what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Bike was running like crap, so I had to replace the exhaust gasket, I also cleaned the head while I was at it.

I also figured out why these things have clutch covers, so you don't get the hem of your pants leg shredded. :p

Guess I need to get the cover back on. :o

Right now I only have two pair of pants shredded like that. I wait to put the cover on a new build untill I'm sure everything is adjusted properly. I'm expecting more shredded pants in the furure.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Not exactly MY bike, it was a customer build, but I just gotta show ya'all this really cool side draft carb intake I made yesterday. I had it on a OCC chopper build I never sold, but it was never really put together right back then. So I finally got a torch and some silver solder and put it together solid. The bike I put it on didn't have room for the carb to sit behind the engine like the stock one mounts, So I did it like this. The guy got his motor from Motovelo, over priced but I gotta admit, it ran just fine right out of the box. Thing is, the guy knows NOTHIN about mechanics, never even pulled a spark plug his entire life, so he didn't really appreciate the effort and just plain coolness that went into this.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Not exactly MY bike, it was a customer build, but I just gotta show ya'all this really cool side draft carb intake I made yesterday. I had it on a OCC chopper build I never sold, but it was never really put together right back then. So I finally got a torch and some silver solder and put it together solid. The bike I put it on didn't have room for the carb to sit behind the engine like the stock one mounts, So I did it like this. The guy got his motor from Motovelo, over priced but I gotta admit, it ran just fine right out of the box. Thing is, the guy knows NOTHIN about mechanics, never even pulled a spark plug his entire life, so he didn't really appreciate the effort and just plain coolness that went into this.

@fatdaddy...not that there is anything wrong with the carb...just curious why you decided to go on that side of the engine with the carb? Again just curiosity...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

@fatdaddy...not that there is anything wrong with the carb...just curious why you decided to go on that side of the engine with the carb? Again just curiosity...
The clutch cover side comes up higher than the drive gear side. I woulda had to either take it WAY higher or bring it out WAY further.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Not exactly MY bike, it was a customer build, but I just gotta show ya'all this really cool side draft carb intake I made yesterday. I had it on a OCC chopper build I never sold, but it was never really put together right back then. So I finally got a torch and some silver solder and put it together solid. The bike I put it on didn't have room for the carb to sit behind the engine like the stock one mounts, So I did it like this. The guy got his motor from Motovelo, over priced but I gotta admit, it ran just fine right out of the box. Thing is, the guy knows NOTHIN about mechanics, never even pulled a spark plug his entire life, so he didn't really appreciate the effort and just plain coolness that went into this.

Awesome work. It's too bad some people have no idea what it takes to do it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Awesome work. It's too bad some people have no idea what it takes to do it.

Yeah abikerider, After he took it away he must have called me 6 or 8 times cause he couldn't get it started again. He said gas was leaking all over the place. I figured it was a stuck float. Turned out he had the choke on and didn't know, after I told him 14 times, that you don't really NEED a choke in California. I guess I'm just losing my patience in my old age, cause this guy is starting to get to me. Guy's like that have NO IDEA what goes into a build. When he first brought me the bike and motor he was just gonna HANG OUT while I installed it. After all, Motovelo said it only takes 2 hours to do it.rotfl
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Har, LOL FD. My first build, I raced to beat the "Can be installed in under 4 hrs" Think I came close. The bike lasted from the driveway to almost the edge of the yard.>100 feet

Last Chinagirl kit I put on a bike took me 2 days. Way more fun too.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

ok well the flying horse came in yesterday...around 2 pm in connecticut...got her up and running by 6...sooooo quiet...great power...looks great...out of the box i had some issues...no fuel filter, no clutch cable and get this after getting her on the bike and everything all set she wouldnt disengage from drive...so during my down time i did quite a bit of research and just happened to remember that i watched a video on how to adjust the clutch if it was too tight...removed the flower nut, friction plate only to find there was no return spring for the friction plate...luckily i still had the parts from my old kit...threw in the spring, tightened the flower nut and she fired first time with almost no pedaling involved...took her to the auto parts place where they know me and when i walked in they asked where the bike was and i pointed outside...the comments were amazing...this kit really is a pretty kit...nice grips too... pics to come soon...

