what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Purchased Damp Pro dampening material, Grim Works Happy Pipe expansion chamber, lime green hp plug wire, and two 26" x 3" Kenda Flame tires (w/matching tubes of course!) All for my new GT-2 frame!! Can't wait!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I need some help bad my bike wont start up I have a 80cc slant head and what happendwas I was rideing down the road and the bolt for the carb came out and the carb fell off I've took it apart and cleaned it with carb cleaner and put it all back together and put a new bolt in it to hold it om and it still will not crank I even replaced the cdi box thinking it wasn't getting fire idk what else to do please help this is my only transportation to work and all.

try cleaning the magneto coil thats wut i did yesterday and mine fired right up. gonna have to keep the new 1 i ordered for a spare
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today i rode:) after reading a few posts here i tried cleaning the magneto coil with sum sand paper wiped it off real good and she fired up
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I let it collect dust in my garage while I went to work.
I want to get a better LED headlight, and those tend to cost around $100.00
My $35.00 spotlight works fine, it just looks....wrong.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

A few days ago, the Scooterguy front pivot mounting stud snapped. I took some time off this morning to replace the all-thread mounting to a 7/16 x 3" Grade 8 bolt. That should work well.

I also adjusted the front and rear 203mm disc brakes. They work par excellence.dance1

On the way home, I pulled into a Chevron gas station and pumped 3/4 gallon of 87 octane. Two ounces of oil is kept in my 18 oz aluminum bottle in my cage. Before filling, I mix about 12 oz gas in the bottle, then slowly pour the oil mix in, while pumping gas. I had been filling a gallon of gas every 8-9 days. However, it got messy and overflowed, especially if there were more than a few ounces in the tank. Now, I simply fill 3/4 gallon with no messy spills. That amount should last me 6-7 days.
I'm glad I swapped the chainring sprocket from 63t to 72t. Now even 8th gear is usable on flat ground.

I've also been "tucking in" at speeds over 30 mph. I can REALLY feel the difference in the bike's performance. The Tanaka 47R engine seems to be pulling more at higher speeds.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

was successful in jamming the chain inside the motor.

wonder how people are able to get the chain running so smooth on the OCC chopper bikes. i made sure this time i built it that i got the offset mount for it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

found out that the motor mount has been twisting when the motor is running. gonna get it aligned again tomorrow, then take the motor off, and drill a hole through the mount and the frame, then put a large bolt through it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yes. Almost every motorcycle I have worked on that had a flange mount (bolt on) carburetor and manifold, with the exception of the Honda CT70, had a brown or black heat insulator in between the cylinder and intake manifold.
It is there to help prevent heat transfer from the cylinder to the carburetor.
An intake gasket by itself will not block the heat transfer, soooo.....
I am thinking of making one for my little beastie.
I was thinking the same thing, but something like ceramic.

I am also wondering if using the NGK BPR7HIX Iridium IX plug might be the cause. It has the most heat transfer from the cylinder to the head I could find, which seemed to make sense considering my extreme heat riding conditions this time of year and usually always running the motor (via gears) in the top 1/3 of the RPM power band.

Then again maybe I am running too lean now, I'll pull the plug and check it, then just pop in a stock LD Z8C and Z4JC plugs and see how it runs.

Don't you hate it when more than one condition has changed when a problem occurs?

In my case a different plug heat rating, a different oil and gas/oil mix, and the ambient temperature is ridiculously hot to start with.

One thing is for sure, it sure as heck performs like a full race motor until it gets hot.
0-30 in a heratbeat, and much faster than I typically want to ride.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Contemplated, ...
half a cigar's worth. .. .
The problem with inheriting a project, no matter how cool, is the family politics that go along with it. I'm thinking I'm gonna start with a fresh engine kit and a fresh bike, paint it the same color and see if anyone notices. It'll be a "tribute bike" I'm thinking.
I'm absolutely sure I've spent like 4 to the 3'rd power more time siting on a milk crate contemplating the possibilities and smoking cigars than I have actually riding my bike . . .
In the end it's all joy I guess!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Contemplated, ...
half a cigar's worth. .. .
The problem with inheriting a project, no matter how cool, is the family politics that go along with it. I'm thinking I'm gonna start with a fresh engine kit and a fresh bike, paint it the same color and see if anyone notices. It'll be a "tribute bike" I'm thinking.
I'm absolutely sure I've spent like 4 to the 3'rd power more time siting on a milk crate contemplating the possibilities and smoking cigars than I have actually riding my bike . . .
In the end it's all joy I guess!

I love doing just that. Cup of coffee or a libation, a smoke and just sit (also on a milk crate. is the perfect height) and just contemplate. "Medi-engineering" ("engi-meditation"?)

