I never run premium since its harder to burn unless compression is really high, hhis could have been some of you problem, Im not sure what you jetting was either but ghat may have been some of why you noticed it getting hotter and not wanting to idle right.
Main thing is you got it back uto running the way you like it and thats all that matters, personally I have never had any issues running Opti2 all my engines run great on it at 100:1 and actually other mix ratios as well since the small packets actually mix @ 72:1 which I ran for a long time without issue.
Glad you got it how you like it to run so enjoy and stay safe.
ya, its a little trick I learned in high school small motors. ( 4 stroke lawn mower ) , but the gap then was much smaller like two peices of writting papper.
On my 48cc Bridgestone the factory gap is 3 fag pak cardboards.
My clutch pads are worn out bad so im gonna get new one from dealears, they sell same motors as boat trolling motors now, but clutches are the same.
Anyway, i find my clutch on websites for $13.oo however, the Bridgestone factory clutch is $ 70.oo . I'll get the Bridgestone clutch and then get HP springs fron other websites.
Well, tested the new exhaust --- calling it version 3.3. Redneck engineering at it's not so finest! Used the cut off manifold flange from an old muffler, added a conduit connector, threaded on a used water heater copper flex line, and re-used the riding mower muffler with the stainless steel scrubby stuffed in it. So far it works just dandy. Maybe I'll try an extended ride this weekend to see if it's really OK......LOL!