what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I sent my brother to pick up my rear wheel from the bike shop after he dropped me off at work this morning. Got around to it around 6:30 this evening. It was a little bit of a pita getting everything back together. Have to take the hub apart, put the sprocket adapter and sprocket on, then service the hub and put it all back together, then of course put the tube and tire back on. Getting the tire to seat was the most tedious part. I started putting air it in twice and it wouldn't stay seated. Finally I figured to put a little air in at a time and squeeze the tire and push it onto the rim, and that worked. Put the wheel back on, put the chains on, etc. Centered the wheel and everything is solid again, so I'm extremely happy. It's very nice to have a solid wheel again, especially one that I laced myself. Even if I did have to have it trued at the bike shop. I took it for a test ride, and its nice and smooth again. The clutch doesn't even slip like it was before. So HAPPY!!!!! Lol.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Bit the bullet and pulled the fork assy. to fit meaningful compatible bearings and races. The stem needed replacing so I clipped one from a sidewalk scoot that uses 10" pneumatic tires. Knurled it so it would fit the triple-clamps and still had to use shims. (The Cerriani fork) In the process, a pinhole leak showed up on the saddle portion of my Hodaka tank. Tomorrow I solder and cover the area with graphite cloth and Sig model airplane epoxy. Now the fork won't wiggle rearward when I use the super good front brake.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I fixed the problem I had with the rear derailleur; the chain would seize and lose it's tension when I pedaled backwards.. turns out the chain was too long! Took me a while to figure it out until that I noticed it has master link (not original chain and someone made the mistake of putting it too long), now everything is great.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Soldered back together two of the three part faux oil tank (battery box). Now I only need to modify the mounting plate and weld it to the frame.

I also order the new front forks that I will use the legs from.
AMF Roadmaster
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

...took my bike out for a nice long ride today after putting on a new set of wheels and skins that i got from Lynn at CustomMotoredBicycles. (i learned how to disassemble and reassemble a coaster brake hub in the process of swapping the rear wheel too, lol)

...topped 300 miles today as well and i must say, she really screams, i opened her up almost to WOT and hit 39.5mph, ...it cruises comfortably at 30 - 35 although i have to admit i do most of my riding at 25 - 30.


peace, bozo
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I soldered the leaking Hodaka tank and got everything back together. Installed a pair of ell-shaped things with plastic pads on the rear caliper brake shoes. WHEE- NO MORE SQUAWKING. Totally silent braking. Still fighting the S-A shifter. Succeeded in breaking the shifter chain and losing the screw-on nipple on the street. Got the throttle action to work smoother and completely open the butterfly.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My Sunrace rear derailleur adaptors arrived. They convert dropouts using single speed or mult-speed internal hubs to use multi-speed cassettes.

It fit perfectly and slipped onto the rear dropout in a matter of seconds.

To be on the safe side, I'll replace the locking bolt with an allen bolt, lock washer and loktite it on.

For $1.53, it's an amazing bargain. I almost bought another brand for $22!

My bearing remover tool also arrived, so I'll install smaller ID axle bearings on my 26" front motorcycle wheel.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today i took my china girl for a ride first time for her here in fla the last time i fired her up was about 2 mo ago but i drain the tank and ran her out of fuel to moved it took about 10 nin to get her to fire but when i took her down the street witch were i live is flat now in stead of tn i dont know if i picked up trash she idles fine and when u run it dont want to move out of her own way full thoth but if u bring it haft way it runs
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today i took my china girl for a ride first time for her here in fla the last time i fired her up was about 2 mo ago but i drain the tank and ran her out of fuel to moved it took about 10 nin to get her to fire but when i took her down the street witch were i live is flat now in stead of tn i dont know if i picked up trash she idles fine and when u run it dont want to move out of her own way full thoth but if u bring it haft way it runs

Check the fuel jet for varnish build up from the old fuel. Even though you ran the carb dry before storing her, there will still a little bit of fuel left inside the float bowl that can varnish up the teeny tiny metering hole in the jet, reducing it's size.
This will also account for why it can supply enough fuel at partial throttle positions but not enough fuel at full throttle.
Considering that you did run her dry, at least the volume varnish buildup won't be enough to gum up the whole insides of the float bowl assembly.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode mine for the first time in a week.......felt good!

Still think I'm gonna put some sound deadener on/under the clutch cover.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

This morning I am installing a bottle dynamo (tire driven generator for the laymen) and a mini charger that were both given to me. The goal here is to have the batteries charge while on the bike, so that I no longer need to remove them to wall charge. I have got the generator and the mini charger mounted, and tests with my multimeter confirm that the setup works. I've got AC voltage coming from the generator, and DC voltage coming from the mini charge when connected to the generator. The only things I've got left to do are go get a replacement fuse (mini charger came with a blown fuse) and hook everything up to my power distributor and find a solid place to mount it. I'm not sure exactly when I will be doing this. I'm kinda tired and the wife wants me to clean the crockpot as well. I can mount the power distributor with things I have, so I guess that's not a problem.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got everything done except replace the fuse. I was going to drive down to the parts place on my bike, but im too tired and we are going that way when the wife gets off work anyway. But the generator is installed, the charger is connected except for the fuse, and the power distributor is also installed and everything is connected to it. I may eventually switch to an sla battery, but first I will test my current battery daily to see if it drains. The reason is because my batteries are higher voltage than the charger, and they are nicads so it might not work well. An sla battery will work better if the nicads dont. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Cracked the bull**** stock plug now she wont start...anyone know where to buy NGK plugs in Los Angeles? ASAP.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Cracked the bull**** stock plug now she wont start...anyone know where to buy NGK plugs in Los Angeles? ASAP.

Bought my plug at Pep Boys.....surely there's one close to you. Good luck get'n it back to running!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Lefty, most hardware stores carry one that will suffice for now.

Not for nothing but would suggest getting 2. For 6 or 8 bucks, (for 2) well worth it to have a back up. Might sit on your work bench for a few years but when ya need it, it will be right there for you.

Just my thinking but nothing like having a much needed part at the ready.

LOL, had to drive 30 miles one Sunday to get a master link. Now I have a box of em.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got my engine and mocked it up with the bike, mane oh mane this thing is going to be sick looking. See the AMF build thread...