I won't do that. Not so much of a problem with the state boys but Denver is notorious for driving 55 in a 65 zone. There'll be a crowd all piled up behind him and her comes Tom. I'll blast passed, doing the speed limit. I refuse to be one of the sheep. I really believe they do it simply for the entertainment value. Or to see who has the balls to pass them.We have public road pace cars here..............Highway Patrol cruisers! Everybody knows to form up nice and neat then follow them.
It has long been my theory that the Salty Snack aisle at the Wal-Mart grocery stores is solid proof that God wants us to be happy and content.
I believe the last thing he said to me was, "Don't worry. The ground is plenty hard enough for the fork lift. I do it on here all the time."
He ran around in a circle like he had one foot nailed to the ground and a pitbull chasing him after it went 10' and sank like the Titannic. I wisely, I feel, held my thoughts to myself.
He was the smartest man he knew but personally I think he should have gotten out amongst the public and met more people.
Hehehe, we call braughts Snausages and napkins are KaNapKeNinns here but ya gotta love Burning the Hostages ;-}...I thought nothing of it when she saw the sausages I meant to grill and referred to them as the "hostages"....
Liesl sees the smokes coming out of the top of the grill and gets concerned. And with a silver-bell voice that could carry all the way to Michigan, she calls to me saying "Daddy, you're not supposed to burn the hostages!".