Oh man! On an early Sunday morning. No one but the birds, the bike and me.
A perfect day....
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Not so much what I did To my motorbike today more so what happened with my and my motorbike today. I ran out of gas. Bummer to say the least. About 3 miles from my truck. I peddle back and man I will tell you, on a 100 degree day easiest gear felt like top gear. My bike sounds like a freggin TANK! You can hear me peddling up on you.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I love the way you think Dan, we think a lot a like, but I highlighted the flaw in your design in your quote.
I couldn't even make a tiny hall closet in the middle of the house air tight enough to create a vacuum, and even that is if I never opened the door.
Like you I have hundreds of ideas that look good on paper but just won't work in real life ;-}

The long shop wall with big sliding glass doors faces West with no shade at all, so from Noon on it gets beat with direct sun until ~6PM.
The shop is getting this installed up near the ceiling in the SE corner of the room.
The outside part will ALWAYS be in the shade there, and it's remote controlled ;-}

Reconstruction starts this coming Monday. The contractor and I are on the same the page so I think that 10,000 BTU remote controlled window AC unit installed in the wall will keep me comfortable all summer.

What did I do to MY MB today?

I installed a beverage holder before I started, and then beat the piss out of the bike for ~30 miles in about the most extreme heat conditions you can imagine.


Even though the back rack bag is actually an insulated cooler inside it does not put a beverage in easy reach at a stop light so I found a place to mount it and love it.

I learned some new things as well...

Extreme heat can and will cause problems.
Near as I can tell my new batch of 91 octane gas mixed with Amosoil Saber Pro Synthetic 100:1 mix oil at 75:1 mix still causes the gas in the carb to evaporate at low RPMs.

When I say I was riding hard I mean a mile or two @5500 RPM (35MPH with gears) then stop and go again in 110F temps for 20 miles.

Note I have a Black Skyhawk motor so that may be a factor, but spit shouldn't boil on the carb's float bowl when I stop.

When it cools off I'll pull the NGK BPR7HIX Iridium plug and see if I may be too lean but I don't think that is it. Then again, this is the most extreme I have taken anything I have build and it may very well be the cause.

Any thoughts?

Phoenix,AZ--I don't miss it I. some times kill the motor WOT and restart at 10 mp cool air fuel no spark it blows some heat out BUT IF IT'S 110F WHAT CAN YOU DO! -loss the black paint- cooler spark plug- richer fuel air mix-paint the gas tank lighter color-vary short trips----(?enter cooler?)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Broke a ring and stuck the piston. I was only 12 miles out, mostly up hill. Lol. Looks like I will be doing some polishing on some bearings, piston, rings, rod, wristpin. The whole topend. For the 4th of July weekend.
Im hoping I can find better bearings. Maybe better piston and ring.
Does anyone know of better then china piston and rings for a grubee 66cc.?
Im sure the bearings will be easy. There are a bunch of bearing houses around here.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Broke a ring and stuck the piston. I was only 12 miles out, mostly up hill. Lol. Looks like I will be doing some polishing on some bearings, piston, rings, rod, wristpin. The whole topend. For the 4th of July weekend.
Im hoping I can find better bearings. Maybe better piston and ring.
Does anyone know of better then china piston and rings for a grubee 66cc.?
Im sure the bearings will be easy. There are a bunch of bearing houses around here.

Just about every online retailer carries them. Check out the links on the sides of the page.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

If only we could get a group buy on having Wiseco make pistons for these little engines.
It's too bad that there are 3 different pistons all marketed to fit "66cc".
It would become a nightmare!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, when we're dealing with diff. manufacturers motors, get parts from a retailer of that motor. If it's a Grubee, go with BikeBerry or GasBike, if it's a Raw, get it from Raw. Etc etc.

Though, it would be nice to have some custom stuff made - I myself would like a custom machined 48cc hemi with a shortened skirt on the intake side.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i think one of the puch pistons is a direct fit for out motors. i'll see if i can find it
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

sat on the plastic dog food dispenser and re-engineered the tensioner...the flat spots that allow it to be tightened without turning inside were rounded and it kept coming loose...put a couple washers on the inside to make the large boss..."stick out" (so i could get a vise grip on it) then put a skateboard wheel bearing on the inside...to help with the off center bearing placement....(ground to proper width...and drilled....tightened it all up...and wallah! a chain that stays taunt. I'm soooo happy.
also put my 7 speed derailer on the bike chain as a "tensioner"...works great as well.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Originally Posted by KCvale:
Any thoughts?
I also have a slight heat issue (no where like in Arizona I'm sure) and a couple of my ideas have been to make a tin shroud to go between the cylinder and carburetor to act as a sink and absorb some of the heat. I made a PHENOLIC insulator and it helped to a degree but as the carb is behind the jug it is getting blasted with all of the cylinder heat the fins disperse. I am really thinking of just turning the jug 180 degrees and having the carb in front no matter how much of a pain it is to reroute the exhaust and redo the cables and fuel lines...