Quit (ing) cigarettes

Bumping this thread after a scary doctor's visit today. Had to go for xrays and CT of my chest. The doc called late this evening with good news but a stern warning. "Quit now!"

He said I have some damage that might, or might not go away if I quit. Whatever, if I don't quit the damage is going to get progressivly worse and within a year I'll have some serious problems that "won't go away, but you might". Eyebrow raiser to be sure.

This has to work. I'm priming myself for the hurdles to follow. Help me out here guys.

Tom I haven't smoked in almost 40 years so I'm no authority, some people have had luck drinking strong black coffee as a aid. Coffee sometimes helps control your appetite some also. Gaining weight is one of the reason people start back smoking. I quit when I was 19, put them down and never looked back. Changing anything that a doctor says is harming you should motivate you also.
I smoked 13 yesterday but it's getting harder and harder to eliminate each one. I don't know how I be able to handle it when I get down to under 10, I might have to go for e-cigs or gum.
need to find out something that works for you. i have done it all. patches, gum, pills, hypnoses, acupuncture, lozenges you name it. i kept quiting but kept going back. this time it was getting hard to breath and other problems. i couldn't bring myself to quit. couple of friends wanted to quit too and they came up with this bet that if we start we give the other 2 $100.00 bucks each, so each time i think about having one i ask myself is it worth $200.00 to take a puff and it working because a puff is not worth that kind of money. the desire goes away pretty fast its just when the desire does hit you need something to motivate you not to have one. i have never whimper out on a bet and i will not, sad but money loss works for me and health problems did not to quit. i honestly believe this time i have quit for good, cold turkey and sunday will be 2 weeks. i was a 3 pack a day smoker and been smoking since i was in 7th grade, i am now in my late 50's
I just got a new "vape" and I like it. There are none of us that don't know that smoking is bad for the health. In my retirement I find I have been smoking more and now I want to smoke less.

I have tried 2 products before "green smoke" and "clean smoke" one was a an e-cig and one was a tank unit and both pretty much sucked. So I hit the web and found a new one "halo" and it works the best yet.


Not cheap, a "starter kit", a couple of spare tanks and a couple bottles of juice cost $120. But that's like a couple of cartons eh? Who cares.

It works the best of any I've tried and the proof is less cigs smoked. It tastes and feels so good that I'm reaching for it now more than a smoke. Mikey likes it - :)
Just sitting here vaping away and smiling. Filled up another tank with another juice "Turkish Tobacco" and just loving it.


The other one is called "Tribeca" and it is lighter tasting. Good but not as good as Turkish. I am having big fun not smoking - :) I lit up a smoke, took a few puffs and stubbed it. That's 1 cig so far today and I put it out.

That's what's really cool. With those others I tried, I would be so unsatisfied that I would light up a smoke after vaping. With this I'm stubbing the cig and pushing the button!

Gonna order up some more batteries and tanks and some different juices too. I'm gonna have these things all around the house - :)

Went out to lunch and of course I wanted a (wait for it) vape afterward. Which I had right in my pocket. Then the old familiar urge took hold and I lit up a smoke. And thought "these are really disgusting" hehe. That's 2 cigs so far today when I would be opening the second pack w/o the vape.

If you tried a vape before and it didn't work or you didn't like it, have another go. The third one was the charm for me.
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Hi Dan!

Sorry to here about the addiction. My first smoke was in the late 50's by the early 60's I was helplessly addicted. After 10 years of smoking I was doing 2 packs a day and waking up coughing and looking for that pack like it was more important than my next breath. So I know first hand what a terrible monkey that is to carry around on your back. I tried many times myself to quit then one day I just went cold turkey. Tossed a cartoon into the garbage and never bought another pack. Oh it wasn't easy, I was crawling the walls for weeks. Went through terrible mood swings, and was not fit to be around others. But after about a month I started feeling better, I stopped coughing and no longer had that terrible feeling that I had to have one. I had a brother and my mother both died from lung cancer, it's a terrible thing to go through. Smoking is like having a keg of dynamite in your chest with a very very long fuse. I sincerely hope you are able to quit before it takes you.

Thanx, Dave. Me 2

Just reread this thread and realized I proposed 2 different start dates. Or do you folks want to do it that way? Suppose it will end up being an ongoing thing. I was just thinking a group start date would help?

Rereading this thread just did me a whole lotta good and reinforced my wanting to stop.
Why not just start now? I want to continue getting future 'snorks'........

Hmmmm, me just being selfish.
Honestly dunno, XMon. Think and just me here, really want to be committed this run at it.

