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Here are the latest photos of the side car. Seven coats of spar varnish and the medium mahogany stain.
Starting on the interior this afternoon and my niece is going to make the cushions for the seat and then it's on to figure just how to tie this thing to the bike.
Now the questions that may arise.
What did he use for for the fake exhaust pipes? They are drain pipes from under a sink cut down to fit. I cut a wooden plug out with a hole saw and JB Welded the plug into the pipe and then whole thing into place. Life without JB Weld? Impossible!
The scoops are drawer handles from Home Depot. I have to pull the cover up to get to the batterys. Only thing I could think of.
The metal around the engine hatch is carpet edging when you go from wood to carpet floors with a very thin strip of foam weather stripping under it. Home Depot
Plexiglass windshield.
Mohawk refinising supplies, medium mahogany stain. Just my choice from restoring furniture for years.
It will have a canvas cover to go over it.
As always any questons, please ask.
Hope you enjoy it.