what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

I like it black map. Minez gona be he with new the cr motor tomorrow . Today I replaced the mount U bolt that I snaped after racing the chit @9,145 rrpms with newest no retard "LIGHTENING" CDI . Started looking for a alloy frame to put the CR motor on.
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That's definitely one way to put it.

Then there are those of us that don't have spiffy pipes. :(

Indeed sir, indeed

Map, hopefully you get your speedo working so we can see some results. I couldn't resist and ordered a couple SBP expansion exhausts while they are on sale.

Indeed sir, indeed

Map, hopefully you get your speedo working so we can see some results. I couldn't resist and ordered a couple SBP expansion exhausts while they are on sale.


The sbp pipe s are really good pipes, I have one on my Karaoke bike, with some brass fittings some clamps and springs you can chunk the silicone tubing which didnt last long for me before it had burned out.

Good sounding pipe too.

Rap the fittings joints with beer can stock and Jed Clamp it. LOL Go look at mine it works just fine.

Yes that does work great, I have done the same thing before and it holds up way better than the silicone tubing and it keeps the pipe secure so it doesn't try to flop around.... great point here HD.... glad you brought this back to my memory also, I forget the little tricks I've done before sometime....so many irons in the fire I cant keep up with my own self and what I have done.

Today I purchased another Gran Royale Union Flyer for the donor parts on my early Pope/Shapleigh I'll get the frame bead blasted and the forks need some work (new steer tube) and here is a Reference pic of my buddy Rob's all original Shapleigh Rugby in St Luis Mo.


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Got pix?
Where'd ya get it?

I'll get some night time pics later tonight keep an eye out I'll be making a new post for people to share there headlight set up but it lights up the street real nice I got it from eBay took a long time to ship but was worth it.
Yesterday I put the new project bike from the dump in the sling and started stripping it down to work on it. Off came the accessories (bottle cage, lock with no key, seat bag, bar ends), wheels, hand grips, brake levers. Gave the frame a wipe down (should probably actually wash it), cleaned up the rims and put some pressure in the tires. If they're still firm today I'll be surprised, but laughing as that means I won't even have to patch or replace the tubes. Dropped a chain into my soaking mix for it, too.

When I go get started today, it's Dremel time; I need to widen the center hole in the sprocket a little so it'll sit nicely on the hub, open up the front motor mount on the engine by 1/16" each side so it'll sit in frame properly (the down tube is 1 3/8" dia, the cast mount on the engine is made for 1 ¼"), and take the molded ends off the brake cable sheaths and put them into the dual lever I put on it. Depending on how it all goes, this build could be burning fuel on the weekend.
Well, today is the first i've touched the bike since I hit the deer.... and i managed to get the fork off and source a new one. great. also got 2 spare wheels from another bike that isnt motor compatible, or being used. swapped my tires over to the new wheels, got my 36t bolted up, wheel is now attached and i dont even need to change the tension!

I'll have pics and such in my rebuild thread haha. ordering a new exhaust to test some things.

Well, I didn't get as far as I'd planned today, a few other things got in the way. I did get the brake cables are switched over, and got the chewed up decal from the seat tube off and the tube clean. The tires appear to be holding pressure. I still can't figure out why this bike was in the dump, the only thing I can find that isn't quite right are the bearings on the front axle. They're a bit stiff, and it feels rough when it turns. The back axle's fine, the wheel will spin quietly all day. Thier loss, my gain.
I found a pretty Damnn Near New! Huffy cruiser on the side of the road( a little dirty but in great shape! ) when I saw it we drove bye then pulled a u'y we thought Maybe someone was in the bushes taking a dump so I yelled out a couple of times no one answered so in the back of the truck it went, got it home and found out all that was wrong was the chain came off so I'll throw an engine in it and either sell it cheap or keep it for R&D I'll get rid of the seat too.


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Repositioned my handlebars, adjusted the main spring tension on my clutch, took all the gauges off, installed my new RT carb.

All of this was done on the Kulana bike....... the NT carb ran good on the top end, bt the RT is so much better all the way around, super responsive, low end made a huge increase and the mid pull and respon. Is like day light and dark compared to the NT..... I have NT on one of my stock engines and it runns really good, but the difference it has made on my well ported Dax GenIV build is amazing...... all I can say is wow.... cacan't believe I laft this carb sitting in the box for the last couple months and didn't get it set up on this bike........

Still have some work to do to get my expansion chamber working like it should but the engine has really come alive today with the carb swap, I put the jet marked 0.7 and it is perfect, no further jetting needed, so needless to say I'm happy happy happy.......!

FED-X showed up with my new X-7 FATTY racing chamber today . It's gona need a little
Cut-chop&weld to set it up the way I want.
Well, I didn't get as far as I'd planned today, a few other things got in the way. I did get the brake cables are switched over, and got the chewed up decal from the seat tube off and the tube clean. The tires appear to be holding pressure. I still can't figure out why this bike was in the dump, the only thing I can find that isn't quite right are the bearings on the front axle. They're a bit stiff, and it feels rough when it turns. The back axle's fine, the wheel will spin quietly all day. Their loss, my gain.

This something that mystifies me too mon Capitaine. A little before I moved to live here in the rural countryside the family next door moved out. They ordered up a skip (dumpster) obviously intending to do a fairly heavy duty cleanup and among the things that went in the skip were their kids' bicycles that were barely six months old. Plainly they considered the bicycles to be disposible and that it would be less effort to buy new ones when they got to where they were going rather than take them with them. If I hadn't been on the brink of moving myself I would have grabbed those bikes, but I had enough bikes, mechanical bits and tools to pack up already without adding to the pile.

I rarely buy tyres anymore because it's possible to find bikes in the council tip that still have the pips on the tyres because they've been ridden so little. I'm sure these bikes get bought, ridden once or twice then parked up and never used again because taking the car is easier and less work. After they get fallen over once too often in the garage they get tossed out and end up in the tip.

What did i do to my own bikes today? - mostly sighed over them in between cleaning out my garage workshop. Mind you once I've got it all set to rights I will be able to do some serious metalwork again, so it's worth putting up with the drudgery.
After discovering they exist, and they're a shelf item at my local bike shop, I bought a couple of 'chain adjusters'. In case I got the name wrong, they're the little doodads that stop your rear axle from creeping forward and putting the wheel out of whack.
After four years of swearing at my last bike's chains and often realigning the wheel, this purchase of two $2.50 parts has made me rather happy. The new build will be so much more of a joy.