Quit (ing) cigarettes

just want to thank you guys and gals, kinda nice having a little support group going here. I am just taking it one day at a time. i cannot believe on the 10th will be a month i have been smoke free

Seriously, Paul. You were the catalyst for this thread. Really was amazing and very appreciated. And really helped. The ruff moments, a word or some one going thru the same deal, can tip the scale and ya get past that moment.

It really, really infuriates me when I feel so expletive wimpy about this. The not alone in the endeavor makes for a much better result and frankly an easier and kinder one.

Paul, your help last time I tried to quit was what made me think of doing a group, thread quit.

Just talking about it or some one saying some thing positive when all's ya want to do is smack a small human for just one drag, lol. Really did wonders. Think I called you up one day and said, well, sorta yelled just that.

..and felt guilty when I did end up lighting one! Har, guilt helps, too.

But any way. Thank you
i don't think it is whimpy. the darn things have been part of our lives for a long time. well over 3/4 of my life. ad in the physical addiction to the mental and its not easy. i still get mad easy and frustrated however each day gets a little more easy. i think that is what happened last time i quit it got to easy and i figured i could have just one, i did and it was all over. going to just keep taking it one day at a time and look at every day as a major accomplishment. its not easy that is for sure but it sure feels good knowing i am winning the battle
Seriously, Paul. You were the catalyst for this thread. Really was amazing and very appreciated. And really helped. The ruff moments, a word or some one going thru the same deal, can tip the scale and ya get past that moment.

It really, really infuriates me when I feel so expletive wimpy about this. The not alone in the endeavor makes for a much better result and frankly an easier and kinder one.

But any way. Thank you
no weaker then the rest of us racie35. i lost count of how many times i have tried to quit and didn't make it. key is to keep trying. its not easy but you can do it. each time i failed i hoped i had learned something from it. don't kick yourself just think about when you want to try again and psych yourself up for it and try again
Vape Stands

Once a DIY'er, always a DIY'er!

I made up some "crude ones" from old wood and then I replaced the kitchen light fixture that had some nice 3/4" oak end caps. Oak is too nice to throw away.

So, I made (4) triples and (2) singles with the 2 end caps.


Just a 5/8" hole bored through and some little rubber feet to keep them from sliding. I'm gonna have vapes everywhere. In different flavors. With holes left over for "traveling" vapes. Keeps your vapes upright and not rolling around, easy to find and grab and upright so they are not leaking.

I like this, this is gonna work - :)
well today is my 1 month anniversary smoke free. i still got a little rage going and have desires however they are getting easier to fend off. taking it one urge at a time
Congratulations Paul!
If could afford it, I'd send you a 1 month celebratory cupcake with a "1" candle on it.

Vape pen filled and charged here.
well today is my 1 month anniversary smoke free. i still got a little rage going and have desires however they are getting easier to fend off. taking it one urge at a time

Congrats, Remember it is O.K. to smoke as long as you don't inhale. Pickup a cigar and smoke but don't inhale to reward yourself from time to time and you will not fall back on cigarettes so easily. I haven't smoked a cigarette for 15 years, but I pick up a cigar from time to time, but just let my cheek cells soak in the nicotene. You hear alot of people dying from lung cancer, but not so many from cheek cell cancer.
It seems funny, since I'm going about a month of not smoking I'm getting hit harder by the cravings. It might have something to do with SWMBO still smoking & the odor of tobacco smoke drifts about. Thank jeebus for Wintergreen Lifesavers or I'd be making the shameful pilgrimage to the smoke shop.

Okay, I was at over a pack a day for many years. I got a small note pad and starting writing down the time every time I smoked one. Everyday I looked at the previous day's times to review when I smoked them and how far apart. Then I started tying to increase the time between smokes. At first, I was smoking one about every 25 mins, now I smoke one every hour and 10 mins. I forced myself to wait until my target time hit before I allowed myself to smoke one. I'm down to about 13-14 cigarettes per day right now. I'm going to add 5 mins next week to my target so it will be 1:15 between cigs. Sometimes it kills to wait, sometimes I'm watching the seconds tick bye waiting, dying for it, but it tastes sooo good when the time finally hits. The cravings do go away sometimes and sometimes I forget about it for awhile. Now I don't start craving it until an hour passes between cigs. It is working, kinda slow going, but I can't even imagine going cold turkey. Also I'm not sure a group will really help me, smoking seems like such a personal thing. I've been avoiding the gum and e-cigs because I don't want to be addicted to gum or e-cigs, I would like to end my addiction to nicotine altogehter, but I'm seriously considering trying the gum just to take the edge off.
This is what's working for me, so far. I was a 3/4 a pack a day guy and over the last week I'm down to a pack every three days. I don't keep track of the times but have actually written the day and time on the pack when I open it. I just finished a pack I opened at 10:AM, Friday. It's now Sunday evening, 6:30 PM and I'm ready to open another pack.

