A pop up screen appears which gives you a choice of what size your photos will be and where to send them as a new file. Picasa automatically resizes them at the mid point on the sliding scale, which is what I use, but you can change the pixels to whatever you want by sliding to the left or right. Then you name the exported file, in this case I called it 39Elgin4… click OK at bottom left…
…and now a new file has been created which has your selection of resized photos in it. You can go to this file now at any time to pick what you want either for uploading to the forum or sending off in an email. You find it by going to Documents/ My Pictures/ Picasa Exports/ and the name of the particular file, in this case 39Elgin4. OK, now we are going to the forum and let us say you have either started a new thread or are responding to one with a reply…
Click on ‘go advanced’ since you want to insert one or more photos…
Type in your message…
…and when you’re done scroll down and click on ‘manage attachments’…
A drop down screen appears with possible file locations… select ‘documents’, then ‘my pictures’, then ‘Picasa exports’, then the file you want (mine is 39elgin4) and click on it.
Click on the file to highlight it and then click ‘open’…
With the file opened pick a photo as you are going to upload one at a time… click on the photo to highlight it…
…now that the selection has been made click ‘upload’…
and repeat this part of the process until you have all photos uploaded.
Ready… set… go… (click on ‘submit reply’) and your message with photos is shooting off into to cyberspace…
…to your friends at the motorbicycling forum who always want pictures!
If you have any trouble with this process, which seems lengthy and complicated broken down as it is, let me know and I’ll try to help. Like a math problem, once you’ve done it a few times it becomes automatic, quick and easy. Picasa is a great photo utility for other things as well, managing your photos and intuitive ways to fix/change things. In my fourth photo above I forgot to rotate the picture so that it is easier to view… one little click with picasa… or lighten photos, crop, etc. Best of all, it’s free.