what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

I think that Sunday is the day I finally attempt to lace in my Sturmey Archer 3sp hub. Guess I can always take the wheel to a shop if I fubar it too much.........

After a little bit of 'studying', I don't see a way that I can make this hub work with my set-up.......I'd have to get a huge sprocket (so that I could enlarge the center hole large enough to clear the hub's brake retainer) that would probably limit my speed to 20mph at WOT. Not gonna happen! So, I get to delete a project from tomorrow's schedule.......whoop, whoop!!!
Put new brake levers on the Kulana, differnt rear wheel with new tube and tire, replaced the 28T sprocket with my Kings 34T because the 28T was just a bit small, I could only get 43.7 mph with the 28T and my bike is actually faster with the 34T, I put a sbp high flow air filter on the NT speed carb, added my recently ordered pocket bike expansion chamber, put my old Stewart Warner mechanical speedometer on the bike and last but not least, I put the 6.0 Fred Head on the engine that has been sitting in a box since last year....... all I can say is wow.... this engine absolutely came alive when I switched from the Puch hi hi 70cc head over to the 6.0Fred Head.... this aint snake oil people, this engine is screaming now.... its actually so fast its a little scary..... I'll have to GPS the top speed to see what it is but my speedo was bumping off of 48-49 MPH this thing is pulling harder from low down through wot top speed..... im so dang impressed with the differwnce the Fred Head and that little chamber has made, I attribute most of the increase to thw Fred Head..... if you ever doubted the differwnce a Fred Head makes all I can say is try one and you'll know what he means when he says a head with proper squish band makes a big difference.... the Puch head actually had a smaller. Ombustion. Hamber but the Fred head is designed to work right on the china gile and it does..... im very impressed...!

I also added a new set of clutch pucks since the old ones were slipping under hard throttle and added a new locking clutch lever....

Got some other parts and pieces in the mail from juicemotoparts and some parts from thatsdax, after mowing 1.5 acres of yard this morning I spent the rest of the day doing mods to the Kulana bike and then took a 12 mile ride late this evening, it was a fun but tense ride since the bike is running the speeds it is now.... cruising at 35-40 was effortless.

I have to say that if you have the extra few bucks and want some real bolt on performance the Fread Head is a real performance add on, of course having clean ports, a well tuned carb and an overall good running engine to begin with will allow you to see the biggest performance increase, my engine is a GenIV Dax lower with cleaned and enlarged ports in the jug, the better balance of the dax GenIV really makes a difference in my opinion.

Xseler, I know it's probably a bit more than you'd planned on, but for my own future plans, does a jack shaft setup seem feasible? ie no sprocket.
Well the rain's throwing off my plans bit but I got my new GT2A-S frame and 4 stroke mount primed and 2 coats of paint on it. Going to let this cure a few days, then sand, then probably a couple more coats, then wet sand, apply some decals, then a few coats of clear. I'll be starting a build thread pretty soon, woohoo!
Xseler, I know it's probably a bit more than you'd planned on, but for my own future plans, does a jack shaft setup seem feasible? ie no sprocket.

Well, I kinda thought about it, but you can't use the 3sp hubs that have a coaster brake for a shifter kit setup. I didn't do diligent research before I bought the hub. Oh well, I'll just save it for a future project.
Map what are you talking about that is a beautiful cut with a torch ? WOW!!! you are a machine man !! any more [perfect and Id think you were an alien or something !!!
Map what are you talking about that is a beautiful cut with a torch ? WOW!!! you are a machine man !! any more [perfect and Id think you were an alien or something !!!


Thanks for the adda boy.... sad thing is that the sprocket is no long on the Kulana bike, after the work I did on it yesterday Im thinking the 28T might qctually work on it now but considering what kind of max speed it seems Im getting on it now with the 34T I think I made a good choice and will end up with the 28T on the old Western Flyer bike since it has 24" wheels and already has a 30T which it pulls real nice so I think the 28T will have a nice home on the 24" wheel bike.

I relaced a rim/hub with stainless steel spokes to replace cheap,weak and breaking UCP spokes on a 4-5 month old wheel I bought at the bikeshop for $45.
Did a little bit of sanding, and 3rd coat of paint on the GT2A-S, mount, and engine cover, getting there. Nothing like waiting for paint to dry...

Wret, I love looking at the pics of your bike. I hope she rides as nice as she looks!
I spent some time tinkering the other day.. went to ake the cruiser out for a spin and it would turn over a few times then stop.. turns out some idiot had left the fuel line open, so it was flooded. After pulling the plug and dropping the clutch while rolling it coughed out a few big clouds of unburned fuel from the plug hole. Put the plug back in and it fired right up.

It's sunny and heading for the mid 'teens (in Celcius) today, I think I'm going riding later.....
Got a couple of longer rides (40km round trips) to work coming up. Thought it timely to check all the nuts n bolts are still done up since the recent build. When I built it I put tiny dot marks on things to see if they'd come loose. All dots still line up after about 600km, so happy with that. Apart from that I cleaned it a bit.
started building up another of my dax lowers i bought last year, lots of port work and serious piston mods to lighten it.

will be posting other info in (2 Stroke Bicycle Engines & Kits ) AND/OR (Heads and Cylinders)

Didn't actually do anything to it, but I ordered up some new wheels and tires to round out my GT2A-S build. Still got plenty of paint work to do before the build, I'm 3 coats deep now, ready to wet sand tonight, then decals and clearcoats.
Went to go out for a ride yesterday & noticed my rims & spokes were filthy, so I grabbed a rag for a quick polish. Discovered several spokes loose on the front rim. Back rim was okay though, you might think it'd be the other way around with a rag joint mounted sprocket. Fixed it & took off.

Took it out & about in town, must have driven 20 miles or more. Got within 2 blocks of home when motor stalled out going round the corner, refused to turn over after that. Pedaled home. Yanked the plug, still won't turn over, motor locked up tight. I hope it didn't eat the wrist pin bearing or spit out the G clip, I don't want to have to buy a new jug & piston assembly. It was running great too, only a mild vibration at top end after replacing the titanium pin with the original stainless pin. (Retarding the ignition with a Rocket Key did more to soothe the vibes on my Super Rat than the pin swap, no one makes a recurved ignition CDI for the 1-piece magneto/coil like the Lightning or Jaguar CDI).

Pedaling a hundred Lb. bike 2 blocks left me winded & too tired to want to work on it right then, so I parked it, intending to try again today. But now the wife has a couple projects for me to do, fix the wash machine & mother's leaky garbage disposal. Maybe later...
Ordered, and received a wheel set, front with a drum brake to replace the "less than effective" band brake I had on. This required removal of fork and all associated parts, which I've been waiting to do anyway. I welded a boss on fork to keep drum where it's supposed to be. Repainted fork, added new brake lever, twist throttle unit,and grips. I am reworking my front fender for a more 1900's look, so, while I had it off I put a set of board track bars on and tooled around town, just for fun. Got some really curious looks, which is always fun. I spent today replacing my tiller bars so I can sit up right to save my back. Fun fun fun!