Velocars and other interesting vehicles.

The green triporteur above is a Blotto, which is a wonderful name, possibly indicating the designer's state when conceiving it.
Zoran, do you ever come over to England? There are many places you can find a Villiers if you know where to look, but surely a Sachs or ILO or one of the French engines would be easy to find? And what about MAG?

Just for you, cycle car GP racing

Morning run out to the local dirt track:

Dirt track from the pits:

The Hill Climb:

And there is a workshop series as well:

Tieton, WA is a little town of about 1900 people.

How to make Annie smile :D
Great videos and thanks for posting the links.

A Velocar at the Vintage Revival Montlhery.

Obviously helmets are needed only for motorists, not for bikers.
And lots of cyclecars:
My favourite photo:

Cheers, Kai
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To motorize a bicycle in East Germany 50-60 years ago (shortly after WW2), the MAW engine was best choice. The common nickname was "Huehnerschreck", which means "chicken fright".

A 50cc engine with just 1,3 hp.
The low power makes them very durable, there are still many engines in good condition on the market and also a brave fan club.
The engine has no starter or gears, just a clutch.
You have to start the engine by closing the clutch while pedalling.
Despite it's status as "Mofa", what normally indicated a top speed of 25km/h, this thing was easily able to reach twice that.

Cheers, Kai
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Take a look through the Sticky threads in Motorised Bicycle Pictures, there are Steppkes and Irtysh and even Simpsons.
Zoran, do you ever come over to England? There are many places you can find a Villiers if you know where to look, but surely a Sachs or ILO or one of the French engines would be easy to find? And what about MAG?
[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Hello Ludwig the Second,
Unfortunately, I was never in England, even I have a few serious plans to do that! Last time was when with my present wife I planed to cruise across UK with our small Citroen C-1. Sadlly, we realised that we are not good for that anymore, especially for driving on “wrong side" of roads! Cunning plan was to visit museums and shows with all classic machinery (from steam-boats and steam-everything to air-crafts), including historical landscapes where all that happened in history. Then, a few sport events: classic hill-climbs and trials, Brooklands... of course- some shopping for her!

[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]That was my old desire, from the first magazines and books that I found in British library in Belgrade, almost 5 decades ago...[/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Therefore, such small classic engines are not so near to me, in spite that I would like to have one, at least as vitrine object! I couldn't find anything like that here in Swiss, and in my Serbia they were quite rare in their times! However, I will search a little. In any case, I would need something that could pull two of us and light quadricycle up to 20 mph.[/FONT]


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Surely a Sachs or an ILO 98 would do that? There were names like New Map and Ydral in France, and hundred of Italians. I'd personally love a Motobecane "velomoteur leger".

I live 4 miles, 6-7km, from the National Motorcycle Museum. I've been to the Sammy Miller Museum in New Milton, it's a few miles from Southampton if you get a boat across, or a bit further from Bournemouth if you fly there. There are autojumbles throughout the summer across the country, and there are events like Founders Day for the VMCC.

The NACC,National Autocycle Club have branches and runs, and are a very good source of information and contacts.

We have lots of aircraft museums (I am upset, Elvington has a helicopter my age, and it's obsolete :(, so it would be possible to travel only a few miles at a time from one place to the next.
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Hello Ludwig,
Thank you on those links, but now I couldn't open them - something is wrong with my password on old and unused Facebook account!

For sure that any classic small engine (the best if it is 4-stroke) would be proper for something in a style of old velomobile with engine assistance... I am afraid that good examples shall be expensive and that one in bad condition shall be usless - except for vitrine! Here I couldn't find any small workshop that would be possible to work on it, my brother is dead (he would like and would know to reconstruct it)...

If I decide to use moped engine, then I would buy good complet TOMOS moped in Belgrade, and get engine of 50 cc and 4-6 HP, gerabox of 5 speeds and two good 18" wheels + a frame with printed number - all with papers. Easier for later attest and regsitartion!

In any case, I will search a little about those mentioned engines!


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