Velocars and other interesting vehicles.

Oh yes indeed Allen :D
If I get my daughter to help I'm sure that video will be possible as she understands about such things and I don't.

By way of getting some welding practice I'm going to assemble the delta trike idea I first came up with before I decided to go all the way and build a proper cyclecar. It's been hanging from the workshop roof beams for ages and it would be better to have it in a useful state than gathering cobwebs. The faux Colombe is going to need some very careful fabrication work as I put together its front drive and suspension so it would be better for me to make a lot of practice sparks on something that doesn't matter too much first before I get serious.



I'm so glad to see that you are going ahead on the delta trike. And when I see that second photo I am reminded that it remains one of my favorites of all you have posted. I kind of hope what you build is reminiscent of that one.
I'm so glad to see that you are going ahead on the delta trike. And when I see that second photo I am reminded that it remains one of my favorites of all you have posted. I kind of hope what you build is reminiscent of that one.

I really like that photo too Silverbear :)
The frame I've already laid out lends itself really well to making an 'inspired by' version of that lovely old cyclecar. Of course if I build it I'm going to have to buy myself another hat :D ;)

I really do need a vehicle like that as when I went to mass yesterday (Happy Advent everyone!) I found myself too wobbly and unsteady on my feet to safely walk home. A lovely older gentleman offered his arm and very kindly walked me home (I don't live that far away from the parish church) which I was very grateful for as I could see myself having a not very pleasant fall otherwise.
Don't worry I am actually a lot more well than I was, it's just that I'm not very steady on my feet. The wonderful thing is though that once I'm underway on my dear old Hercules bicycle I'm fine. My daughter calls it my 'freedom machine'. :)


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Lots of fun at the 1959 Invalid Tricycle Association rally :)

I would so love to own one of those old tricycles as with my own mobility getting worse I really could do with one. I refuse to get anywhere near one of those awful plastic modern mobility scooters let alone drive one.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Hello Annie,[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Thank you and happy Advent to you too! At Sunday we had nice dinner with neighbors, one of them is female assistant to priest... As here we have Catholics and all kinds of protestant, not forgetting our old Serbian Orthodox Church, we had a lot opportunity for celebrations and socialization (at least double then in other countries)[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]--- ---[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]You show us great film: excellent and imaginative vehicles and magnificent atmosphere! In some sequences, vehicles go very fast, if that isn't film-trick, and quite dangerous when went toward each other... Driving in reverse make me sure to forget on rear-wheel steering![/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Your daughter is right: all similar vehicles are “[/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]freedom machines[/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]”! No more freedom than to ride/drive light pedal-powered and motorised light vehicle. Maybe, just riding a horse or flying ultralight airplane – but that are not for me anymore![/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]You are right that we shall run away from seniors scooters, or whatever they are called! At least, for as much years as we can? Here in Bern, I was surprised how many invalids are everywhere: on roads and streets, at shops and market-centers, at buses, tramways, trolleybuses... Then, I realised that they are mobile and free, having all kind of “[/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]electric chairs[/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]”, and opportunity to enter into all mentioned places. Invalids in Belgrade mostly stay at home, imprisoned in their own flats... There is old couple that use to cruise with their “[/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]cars[/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]” across and around Bern, from early Spring until late Autumn (still are around). But, one DIY stylish 3-wheeler (as you almost finished) or 4-wheeler (as I almost finish) – is much more pleasant transport, for needs or for joy. Not to mention enjoyment during thinking, planing, designing and building it![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Ciao,[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Zoran[/FONT]
Thanks Zoran :)

What I dislike most of all about senior scooters or mobility scooters is that they are so boring and passive. With a vehicle that still retains pedals or some kind of manual drive system it's possible to maintain a level of exercise which is really important to health and well being.
I really liked the wonderful atmosphere in that video clip, everyone was happy and cheerful and having a great time. :)

I'll shift progress reports and general comments about the three wheeler back across to my velocar thread, but I will mention that I've gathered together all the bits and pieces and have done some initial creative staring in readiness for making a start on cutting steel and welding and etc.
Great video with great car! Probably more re-creation, than renovation. It seems to me that it is dangerous even when standing still, even with motor silent!
P.S.: One valve should be good as piston in engines for our velocars? more video with British invalide cras rally!

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Attached are photos with Swiss-made penisoner's vehicles! It is obvious why I will not have any of them - ever!


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That parade of invalid carriages at the beginning of the video is amazing! :D

I wonder what happened to them all.

Zoran, I could not believe those prices on the mobility vehicles you posted :eek:
If I had that kind of money to spend I could build the most fabulous cyclecar/velocar you've ever seen.
I'm such an idiot! Several years ago I purchased this........

What with Mum needing 24hr care and then me getting ill again I'd largely put my rickshaw out of my mind. Over time it had disappeared under a huge mound of junk and it wasn't until today I suddenly realised what a great transport solution it would be. At first I was just going to steal the body from it for the delta trike, but then it struck me that with some conversion work it could be very useful in helping me out with my present mobility problems :)

I think we are all familiar with the Seal (Sociable, Economic And Light) .....

Well I don't think it would be too hard to turn my old rickshaw into an-inspired-by-the-Seal semi-replica.
What do you think?

WOW! That i a Kool rickshaw,yes it would be easy to convert. It would be nice looking to.

That Austin is parked on the wrong side of the street,He! He! I know right hand over there...................Curt
WOW! That i a Kool rickshaw,yes it would be easy to convert. It would be nice looking to.

That Austin is parked on the wrong side of the street,He! He! I know right hand over there...................Curt

Yes I know ha ha, whenever I watch You Tube videos that have someone testing out their bike I always feel weird because they're riding on the 'wrong' side of the road.

With a Villiers engine and a nice looking vintage petrol tank I think my rickshaw will end up looking reasonably convincing :)