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey Wicked, From what I understand and BikeBerry is saying, that spring is no longer installed in the new engines. I've always said it's not really needed anyway, now the factory agrees with me. I don't know why your clutch was stuck, perhaps put together too tight at the factory, but that little spring could really have nothing to do with it. It's not strong enough to hold anything much more than the clutch plate slightly away from the pads. It's not strong enough to JAM anything.
Anyway, Glad yer up and running. Sounds like you put it together right,.bld.

Good Luck bro,
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

new pics...hope you like the [email protected] i put the spring on it disengaged properly...before it wouldnt...but thanks for the info...was about to blast bberry about it...


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Had my friend follow my in my car, well Speedo is accurate. So mt bike really does 50 mph give or take lol. Guess I need to figure out brakes and ditch the Springer. For those who run triple trees how do you like them? Rough ride?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Looks a lot like my first bike, I called her Zippy. That one hit 45mph pretty easy. Looks like ya took the tank down to the metal. I think if ya polish it with fine steel wool and just put a light coating of oil on it,(to keep it from rusting,) you'll have a good look for the tank.
The triple trees don't ride any harder than any other solid fork and they look cool. I don't like riding them, my old butt just can't take it anymore.
Good lookin bike bro, and if yer hittin 50 then ya did it up right.(^)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went outside to take the dog out, and found my bike slumped to one side like a drunk dude passed out on his buddy's couch. I had removed one of the hose clamps from my kickstand extension (homebrewed) and replaced it with twist wire, in order to attempt to fix a broken pedal. The twist wire didnt hold as good as I thought it would. Since I have replaced my pedals, I found the hose clamp and put it back on my kickstand. Its good as new now.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Went outside to take the dog out, and found my bike slumped to one side like a drunk dude passed out on his buddy's couch. I had removed one of the hose clamps from my kickstand extension (homebrewed) and replaced it with twist wire, in order to attempt to fix a broken pedal. The twist wire didnt hold as good as I thought it would. Since I have replaced my pedals, I found the hose clamp and put it back on my kickstand. Its good as new now.

Apolgize to her and promise to NEVER do that again. She'll probably forgive you.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Apolgize to her and promise to NEVER do that again. She'll probably forgive you.

She's ok I think. She wasn't on the ground, just slouching pretty bad. The chain I lock her up with was holding her up and keeping her from laying on the ground. She knows I'm sorry though.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

When I first came out and saw it like that, I thought someone had either deliberately messed with it, or had hit it with their car. It wasn't until I came back from walking my dog and repositioned the bike to be able to assess the situation, that I realized it was my own fault. What's especially strange about it is the fact that I removed the one hose clamp from the kickstand over a week ago, and its been fine until now. But, at least I didn't lose any gas and no serious damage to the bike occurred.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

She's ok I think. She wasn't on the ground, just slouching pretty bad. The chain I lock her up with was holding her up and keeping her from laying on the ground. She knows I'm sorry though.

She already knows yer sorry about it. All the good ones are intuitive like that.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today..charged the battery.....opened up the intake retrictor plate....struggled with the junk clutch some more.... ordered partsbrnot
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

So you're disabled?? Well so am I . Yep, after years in welding shops, loading docks, construction sites, oil tool machining plants, line pipe coating plants, even helping the midway with their rides during temp lay offs, 7 times with their giant wheel alone, oil well sucker rod recon. etc, I ended up tin bashing sheet metal in Gov. office buildings. Then wham!!!
At home I had an accident critical head injury - double skull fracture - full front brain contusion- nose would not stop dripping brain fluid for 3 days. Witnesses told me that the cops could not get me in the ambulance.
In the hospital I found taser marks all over my body. It was all because of wiskey. I do not drink anymore. Any way, Iv'e red lots of your posts and sometimes you will get some customers that will drive you up the wall and some customers will have nothing but praise for you and actually talk your head off gabbing about all the experiences they've had and all the modifications they made.
You know what really gets to me??? I spend time and energy making my bike video, and not even one reply.
Whats with that dude that we have been trying to help??? Not a word from him lately. If we did not care, we would not have been trying to help him.
Any way, check this out . Your gonna laugh. Here is a link. I go by the name Buuba Neggley in this forum and the kayak forum also.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Easy Blake, lol. Not much can be said about watching a cold start :p If you mount the camera and boot around in some snow that'd peak ppl's interest, eh?

I finished cutting some gussets for the Hack'em'up, they turned out good: