Quit (ing) cigarettes

The money thing is what first got me serious about quitting. Which is kinda dumb and should be secondary but what ever works, I guess.

The apps thing is awesome and in that vein, just downloaded this one.


Another kinda dumb thing but am finding not allowing my self to get over tired, hungry or wigged out about stuff seems to be helping.

Been smoking 1 to 3 packs a day for 41 years (God, I wish I didn't just do the math) so a bit of a change.
Hey Paul, You're really leaving paradise to return to Michigan?

Was it just a temp assignment? You still be doing the air traffic thing?
we are thinking about it mike. the original plan was to move down here for a few years. 7 years later we are thinking about going back home and yes still an air traffic controller
I was just back to Detroit early April to bury Pops. It was cold & rainy most of the week. They had a brutal winter this year and it carried over to spring.

The whole time I was there I was like "I'm sure glad I moved to CA back in '79"

I've been going back regular to see my folks since I moved out and saw first hand what happens when you take all the dough out of an area. I really don't know how a lot of those restaurants survive. When the car Co's were working 24/7, the region was flush with dough. Now lot's are shut and the ones that are running have lots of space in the parking lots.

Oh how things have changed in my home town - :(
That is a huge part, I think. For me, any way. The doing it with other folks.

Really sick of failing at this.

(Ya'd think I would be good at it by now. I've quit dozens of times already)
Good luck!

I'm just so happy with my vapes. I love nicotine and know I'll just be a junkie forever.

But at least they are not so bad as smoking.

You know the first thing Pops did when he got out of the hospital or rehab center? Yup, lit up a smoke. Even after months without one, zero nicotine in his system, easy to quit eh?

Nope, right back on the horse. Gimme a Pall Mall. No filters for Pops, he liked tobacco in his mouth with the smoke. As bad as all that sounds, Pops lived to 92.

I am my father's son - :)
I love the vaping thing. I actually enjoy it more then real cigs. No hacking or guilt and really addresses the ritual part of it for me. Thats what always gets me.

My plan is to end up e-cigging with nicotine free juice.

Reading some of the ecig forums, seemed crazy but some folks who were non/never smoked did the vape thing. Just seemed bizarre to me.
you can do it man, yes its gonna suck,, yes you are going to feel like you lost your best friend, yes you are going to think of every excuse in the world to have one, fight and beat it and its like fu tobacco demon as my brother called it. i have to say its nice not trying to figure out where and when i am going to have my next smoke. like mike said it only takes one puff and its like you never quit. i took today and started on a piece of paper trying to draw 1,000 filters which is how many cigarettes i have not had since i quit. really made me think
Ty...I'm hopeful this time and have support.
I'm not sure if it's been 8 or 9 days, heck, it might of been 10 days since i lit up the last one. Seems that I'll go through moments when my body just craves a smoke, fortunately not too often, then I remember it's not the nicotine that my body craves but the Arsenic that's been added to the tobacco & in the smoke.

I tried the e-cig route, but I'm one of those folks that has to do some things the hard way, so cold turkey for Me & My Monkey.

I can say that another day is passing and I'm not smoking. Hopefully I'll have enough inner fortitude to continue not smoking.
I keep reminding myself, only a few more days and I'll have saved enough for a 4 stroke motor kit.........

good job cosmickid! i wake up in the morning wanting one, and it is down to only a few times a day i desire one, its defiantly a lot easier each day. i guess when i wake up is the strongest craving.
nothing wrong with help, i have 3 bottles of the nicotine lozengers just in case i get weak. hopefully i will never need them but have them just in case
That is awesome Dave.

Really respect your methodology.

Racie, I swear cough drops work too. Even just to get you past the moment.
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just want to thank you guys and gals, kinda nice having a little support group going here. I am just taking it one day at a time. i cannot believe on the 10th will be a month i have been smoke free