Quit (ing) cigarettes

I got another one. A BIG one. An itaste 134. Big lithium battery, adjustable power, adjustable draw. Clouds of smoke. This thing will set you back.


Looks like a light saber eh? Solid stainless steel. You drop this on your toe, you be limpin'!
Does it make gyrating noises for other uses too?? Or is it just for olDarthy :eek:rotfllaff
Nobody be callin' ya wimpy while puffin' on this one baby!

If they do ya can whap 'em up side the head with it and they be goin' down.

You be goin' to jail, but they ain't be gettin' up real fast either - :)
Good luck boys. I've had 3 good cold-turkey runs: 3-years, 7-years, and my present 14-years. Those first two quits ended with: "I'm in control of this now; certainly I could have a ciggy or two once in a while.". Never again, and I STILL MISS EM!

that's a lot like me. what were the smoking years years?

I seemed to be 3 on 3 off 3 on 3 off 4 on 4off and 4 on.

generally when a smoker ave 1 cig a day (no filter - get the rush that way).

usually is was no cigs for week - then get drunk on a weekend and smoke 7 cigs that night.

Been doing "rollies" for years. does slow ya down and every time I buy a pack, choke like ****. More chemicals in the store bought.

ramble on. it helps and is a good thing.

recommend American Spirits - no aditives - or so they say.

they do burn a **** of a lot slower the other brands and the burn themselves out too! lol.

Full Disclosure: No I don't work for American Spirit - lol.
As a group and open to suggestion, we aim for August 31st?

It is a Sunday. So we can sleep in and later be unpleasant.


have you tried substitution?

Say like if you DO NOT DRINK Coffee/Tea ---------------- START DRINKING EITHER in replacement of the cig.


if you are a fish or bean like me and have 5 coffees a day and even 1-2 hot tea a day..........then I can't help you (or me).
have you tried substitution?

Say like if you DO NOT DRINK Coffee/Tea ---------------- START DRINKING EITHER in replacement of the cig.


if you are a fish or bean like me and have 5 coffees a day and even 1-2 hot tea a day..........then I can't help you (or me).

No Gaffo, Have not yet.

woke up to a big crashing sound and a dang tree fell on my car, neighbor was out their chain smoking and wanted one bad but managed to not have one, glad i didn't, got a large branch thru the windshield and of course their is not a windshield for it on island so one has to be ordered, ohhh well gonna jump in the pool and scream underwater


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My new batteries and juices came in. This is the 900 mA-H battery, 50% larger than the 600 mA-H silver batts I got with the starter kit.


The new "juice" is my new fav. Clear as water. It's called "Prime 15" and just tastes like tobacco with no other flavors. Pretty cool.

My smoking is down to a half pack a day from 2 packs a day and getting less each day. I really prefer the vape over a cig now, something that I couldn't say with the others I've tried. My chest doesn't feel heavy anymore and I'm not coughing up brown lugies in the morning when I wake up.

I am impressed. Just need to keep trying stuff until you find something you like.

So far I've got $300 invested, but that's 5 vapes, extra tanks, tips and 140 mL of high nicotine 18 mg / ml juice. They said that was like a "full flavor" cig and they got it pretty right. You can get 24 mg / ml stuff too which hits like a non-filter.

$300 sounds like a lot eh? At 50 bucks a carton, that's 6 cartons which would have lasted me a month. No brainer.

I love the vape. It's oral, you get the taste, you feel the "hit" in your throat, you see the smoke, you can exhale through the nose and you get the buzz instantly.

Good luck guys!
Well it's been over a month for me now without a single cig. I have been vaping with great results. I have tried many different devices with mixed results.
I bought a Kanger Aerotank Mega, like Mike B, and I liked it. I attached it to an itastz MVP mod and found the combination very satisfying. Still, I was curious about the drippers so I got one of those too along with a Smoktech Magneto II mech mod. The dripper vapes like a freight train and consumes e-juice like no tomorrow. Too fast in my opinion as feeding it the juice it can go through will cost alot more dollars than the slow consumption of the Aerotank Mega.
With vaping I have determined that I am a lung hitter, not mouth to lung like smoking a cigarette. The Aerotank Mega has too tight of a draw for me, even with the air control opened all the way up. I then bought an Aspire Nautilus Mini with the new BVC coil. It puts the Aerotank Mega to shame. Sooo much better flavor and a much airier draw when opened all the way up. It also goes through the juice slowly, similar to the consumption of the Aerotank Mega.

