New Member
Hijacking? Not at all sportscarpat and you're experience is more than welcome (pics too ifn ya want). I was thinking much the same as what you stated, but I did wonder if "cheap" tanks were available (fiberglass via mold) if that would have an effect on demand as I'm sure there are a few folks out there that would build boardtrackers/vintage/reproduction bikes were that one hurdle overcome.
I just can't see the metal tanks being anything other than comparatively "expensive" for the reasons above unfortunately.
I do know that one of the very few things that prevented me from a Worksman build instead of the Rollfast was simply the need to fabricate a tank. In my own twisted logic I figured if I'm gonna be making a custom tank - I might as well restore an actual vintage bicycle from scratch, warranting the effort of a tank with such a "unique" build. Yet had there been a tank available for the Worksman (an admittedly superior bike), I would have gone that route without hesitation. In the end - the cash investment is surprisingly similar, the Rollfast simply far more labor.
I'm actually somewhat surprised that with all the enterprising souls we have hereabouts that a 'glass tank isn't available, it's really far easier to make than the steel variant and ofc compound curves are a nonissue. This is my only regret with the Rollfast, were it a current production bike - I'd kick out a mold just to play around with *shrug*
Still... no - I really do like my Rollfast lol
I just can't see the metal tanks being anything other than comparatively "expensive" for the reasons above unfortunately.
I do know that one of the very few things that prevented me from a Worksman build instead of the Rollfast was simply the need to fabricate a tank. In my own twisted logic I figured if I'm gonna be making a custom tank - I might as well restore an actual vintage bicycle from scratch, warranting the effort of a tank with such a "unique" build. Yet had there been a tank available for the Worksman (an admittedly superior bike), I would have gone that route without hesitation. In the end - the cash investment is surprisingly similar, the Rollfast simply far more labor.
I'm actually somewhat surprised that with all the enterprising souls we have hereabouts that a 'glass tank isn't available, it's really far easier to make than the steel variant and ofc compound curves are a nonissue. This is my only regret with the Rollfast, were it a current production bike - I'd kick out a mold just to play around with *shrug*
Still... no - I really do like my Rollfast lol