Sportsman 200

Unbelievable build, I love it. Looks fast and fun from the videos. My boardie is in the works, I'll be getting a Worksman in-frame tank from you Pat after the new year year is here. Thanks for sharing this bike.
Unbelievable build, I love it. Looks fast and fun from the videos. My boardie is in the works, I'll be getting a Worksman in-frame tank from you Pat after the new year year is here. Thanks for sharing this bike.

Thanks, man! This build has been enjoyalble and I have had a great deal of help from my brother Rich and friends Skip and Dave. Riding it is addictive. It has so much power I find myself having to slow down all the time. And the sound it makes, well, that is one more thing it has going for it. I have messed with quite a few different engines now and nothing else even comes close.
great Videos Pat!...I might make an observance however...You might consider drilling a hole in the lower oil filler cap tab and saftywireing it so it does not vibrate open would shuck all the oil pretty quickly if it did!....Also..what tires do you have on it in the 50mph video's?
Excellent idea on the safety wire and something I have been meaning to do. As you said, it wouldn't take long! I have a set of the Simplex tires for any more high speed cruising. The tires in the video were Felt Quick Bricks. We watched the temperatures carefully and had proper tire pressures, but still not good rubber for what we were doing.
I got the frame back from powder coat. Did the standard gloss black. When designing the frame I tried to keep it as vintage looking as possible with the engine mounts. So here is the lugged style frame, looking like something from 1918.

Sportsman 200 by Sportsman Flyer, on Flickr

New gas tank logo. Hope the cops don't ask what the 200 stands for.

Sportsman 200 by Sportsman Flyer, on Flickr

I need to get it outside for better pictures but here it is sitting in the shop. I did figure out the drop stand finally. It's just an off the shelf item then modified somewhat to make the legs longer.

Sportsman 200 by Sportsman Flyer, on Flickr
Nice. Are all your bottom looped bars the same length? I can't tell but it looks like your lower braze point is farther under the crank housing than your other bikes. Is this the deepest loop you've done for such a tall engine, or is it standard loop you've used on others?
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All of Pat's stretch models use the same drop loop with the exception of my blue bike which was the first stretch model we built. That bike used a shallower loop. All of the later bikes use a similar frame geometry with mounts specific to the motor, be it Morini, Whizzer, or 200. The Morini's sit a little higher in the frame which is probably why they look a little different.

I was down at Pat's today working on another build of my own, but I had a chance to take the 200 out for nice little country ride and all I can say is this is one amazing ride. It has so much torque off the line and yet it pulls so strong thru the entire RPM range.
Sounds pretty darn fast. Are you gonna race your Board Track racer at the the Grange race or where they are having it I forget? Be nice to get this guy there I loved his videos his cameras look pretty cool. Bugged me until I got mine working. ''bike''.

Hard to believe anybody can hold onto a curvy track these days! The bar just keeps getting raised. Getting hard to say they are mopeds lol. I'd run that beast of a motor like your are playing with but the law here say's it's a Motorcycle. Guess I will just stick with my 50cc's I sure would love to get to try a set up like yours tho. :) How long is that short chain lasting(?)

* *Riding onboard the Morini bike - YouTube

Had a run in with a cager today. There is a road in town here I will open up on big time occasionally. Guess he was just pissed he could not pass me dunno? I think the law here says 25 miles a hour speed limit for a moped? Its nice to at least match what the traffic is doing. The guy pulled up to me at a stop light to tell me I had no business being on the road.

I am actually very respectful. Thing is I have never even raised an eyebrow with the local Po Po . Never been pulled over etc. There was a time that I was in poorer times dirt broke and really respected my transpo. I don't wanna ruin it for anybody else.

What he did not know was I could catch up with him. I leaned into his window to clearly say he needed to mind his own business that I had insurance on it and I could take care of my self. Last week was a brutal winter blizzard over here could not ride. Well I could have.. Last two days have been weird it feels like spring or sumthen? I was doing some riding catch up :D
Hi Pat
How stiff are the side walls on the simplex tires? I am assuming they are the ones Coker is selling.
Thanks Brent

The Simplex tires are very stiff. Nothing like a bicycle tire at all. They are very difficult to mount up. Currently I am running the Maxxis Hookworm tires in 26 x 2.5.
I would think that if they are hard to mount that they would be more likely to stay on the rim after a flat or blow out. I am running Maxis Holy rollers they are great bicycle tires but the side walls are way to light and flexible for 50 + mph.
Did you mount yours on Worksman Rims?
The Simplex tires are very stiff. Nothing like a bicycle tire at all. They are very difficult to mount up. Currently I am running the Maxxis Hookworm tires in 26 x 2.5.

Hey Pat, I have comparison question about these two tires. Do you prefer the Hookworms over the Simplex tires?

I have a pair of Hookworms and they handle great. I used them at the Grange race and a couple of times I laid the bike over farther than I am comfortable with just to see if I could make the bike slide out, but those tires held like their was glue on the track. Even though I love these tires, they just don't look vintage to me, and my bike is very vintage looking, so I have the Cheng Shin street tires on currently.

I have been considering buying the simplex tires for their safety at higher speeds, but they are damn expensive.

Anyway, if you have an opinion, I'd like to hear it.


I had a front tire flat with the Simplex tires caused by a metal burr on the inside of my rim while traveling 45 mph and just coasted to a stop. Nothing bad happened. It was a lot more stable than a like flat on a bicycle tire. I recommend Simplex.
I personally like the Simplex tires and may end up with some one day, they sure fit the look. As far as Hookworms they just don't look right on a BTR.

On a less expensive note the Felt Bricks seem to hold up well and look good, just run a thorn-proof tube.