Every time I have tried on the "sick of it/spur of the moment" I personally didn't last long and had better, or at least a longer run with a set start date.

Really dunno. LOL, this is feeling like a break-up........ (50 ways to leave your addiction)
i think having a group will help also, i am on week 3 and their were 3 of us that quit together, it helps to talk about what you are going thru and find out you are not alone, its a heck of a change to your system. i have to say the coughing has stopped and i feel better, still a long ways to go though but it is a start
a start date is very important. you have to get into the mindset to do it. just doing it on the spur has never worked for me,. this time the three of us set a date and i think it helped a lot,. one of them is using patches and one is using an e cigarette and me i am cold turkey. as long as it works all is good
Paul, your help last time I tried to quit was what made me think of doing a group, thread quit.

Just talking about it or some one saying some thing positive when all's ya want to do is smack a small human for just one drag, lol. Really did wonders. Think I called you up one day and said, well, sorta yelled just that.

..and felt guilty when I did end up lighting one! Har, guilt helps, too.
Okay, I was at over a pack a day for many years. I got a small note pad and starting writing down the time every time I smoked one. Everyday I looked at the previous day's times to review when I smoked them and how far apart. Then I started tying to increase the time between smokes. At first, I was smoking one about every 25 mins, now I smoke one every hour and 10 mins. I forced myself to wait until my target time hit before I allowed myself to smoke one. I'm down to about 13-14 cigarettes per day right now. I'm going to add 5 mins next week to my target so it will be 1:15 between cigs. Sometimes it kills to wait, sometimes I'm watching the seconds tick bye waiting, dying for it, but it tastes sooo good when the time finally hits. The cravings do go away sometimes and sometimes I forget about it for awhile. Now I don't start craving it until an hour passes between cigs. It is working, kinda slow going, but I can't even imagine going cold turkey. Also I'm not sure a group will really help me, smoking seems like such a personal thing. I've been avoiding the gum and e-cigs because I don't want to be addicted to gum or e-cigs, I would like to end my addiction to nicotine altogehter, but I'm seriously considering trying the gum just to take the edge off.
here is a thought. Have you ever met or heard of anyone that regretted that they quit smoking?
i am well into my third week and it is getting easier, still have desires and still an evil prick but its getting better lol
a lot of my posts will be talking to myself to lol.
Hi paul!

Been there done that. You will feel much better, mentally and physically. When differs for each person. And yes I am so grateful, to have been able to quit.


Still vaping and still liking it. Cigs down 50%. Still like real ones with cocktails and reading in bed. Something about laying down and vaping doesn't work.

Two new juices are on the way, I'll report the results.

Also making little wooden stands to keep them upright and not rolling around on the table, falling off, getting dirty or broken.
I met a guy one time who had talked about having quit smoking. He used tooth picks as his oral fixation. One day he was tearing the seat out of the back of the car just looking for a tooth pick. I have been a victom of cigarettes. Been a long haul for sure. No way would I start dipping or running around with a Vap somthing or other as a pacifier.

I get that this may help sombody. I have to figgure how did I get here in the first place. No sir no subsitutes, and no luggage just throw the monkey away. Seriously...

My plan is to not carry around luggage any more. Heck could wind up dipping vaping and smoking. Might even be looking for that tooth pick. I will pass my self. My personal goal is essentially needing non of this rotten stuff!!laff
That is the best way, the "not needing" anything way.

I love nicotine. Always have. I like the effect. The pleasant hit and the relaxing effect on the brain. The tranquility. I quit 3 times - :) Just kept coming back.

The first time I switched to cigars. Mostly unlit, just a big stick of tobacco in my mouth. Yes, it is an oral thing. The second time I used the gum. That worked but it wasn't the same "hit", more like a delayed release and it irratated my mouth so bad I got sores. The third time I went cold turkey and my wife said light up or I'm leaving.

Yup, I'm an addict and I love nicotine.

The vape is working though, now drinking and vapeing, not smoking. The "hit" is still there. The "buzz" is immeadiate, just like smoking. Mikey likes it - :)

Yeah, it's no good for you but it's better than inhaling smoke and all the compounds created by combustion of vegetable matter. My chest doesn't feel as heavy and the house is not filled with smoke so that sunlight rays are evident through the rooms.
I got another one. A BIG one. An itaste 134. Big lithium battery, adjustable power, adjustable draw. Clouds of smoke. This thing will set you back.


Looks like a light saber eh? Solid stainless steel. You drop this on your toe, you be limpin'!