I fight with myself all day. My body says, "Lets have a smoke" then my mind says, "Let's wait a while". Sure has cut down on consumption. Now the next hurdle is to not want/need one at all.

I've got patches and lozenges from the VA but haven't started them yet. I want to see what I can do on my own first.
One thing I don't want to do is to trade one addiction for another. It will be nothing, or keep smoking.

Tom, cold turkey worked for me about 12 years ago so you can do it too!

Commendable, Dan. I'm not sure I have the fortitude. If this 'cutting down' works then the next step might be easier for me. This way I feel I'm training myself to 'do without' as opposed to the shock of just quitting.

I had an aunt who stopped cold trukey (where did that phrase come from?) after forty years of smoking. One day she got up, picked up her pack, looked at it and said, "I don't want these anymore" and quit. That always amazed me. Folks with that kind of grit have my full respect. I hope I can be that strong when I make the decision that 'today is the day'. I'm looking at the first week of October. Wish me luck.

This is what's working for me, so far. I was a 3/4 a pack a day guy and over the last week I'm down to a pack every three days. I don't keep track of the times but have actually written the day and time on the pack when I open it. I just finished a pack I opened at 10:AM, Friday. It's now Sunday evening, 6:30 PM and I'm ready to open another pack.

I fight with myself all day. My body says, "Lets have a smoke" then my mind says, "Let's wait a while". Sure has cut down on consumption. Now the next hurdle is to not want/need one at all.

I've got patches and lozenges from the VA but haven't started them yet. I want to see what I can do on my own first.
One thing I don't want to do is to trade one addiction for another. It will be nothing, or keep smoking.

Hey, you are doing great, better than I am. I know what you mean about the mind and the body. Sometimes I get one out and pretend to smoke it without actually lighting it up, haha, sometimes that will get me through the last 10 mins or so. I'm currently at 10-11 a day now. There are certain times that I just have to have one, like in the morning, after dinner, and before bed, I just have to have one at those times. I got a box of Nicorette gum but I've only had 2-3 pieces to use during an emergency or when I'm going to be in a place where I can't smoke for a few hours. It does reduce the cravings, but why wouldn't it? It's nicotine! Please let us know how the patch works out for you, I've never tried it but I'm curious if it helps. Sometimes I find myself forgetting to smoke one for over 2 hours before I realize that I've waited my allotted time and that my system permits me to smoke one, that's always nice. But yeah, I'm still at a half a pack a day. I should say that when I do smoke one, I smoke the entire thing, all the way down to just above the filter, not a drag gets wasted, haha. At my peak I smoked 25 to 30 a day and I never thought that I would ever be able to eliminate over half of them but I have. Now I'm wondering how I can eliminate even one more. To get under 10 a day would be a huge milestone for me. You are at 6-7 a day!!
Hey, if you go to the VA that must mean that at one time or another you have worn one of those United States Armed Forces uniforms, ummmmm.... I would just like to say thank you for putting it on!
Good Luck
Thank you, Tyler. My Air Force days are far behind me but I'm still proud to say "I served". And all vets like to hear folks say, "Thank You".

One way I've found to cut back is to 'not' smoke a whole one. I've discovered that if I light one, take a couple of hits then put it out, I'm satisfied. I'm averaging about three smokes from one cigarette. Yesterday I tried to see just how long I could go before the craving got me. I was amazed when I realized I had gone four hours without a smoke. I'll admit however that when I did light one, it sure was good :(

And here's an oddity. I typically sleep eight to nine hours a night. So why can I do that without a smoke but not during the day? I would think that if my body really needed it that bad I'd wake up in the middle of the night and have to have a smoke. But I don't. That indicates to me the addiction is more mental than physical. Some doctors agree, some don't.

I know what you mean about those 'special times'. Morning coffee, after eating and for me, driving. Somehow driving and smoking just go together. Silly, I know, but so is the whole habit.

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I tried to quit many times. Each time I tried I would become highly agitated with everyone around me. I started smoking when I was 15 and up until the time I finally was able to quit in my late 30's... I was a chain smoker who really enjoyed those cowboy killer Marlboro's and I also smoked little cigars often. Been seven years now since I quit and people will ask how I quit cold turkey after many failed attempts? The final solution was simple and I wished I had thought of it sooner. Instead of getting agitated with everyone around me, I got really pissed at the real problem and that was me. Allowing myself to get beat by nicotine time and time again wears on ones pride and I finally got mad enough at the right person and bull headed enough that I just decided I was no longer a smoker.
Seven years later I actually still crave cigarettes....especially after supper, morning coffee, gymnastics in the bedroom, cold beer, but my lung function has dramatically improved and things do taste better. I also hope to maybe live long enough to spend quality time with grandchildren. My own Grandmother died from smoking when I was younger and after watching them pump what looked like coffee out of her lungs...I hope to avoid the same fate.