Quit (ing) cigarettes

That indicates to me the addiction is more mental than physical. Some doctors agree, some don't.

In order to quit and to stay quit I would have to say it is completely a mental battle. To get through the first few months after I quit and when cravings were at the worst, I had to keep telling my subconscious mind about all the things I would enjoy more as a non smoker. Like the smell of air itself after a spring rain or the smell of mowed hay. Taste is enhanced and all the foods I enjoy I will get to enjoy even more. Smoking really deadens your taste and smell and once you quit you will notice those senses coming back. Sleeping at night without your spouse kicking you to the couch for weezing or waking up in the mornings without hacking up a lung are things to look forward to. Kisses from your sweetie are sweeter and figuring out what you are going to spend that saved cash are all things to tell your mind to look forward to.

I remember the time right after I quit. Reaching for my shirt pocket for a smoke out of habit even though there were no smokes there. The little devil on my shoulder telling me that one smoke wouldn't hurt after pigging out on a great meal...yet knowing that even one cigarette makes we a smoker and not a non smoker. One of the hardest things to do in my life was to give up those smokes, but like I said before...you just got to get bullheaded and view them as the enemy out to destroy great things to come in your life. You CAN do it!
i just got back from michigan for my daughters wedding, everyone it seemed smoked, it was an outdoor wedding with over 200 people. had the urge however did not ever take a puff. like you ckangaroo i started when i was really young, matter fact i got thrown out of school for a few days in 7th grade for smoking, glad to be stopped, its really nice not trying to figure out where have my next one
Well how was MI in early fall? If memory serves, it should have been wonderful.

Did you get some Autumn color? I always tried to go back in the fall, my fav season.
I have to admit defeat..... I started smoking again.
I got some devastating news from the doctor on Wednesday, so smoking ain't gonna hurt this child. I always said I'd go out doing the things I enjoy & smoking is one of them. Now I guess I need to figure out if I'm going to do the bucket list thing....

Down to a pack every three days. I've been dating the pack when I open it and seeing just how long I can make it last. I'm still on a pack I opened last Thursday. I have five left in the pack. I keep telling myeslf "You don't really need or want it, so why light it?"

So far it seems to be working. Three days for a pack? That has to be good, right?
Someone tell me I'm being a 'good boy'.

Tom, you are doing great! If ya drove in city traffic, that would be the same as 3 cigs if not more.

About progress and not the destination.
Dan, If I was still working and doing that 80 mile a day commute I can assure you I wouldn't be able to boast about the progress. I used to light a cigarette instead of shooting other drivers. :)

it was awesome! fall is my favorite also.
Well how was MI in early fall? If memory serves, it should have been wonderful.

Did you get some Autumn color? I always tried to go back in the fall, my fav season.
I quit yesterday. They just taste bad now. I mean everytime I lit up, first puff and the inside of my mouth just filled with a horrible rancid tobacco taste. I mean disgusting. The vapes still taste good.

I just went outside and lit up took one puff and tossed it. This is really cool. I finally got to a point where I just don't like cigs anymore and if I weaken and take just 1 puff I'm like "yuck"

Gonna order some more halo stuff, get some of their ecigs to go with the tank units. You can't do the "tankers" laying in bed cause the juice leaks into the draw pipe and believe me, that's not good.

I'm jazzed! I'm no longer a smoker, just a "vapor" - :)

I dunno how or why this worked. But I do have a clue. Pops had some cigs left and he liked the unfiltered ones. So I bought a cigarette holder and thought I'd smoke em eh? You know rather than toss them out. So I'm puffing and although the holder kept the tobacco out of my mouth, they tasted really bad.

When I went back to my Winstons, they started tasting bad too. I mean bloody awful. I just tried another one and this time it took me 2 puffs before I tossed it and then rinsed my mouth with listerine.

This rocks!

Some how I escaped the monster. In part when my parents caught me stealing cigarettes out of our bowling alley when I was 11 but mainly it was listening to Dad getting up every morning and hacking and choking like he was going to die. This worked for my brother as well who never smoked.

Your quitting does indeed rock.

keep it up mike. i am still smoke free. a lot of crap going on in my life that keeps testing me however i keep winning. its hard for sure at times, however unlike you one puff for me and it will be all over and back to 3 packs a day and knowing that really helps. all of us are affected different and to find something that works for us is the key, looks like you have found it, congrats man

I dunno. I've always liked smoking (really loved smoking) and it's almost like I lost a good friend.

Just to make sure, I opened a fresh pack so they were not stale, lit it up and took 2 puffs. Then I threw it inna trash after killing it with tap water (kitchen) and washed my mouth out with scotch. Then water. And then I drank some scotch. You know swallowed it instead of spitting it in the sink.

Ha! Tomorrow is pic time. Starring a new $50 carton of Winstons, a log, a machette and me. It's gonna be fun!
I hear ya Mike (love smoking here too)... I been using a vaporizer since 09/22. I didn't really figure I would quit smoking altogether when I started, I just wanted something to keep me from smoking one after another after another. Wasn't long before I started liking the taste of the vapor better than the cigs. Went on a kayaking trip 2 weekends ago and decided to leave the vaporizer at home and just take a couple packs of smokes... by the end of the trip I couldn't wait to get back to my vape. To me cigs just taste muddy or dirty now. I can't believe it's been this easy to stop smoking... been smoking menthols for nearly 45 yrs.. within a week of using the vaporizer I stopped lighting up cigs and just went to the vape instead and outside of the kayak trip I haven't had a smoke since. Cudos to my brother who convinced me to give it a try.

Paul - If you ever get to the point you can't take it anymore (and I truly hope you don't) give vaping a try before you light up a smoke... like Mike said, I don't even like the taste of cigs anymore (I do love the smell of someone else smoking one thou, I just know that it's not for me anymore)

Very good luck to all you guys tryin to quit no matter by what means.
Ordered up the regular "G6" ecigs with "cartomizers"

These are the little tubes filled with absorbant so the juice doesn't leak out. I like to read in bed and smoke while I'm reading. This way it'll be just like a real cig and I won't have to put the book down and grab the "tanker" and puff propped up on one arm. And I won't have to worry about burning myself to death if I fall asleep either - :)

Should be better for travel too. You really don't want that juice to leak out anywhere. Another couple hundred bucks, but hey cigs are $50/carton and know know what? They ain't gonna be getting cheaper either - :)
Well it's been 2 days and although I still feel the need to light one up, as soon as I see the pack that taste forms in my mouth and I grab the vape.


Fifty bucks worth, a brand new carton.


Not any more - :)