Sportsman 200

I found the thorn proof tubes, at least the ones I tried, too stiff and would not fill evenly within the tire. I could run them up to 45 psi and then work my way around the outside of the tire and find voids between the tube and tire. I have since been running 26 x 2.3 to 2.7 (I believe) down hill mountain bike tubes made by Giant. These are the best tube I have ever used, super heavy duty and sized so they fit ballon tires correctly.

As for Hookworms verses Felt, I find the Hookworms to be stiffer and have tighter beads compared to the Felt Quickbricks. The Felts are lose fitting tires and I never feel safe at speed with them. I figure the biggest potential for failure would be centrifugal force causing a bead to unseat.

I tried to mount the Simplex tires on my aluminum Worksman rims and even mounted one. The beads are so tight I thought the tire irons were going to bend the rim. Next set of wheels will be the steel version of the Worksman rim. Not sure if there is any subtle differences in diameter between the aluminum and steel versions of the Worksman rims.
There may be a difference between the size of the Worksman aluminum and steel rim Pat. I was scratching my head when you were saying how hard it was to put on the aluminum. The steel is so easy you almost don't need any pry tool. Come to think of it, my former aluminum. On Worksman wheels were a nightmare to mount the Simplex's on. It's probably that way across the board. Aluminum is weaker than steel so they need to thicken the aluminum walls for rigidity. This is what accounts for the added tightness I'm willing to bet. Get the steel Worksman rims and it will snap on like butter to toast.
Great build, congratulations.
Actually, to me, it doesn't look entirely the same as the others, imo it has more of an antique look. I think it's cos of the motor setup & pedal sprocket setup.
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What I love about it is how it is clearly such a ripper, but with smooth clean lines and this understated elegance. a little ol' fashioned, I guess you could say. pretty much rules the galaxy without even breaking a sweat.
Looking good. I love this bike. Just so professional looking and i just love the pedal setup, CVT's must make a nice ride but i love the look and simplicity (not that theres anything simple about it) and the cleaness of your bike...... and it must be so much fun to ride. Congratulations
as said here many times, this bike and your fab skills are top level.
Thank you for documenting and sharing this build with us.

I read this whole thread and maybe I missed it, but could you tell us how the primary (clutch to jackshaft) chain is adjusted?
Does the motor slide up and down?

Thanks again...
as said here many times, this bike and your fab skills are top level.
Thank you for documenting and sharing this build with us.

I read this whole thread and maybe I missed it, but could you tell us how the primary (clutch to jackshaft) chain is adjusted?
Does the motor slide up and down?

Thanks again...

Front chain is adjusted side to side with slots on the mount plate for chain alignment. Moving up/down adjusts tension but shim washers can also be used.
:-|| i.... Want.... One...... :-|| EDIT: Course; living in AZ I'd have to have a certif of origin so I could regester it as an MC. NO WAY it would ever fly past the local PoPo as a "bicycle" and i'd git confiscated faster than you could say MOFO Im sure in this town. And if thats the case I'd go for the 360cc motor. What the heck? Right?
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My Carb hose clamp came undone yesterday when I was riding and I turned the corner and pulled over. 30 seconds after I stopped to re-attatch the carb a CA Highway Patrol Motorcycle Cop stopped and said "Is that a real Indian?" I said" No, it's a replica, would you happen to have a screwdriver? He looked and couldn't find one and said good luck and took off. Funny.
I worked on this problem for a while. I didn't have enough room to put the mechanism on the engine. Too much clutter. I spotted a briggs and stratton hand crank which is kind of cool. It fits in the key groove of the shaft on the flywheel side and is half moon shaped. You turn it as fast as you can and as soon as it starts it disconnects from the engine and is in your hand. Old Henderson motorcycles had hand cranks, but they stayed on the engine.

There are electric start kits on Ebay or GX200 & clone engines
Wow, here is an old thread. Thanks for bringing it up. My brother worked through all the details for an electric starter on his bike and it works great. Required relocating the engine just a bit and was a tight squeeze, but it fit. Push button electric starter on a GX engine is such a nice feature. Here is a picture of his build with the starter system. You can see it stuffed between the engine and down tube.

Bonneville Flyer #4 by Sportsman Flyer, on Flickr

Bonneville Flyer #3 by Sportsman Flyer, on Flickr
Pretty cool.
Only a few have put electric starters on a motorized bike.

Joker Machine will have a 250 CC Briggs with electric start at the October 19th race.
78.769 mph on it's rookie run.


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Will the GX200 starter kit work on the Predator 212?

Hi Silverbear,
You can put a starter on a predator 212. The bolt holes in the block may need to be tapped. It really comes down to the flywheel having the ring gear. Because of the RPM Rich was running he had a billet flywheel that he modified to accept a ring gear.
Will the GX200 starter kit work on the Predator 212?

Yep, it sure will, but you have to roll up your sleeves. The predator flywheels don't come with a ring gear, and the old style predator does not take a Honda flywheel. We put ring gears on billet flywheels, let me know when you're ready to do it, we'll help you get it done.

You can even buy electric start clones right off the shelf now. But I am against running clone flywheels on hot rod motors for safety. Honda e-start flywheels are better if you don't run a billet piece.
