This is my Stealth Bomber


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
best way i have found to get the most out of your battery is assist it starting and up hills. pedaling assisting on flat ground or downhills does very little so save your energy for the hills and starts. i have done some experimenting, i have no gauges to tell me amp usage however with over 6,000 miles on the bike i really don't need them.
You know, it's interesting you should say this now. I was starting to come to the same conclusion. I've been doing just the opposite.

One of the meters that I like to keep an eye on is watts in real time. Normally I'll be droning along about 23 mph at about 720 watts. I think it's limiting itself to that. I've noticed whether I pedal or not makes little difference to the watts at cruising speed.

OTOH starting from a dead stop, if I don't pedal, and whack the throttle, I've seen as much as 4000 watts for an instant before the limiter kicks in. If I ease on the throttle and don't pedal I can keep it close to 1000 watts. But easing on the throttle and pedaling, I can keep it to around 500 to 700 watts. Even less, but then we're talking about going pretty slow.

It's hard to shift fast enough to utilize a low gear from a dead stop, and be in the right gear once moving to high speed, so I've mostly been starting out in a higher gear which doesn't help much off the line, but is easier to use once moving. I was starting to think maybe I was thinking about this wrong, and maybe it would be better to pedal harder in a low gear off the line, and not worry as much about being in the right gear so quickly at higher speeds, because I'm not seeing much use in it anyway.

Off the line does seem to be where I can make the most noticeable difference pedaling.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
Check this out.

For the first time I managed to exceed 50 miles on a single charge. Considering I'm still not a very efficient rider I'm absolutely sure it would be possible to go 55 miles, and 60 miles is possibly in sight. Knowing what I know now, I believe that if riding with regular bicycles at a 10 to 20 mph pace 50 miles would be expected. This kind of range definitely puts Electronaut in the same league as Stunner, and The Atomic BB.

I'm quite happy with this result. It seemed important to me to ride 50 miles on a single charge in order to prove to myself it's possible. Now when anyone asks me what it's range is, I can honestly say it will go 50 miles on a charge. There was a lot of room for improvement too, so this won't be the record for long.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
i have to say i am pretty impressed. i have never properly broke in anything, i guess i have no patience, i would have taken my motorized bicycle and put it to max power to see what it does, not knocking you biknut i am genuinely impressed and cannot wait to here how it does when you do, the mileage you are getting is awesome. you will find out that most any store or business will let you plug in while you shop or eat. i have plugged mine into beach bars, kmart and restaurants all over the island. i just ask do you have some where i can plug this in while i eat or shop and they are like heck ya because they want a closer look and usually have you bring it inside


New Member
Mar 5, 2012
Wow ! 50 miles with a 210lb person on it ! :) Awesome !

That means it would carry me and a 50lb pound bag of dog food 50 miles ! :) Wow ! :)

I bet that bike would pull a loaded little trailer like there was nothing back there. :)

Lovin the SB thread. :)
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New Member
Dec 14, 2011
Kyle, TX
Love the bike, biknut! Glad you made if over to the electric side zpt

I keep thinking of building another gas bike, then throw a leg over my ebike to run to the store and forget all about it, LOL. So far no breakdowns, no issues, just riding.

I look forward to your continued impressions of that beast. It is one heck of a bike!


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
Bomber owners on ES are saying they've gone 60 to 70 miles running 15 to 20 mph riding with regular bicycles. Based on my experience so far I believe that's truthful. Also as little as 25 mile range is possible too, it depends on how fast, and what kind of surface you're riding on. Dirt and sand sucks the power.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
i think 40 is more then enough. i cannot see my old butt sitting on a motorized bicycle much longer then that lol. i have to admit your bike is one heck of a machine


New Member
Mar 5, 2012
I did 40+ miles once doing a battery test and it wore me out !

Yes 40 miles is plenty ! :)

Off road that bike would last me all day riding because I tend to not drive very fast off road and take lots of breaks. :)

With a full charge and the right seat that bike could go way out in the woods. :)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
i think 40 is more then enough. i cannot see my old butt sitting on a motorized bicycle much longer then that lol. i have to admit your bike is one heck of a machine
It's very difficult for us home builders to try and match a factory that's had years of experience perfecting their product, and has the financial where with all to either fabricate their own, or get outside suppliers to manufacture dedicated OEM parts for them. On this bike that would include the frame, swing arm, controller, motor, battery and bms, and I think the cycle analyst.

Sometimes it's worth paying a premium price for a total perfected package. Even though it's always fun to build our own, often by the time you get it perfected, you've spent more than it would have cost to buy one in the first place.

The only real savings I see is in our labor which we don't see as a cost, because we love doing it ourselves.
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New Member
Mar 5, 2012
I hope they sell 1000's of them and that I can get one on craigslist for cheap because the $2000 batteries are dead. :)

That is the only way I could get one. :)
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