SoCal Race Event Sat June 18th at Willow Springs Raceway-2011

Samford&son and I got our race bikes ready for Willlow. Now we need some track time to sort them out. Looks to be a fun event.

Samford&son and I got our race bikes ready for Willlow. Now we need some track time to sort them out. Looks to be a fun event.
Your Briggs bikes are looking like serious racing machines.
Going to be a great 4 stroke class.

Here are a couple of 4 strokes that dand is bringing that his daughter is riding.
Check that trike out.

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dand is riding this one which has been upgraded since the pic.
Hope he brings his Whizzer too.

It's hard to believe that no one has entered a Whizzer yet.
Only 5 days to go
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I'm in guys. Just secured numbers 2 and 5. I will be at the event with two of my Morini powered Sportsman Racers, maybe three. I did not enter a Whizzer but may bring one. Looking forward to meeting everyone.
Will the pits have electricity or power outlets and running water?
The pit areas by the Go Kart track has no electricity or outlets.

The only electric is by the start finish line for the PA

There is a block of toilets on the second pit row with
running water at a sink.

The RV hook ups are way over by the big track and cost $25.
However you can park your RV for free at the pit area.

Only 5 days to go to the race and there are only 4 days to
get pre registered
as I will be travelling on Friday. Not pre
registering will cost you more money at the gate.

Payment at the track will be $29 cash, no checks or credit cards.
Bring exact change as we aren't a store lol
Anyone who wants to help the race out is welcome to pay more.

You need to bring fire extinguishers.
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Preregistered this morning on the PistonBikes site requested #71(since i cant have 713)
I'll be bringing a 2stroke and a whizzer both bikes from the previous Deathrace.Look forward to seeing everyone and meeting Pat Dolan whom i've had several phone conversations with but never met in person
I'll see you there, Doug. Not to mix beer with racing, but AFTER the race I will be looking for a couple guys out there who owe me a beer. For the people that I owe a beer to, drop by and I will pay in full!
I'm in guys. Just secured numbers 2 and 5. I will be at the event with two of my Morini powered Sportsman Racers, maybe three. I did not enter a Whizzer but may bring one. Looking forward to meeting everyone.
Fantastic, I am really glad that you are coming with your very
classy bikes. I think there are 6 Morini's entered now.

Please bring that Whizzer. You could ride it in the 4 stroke class too.
Preregistered this morning on the PistonBikes site requested #71(since i cant have 713)
I'll be bringing a 2stroke and a whizzer both bikes from the previous Deathrace.
Good talking to you Doug and yes you can ride your Whizzer in
the 4 stroke class along with the 2 Briggs bikes #11 and #12
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Samford&son and I got our race bikes ready for Willlow. Now we need some track time to sort them out. Looks to be a fun event.


WONKERS!!! Cant wait to watch those bad boys zip around the track as i sit back on the fold out sipping on some kool aid! its gonna be awesome! dance1
I believe Alex is going with his Morini but he is gonna pay at the gate. I guess he is gonna turn it into a family trip to Disneyland as well.
How is your Morini doing Dave, are you bringing it?

Please get Alex to pre register or it will cost him $10 more per person
for general admission at the gate, as well as $29 for an entry.
Does he want number 0 again?

EDIT: Alex called me and registered lol
0-Alex 9.2 hp Boxer Morini [3]

Looks like 6 Morini's are racing now. Going to be one **** of an event!
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Jen's dropping out because of a leg injury... So you can make her # 72 available to another racer.
Sorry to hear that, hope she didn't have a bike crash.
thanks for the update.
There are 2 other women riding on the track, on Grubee 4G 4 strokes,
one of them a trike and the other a 4 stroke stretch low rider.
I already posted pics in this thread.

Don't worry about the number, if they all fill up I will assign more. LOL
Want to get all 100 filled to make this event pay so it will happen again.
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Here's some exciting news, Jim the Manic Mechanic of Creative Engineering
just sent me a few boxes of his custom motor bike parts to give out as prizes at the
Willow Springs race.

There are a bunch of sprocket adapters. many different
sized sprockets including a 52 tooth 304 stainless steel
sprocket with hub adapter mounting holes.

Got 4 of those very cool thick copper exhaust gaskets
for the 2 strokes that you can't buy anymore from MM.

Does anyone have a new 10 1/4" shop clock because Jim
sent me a 72 tooth sprocket ring that will fit around the
outside to make the most unique clock for your man cave. LOL

Jim, also made a prototype custom billet valve cover for the
Honda and Huasheng 50 cc to replace the cheap looking stamped
sheet metal cover. Bling for your 4 stroke!

I will post up some pics soon when i get some time.
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Only 3 days to pre register for the Willow Springs race
and we are still significantly short of paying for the event.

Looks like this race will be a one time event and there is no
future for Motorized Bicycle racing in SoCal.

Thanks to the people that have helped out as I have mentioned
in previous posts.

I have put a huge amount of time into this race and made a lot
of mistakes. $25 was way too cheap an entry fee for all it includes.

Charged only $25 because I wanted the race to be affordable to all.
Was a refreshing moment today when a guy named Dennis called me
up to register a friend who was coming with him and insisted that he
was paying me double for both of them. He isn't a member of any forum,
said it was way too cheap to which I replied if I charged more a lot of
guys wouldn't or couldn't come.

$25 is the minimum amount and if you guys don't support the race there
will be not be another one here in SoCal.

If you want Motorized Bicycle racing in SoCal to flourish you better kick
it up a notch or two. Not coming to this event but think you might want
to in the future? Support it now or there will be no future.
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I say it appears that you have done pretty well for a first time event. You have garnered quite a few racers in this tough economic times. You have arranged for prizes and (trophies I presume). You have received sponsorship from businesses and did a good job setting up different payment methods. You have made yourself available for questions, and have been good about responding promptly. You have held costs down to make it as easy as possible for most everyone to afford, and you gave fairly good advanced notification of the event in at least 3 forums that I know of (probably more). Not knowing all that you have done, I am sure their are more things I could say you have done well. I am sure there are a few things you would do differently, If done again. Now you have a wealth of knowledge and I hope you sacrifice yourself again for the good of all involved. I personally appreciate it. Now on to the politics, please don't listen to the pot stir people who have nothing better to do but irritate people and aren't planning on showing up anyway. Some of your own thoughts might be better left unsaid when it comes to being the event organizer. I must admit however, that it would be hard for me to bite my lip too! You come through this now with more wisdom than most of the rest of us (except Dave) and you actually put your money where your desire is. I applaud you for that and again I appreciate it. Now try to relax and have some fun!