The above is just a quick rundown of my vaping story, an example of what someone else might experience.
My whole point here is There are many different ways to vape. Some are expensive and do not work well. Some are cheap and work very well. If you don't find what you like the first time, try a different method. Yes, I have spent $$ in my experimenting, about the same as if I had bought a few cartons of smokes, so the budget hasn't been blown out of proportion. Now that I have found what will work for me, the operating cost will be alot cheaper than cigarettes..... And I haven't had a cigarete in over a month now. :)
Yeah, this stuff has been out for a while now and there are good review sites around. That first one I got the "green smoke" was a joke. Had a led on the end that glowed red when you sucked on it so it looked like a cig.

You had to suck like a hoover and it tasted like crap.

So far I like the halo stuff the best and their juices just rock!
congrats, BN!

Well it's been over a month for me now without a single cig. I have been vaping with great results. I have tried many different devices with mixed results.
I bought a Kanger Aerotank Mega, like Mike B, and I liked it. I attached it to an itastz MVP mod and found the combination very satisfying. Still, I was curious about the drippers so I got one of those too along with a Smoktech Magneto II mech mod. The dripper vapes like a freight train and consumes e-juice like no tomorrow. Too fast in my opinion as feeding it the juice it can go through will cost alot more dollars than the slow consumption of the Aerotank Mega.
With vaping I have determined that I am a lung hitter, not mouth to lung like smoking a cigarette. The Aerotank Mega has too tight of a draw for me, even with the air control opened all the way up. I then bought an Aspire Nautilus Mini with the new BVC coil. It puts the Aerotank Mega to shame. Sooo much better flavor and a much airier draw when opened all the way up. It also goes through the juice slowly, similar to the consumption of the Aerotank Mega.

The above is just a quick rundown of my vaping story, an example of what someone else might experience.
My whole point here is There are many different ways to vape. Some are expensive and do not work well. Some are cheap and work very well. If you don't find what you like the first time, try a different method. Yes, I have spent $$ in my experimenting, about the same as if I had bought a few cartons of smokes, so the budget hasn't been blown out of proportion. Now that I have found what will work for me, the operating cost will be alot cheaper than cigarettes..... And I haven't had a cigarete in over a month now. :)
great job guys! today i start on my 4th week without a smoke, still get the urge but not as often, when the tree fell on the car is when came closest to having one. of course all the neighbors where out looking saying glad it missed their car and smoking away. i have found my mind just looks for an excuse to have one however i am not going to give in. i feel like i am sitting in a round group of people saying i am a Smokaholic lol
Quit smoking 6 years ago, used nicotene gum and pure determination. Started smoking when I was 14 years old. Sad but true,but thats another story. I wish all my Motorbike brothers good luck with your quitting . I was a 1 pack a day smoker,and I wish I would quit years ago! I have a cig about once a year to remind my self why I quit. They just d o'nt taste like I remember. All I can say is, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
That is great, Paul! You have very strong will to quit, especially considering that a tree fell on your car and you still resisted the urge to go for the stress releasing effects of a cancer stick. That says alot!
I am sorry that the tree attacked your car! At least it wasn't totaled, but what a bummer that you have to wait for a new windshield for it.

Hi, my name is Dan and I am a smokeaholic. :)
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they have free aps for stopping smoking you can put on your phone and tablet. kinda interesting to check out, amazes me i have not smoked almost 1,000 cigarettes already. the aps tell you how long you quit, how many cigarettes not smoked and health benefits. damn that's a lot of cigarettes
Keep at it Paul! It's been about 12 years for me and I don't miss them. Couldn't afford the today anyway.

i won't be able to afford when we move back to the states, here they are only a couple bucks a pack and michigan they are 3 to 4 times that