character but needs warming up before running or she is a pig ,alot more torke than my other motors for some reason but she tows my kids to school daily so it's a good thing .

A lot of fussing around but finally stepped closer to what I want in my retro cruiser
Celebrated birthday on 13th with a cookout and brews with friends
Purchased a leather retro m bike jacket and aviator goggles to keep with the retro look and get comments daily on how good she looks

Took the wife to the hospital 3 times with bracston hicks contractions ( false contractions she is due in 3 weeks


Oh and had internet cut off for two weeks due to line maintenance sigh

That was part of my week

All is returning to normality .........for now

Regards Hen.crt.

Oh I've included a pic of my goggles


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I've looked on their recently updated website. There's enough in there to specify against motored bikes like ours, and a bit stating how if the motor is the main propulsion then it's not allowed, so it's broad for them also, but not us.
I'd like to think there's some in-between ground to allow these awesome alternates to cars, but it's a battle I can't do right now. I must have a licence for work so can't risk that.
I agree with the pussified bit too.

There is a somewhat loophole you can use Cruise ,see I'm a melbornian and ride past police on a daily basis ,see although our 80cc motors are considered against the law it's only a suggested basis
Basically we can own them and ride them without issue as long a we don't exceed the limit of 25 kph ( which is ridiculous as I can easily reach 40 on my un motorised fixie) and if we have pedals then all should be good .

I have done some research on this and the motors are designed to look like a 39 cc motor ( completely legal in Au) the only way for them to determine the size is to pull the head and measure the cylinder so if you get pulled up a quick flick of the choke to half and there's no way in heck they will do over 25 ,unless you get a very knowledgable officer they will see the speed and let you go ,our cops over here are to busy to bother with little issues like motorised bikes .
What erks me is I use 2 litres a week for my running around ,don't own a car and as such rely on my bike to get me places ,compare two litres of fuel consumption to 40 odd in a vehicle and the emissions and motorised bikes are better and far outweigh the GREEN movements carbon emissions limits
Plus I see quite a few stealths in my neighbourhood ,no way in **** you will convince me they produce less than 200 watts constant at the rear ,sigh

When will the nanny polys realise the benefits and negate the negatives .
Best of luck and my deepest condolences for the loss of your power assisted Beast

Regards Hen
Getting my rear tire trued, New tube and thinner tire, as well as some new spokes. Was having some bad wobbles when riding, took to the bike shop only to find that a few spokes are broken!! Really glad my bike didn't slam through the wheel and left me in a pile on the road.
Put a disk on the front, new back wheel (awesome coaster brake) with sprocket adaptor. Sweet!!!



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...new back wheel (awesome coaster brake) with sprocket adaptor.

Looking fun Toothy, I see you got that fork steer tube figured out, glad that worked out for you! What did you end up doing with the steer tube and stem? I have a similar frame with a 1" steerer I might consider that fork for if you've got it figured out.

I just want to point out something unrelated I see there that can be a bit dangerous in case you don't know about it: Having a spring loaded chain tensioner on a coaster brake (pedal side) chain can cause all the slack in the chain to go to the top when you kick back to brake. That leaves you with a bunch of extra chain with nothing to take it up and it looks like you've got quite a bit of slack there. The forces in play on the chain are pretty big and depending on how it's all set up, you can throw the chain, bind it up, or even rip off the tensioner which can cause you other problems. Also makes for a delayed action when you do go to brake. Tensioners are totally safe on a freewheel or cassette hub, not so much on coaster brakes. Ideal situation is to get the pedal side chain with very little play in it, and take up the slack on the bottom of the drive side if you need to run a tensioner. I hope that helps you.