
You'll shoot your eye out kid!

Nah just stay away from Icicles

for those that dont know? lol an old movie classic .

Say remember these chickens??

Those Lucky Charms folks could make a fortune if they'd sell a box of 'marshmallow only' treats.............

Plus 1

Dinner did not happen yesterday evening.
Expectations of a baked meatloaf and dish of potatoes fizzled on the launchpad.

Today I'll be searching for a replacement oven element!

Murphy is alive and well.
I never ceases to amaze me what can be found using this magical keyboard!!

Know what ya mean! When I first got into computers, I called it the "magic box" Just amazing what ya can do. It's a library card to every library in the world. It speaks every language. I have a Buddy who is blind. Any windows OS has a thing and it will read any webpage to you. Or magnify it, huge.

You don't even need hands! It will run the computer by voice commands and type for you.

Any thing you want to learn, there is an online school or class. Many free.

Google and ye shall receive.

LOL, got on a roll there....... .wee.
Man, I gots this magic keyboard. Urban dictionary.........well, what can I say that's not outa bounds on this's very enlightening!!
Sometimes I have to watch how I 'say' something. I guess that I'm a "PG-13" kinda guy in a G to PG realm.

The scene of Sam Jackson and John Travolta in the diner just popped into my head. "I'm try'n, I'm try'n real hard....."
I realize that the guy that invented the spork is probably very well off now. That being said, he should be made to eat with one the rest of his days!!

Did I mention that I hate those things??!!
LOL Xman.

Now ya gotta write an easy on sporks. It's a snork thread kinda thing to do.

I said that kiddingly but knowing you, it is gonna be great for a belly laugh. (but no pressure)
((500 words or less, unless it is more and single typed in triplicate unless duplicated in 3 fold fashion and in several languages.))

"I hate sporks. Let me count the ways.....
Ahh, the spork. Truly one of the best ways to explain how combining two utensils (tools) results in one thing that's less effective than either original.
Spork. An effective but unglamorous way of describing the thing known, through the work of Edward Lear, as the runcible spoon.
My family loves the spork. My granddaughters bring them home from school every day (unopened) from the lunchroom, as they can't find a use for them. So... We use them to dish out our cat's very stinky food, as we can throw the spork away, since it can never be used again.