Quit (ing) cigarettes

Although I did prefer him in his role as the irascible NYPD Detective in Swinging London:
I'm not sure what was the biggest influence, sexy chicks, cartoon characters or Santa.
I mean, really, if it was good enough for Santa.............

Sorry Dan. I know you meant this as a serious subject but you have to realize who you're dealing with here. If we can't make fun of our addiction where does that leave us? :)



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I just realized that my statement "this genius" may have come across as flippant; I meant it sincerely...John Muir was a beloved genius. My point is is that nicotine addiction is very real and even stronger than reality. Too many good people have died in tobacco-agony because of it. Don't let the pleasing effects of that drug allow you to put you intellect on stand-by. I was fortunate enough to beat the addiction (for 14-years thus). If you MUST feed that false mistress, PLEASE serve it vaporized or patched nicotine.

(typed whilst swilling 16oz Buds)

K, you always come across as sincere and as a good guy. Wish you could come hang out up this way next picnic ride. (we can get you back and forth to NH or HARTFD)

I started smoking later than the average smoker, I was 19 and a semi-professional fighter.
All my friends smoked and so I ended up smoking 2-3 a day socially by age 20.

19 years later I'm fully addicted, having failed quitting smoking a half dozen times. I have a habit that ranges between half a pack a pack to a full pack a day. I'm still somewhat of an athlete, but not running low 5 minute miles anymore like I used to. I jog. Doubt I could go 12 rounds in the ring. Maybe not even 8. Probably no more than 5.

I'm in. I need to quit and maybe joining the group will help keep me motivated. Besides, all you guys are too far away for me to hit when I need a smoke :D

Awesome Ale! That is the thing. When ya get ... cranky or what ever. yell at one of us. It will be understood. sure, you will get yelled back at but hey

I'm not sure what was the biggest influence, sexy chicks, cartoon characters or Santa.
I mean, really, if it was good enough for Santa.............

Sorry Dan. I know you meant this as a serious subject but you have to realize who you're dealing with here. If we can't make fun of our addiction where does that leave us? :)



Dumb thing but some kids were trying to mug me in the north end of Hartford. As they tried to take the "Happy" stem caps , I took their bikes and it turned in to a maylay. 4 kids against one man. And I was not giving up my Happy caps.

Long story short, after a rock fight, I kept the happy stem caps. That you gave me. I doubt they cost much but they meant a lot to me.
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I just found this thread from Dan's link in the "For Old Guys Only" thread.
Count me in on this one!
Vaping affords me the hand to mouth habit as well as a little nicotine to help keep the nicotine monster at bay. I can adjust the nicotine levels by adding 0 mg flavors of juice to whatever level of juice I have on the vape tank, or just use a low mg juice.
Careful mixing different flavors though. That can taste NASTY.

For those considering vaping, stay away from the E-Cigs. They are expensive compared to a vape pen.
This is what started me down the road of quitting cigs:
They are rebuildable, refillable, upgradeable to a point, and cheaper than a carton of cigs. They do need maintenance which is easy-peasy.
I did alot of research on utube and vape forums before deciding on them.
They have the best reputation for durability and ease of use.
Replacement atomizer heads are cheap enough at $5.79 for a 5 pack, http://www.sun-vapers.com/buy/kanger-protank-heads-in-1-8-or-2-5-ohms-5-pack/ or you can learn to rebuild them like I did by watching utube videos, which reduces the operating costs even more.
I recommend 1.8 ohm heads.
They have become a new hobby for me and it is alot of fun!

Note: Sun Vapes is right down the street from my house so I don't pay shipping costs.
If you can, find a vape store near you to save on the shipping costs, and I highly recommend Kanger products for the beginner.
Very cool. First time I tried it, same thing.(vaping)
For folks who don't like vaping or the like, what would you suggest, Ale?

"Pedaling harder is the cheapest speed upgrade" LOL, that is true! I always thought that was low gear.
You will have greater success quitting cigarettes if you have an internal locus of control. Keep it a secret and don't tell anyone you are quitting. That way you only have one person to prove it to.
You will have greater success quitting cigarettes if you have an internal locus of control. Keep it a secret and don't tell anyone you are quitting. That way you only have one person to prove it to.
That is probably the best advice I've ever heard on the subject. As long as you don't have expectations from others and only rely on your own, your chances of success are better. I detest someone asking, "So how is it going?" That's when you want to slap them and go light up.

Thanks, Albula. I'm going to take your advice.

You will have greater success quitting cigarettes if you have an internal locus of control. Keep it a secret and don't tell anyone you are quitting. That way you only have one person to prove it to.
That was how I quit drinking. Did not tell a soul accept for God. said me prayers. No AAA stuff no body. I got my self into a frame of mind. I figured out EVERY THING I could possibly dream up about it. Basically every thing I hated then never changed my mind about it again. You see I could not afford to. I wanted to experience life and just drop it to do any thing else..

If for a second I was to think something good. Here is where I had some bad spots. Stress, completing a good job on a project , ate a meal... etc. That can be a tough thing for any of us. Had to stand my ground for just about three weeks.

After week four it was a piece of cake. The problem here lies with IMHO how many folks have at least tried to cut down? That is where it starts with a conscious effort. Quit Frankly you have to at least try. So the switch to turn it off is no where to be found? LOOK for it!!

I can walk through the boos Isle in the grocery store now and don't even deal with Ghosts a bit.. Been I lost track? Mebbe 5 or 6 years now? I am glad I did it. The money I save is pretty Kewl.

Yes I believe I am preaching to the quire about now. As I am to throw away the ciggs as well. *sigh* My Grand Father quit one day around age 60. He was pretty ornery. What He tried to convey to me early on is that this stuff is all in your head. You can will it out..... Just wanna say something that I think can be a encouraging stance.

Problem is that we get so accustom to our habits it becomes all we know. So I dare say be courageous about a one track mind '''away from it''' There was a time when you never needed the stuff. Know that find that.

You worked your way in thinking ya needed it?? Work your way out and stay there!

Dream a little and want for better for our selves in life. I wanna continue to set this goal and change my mind set. God Willing. Its way over due. If I don't try it will never work. Truth is I had not cared till lately and a heck of a lot now. I am almost there. Because right now I hate these things more seriously than I used to.. I do. Gonna keep that mind set too and start a new life. Away from it. Got to start some where? Or it cannot go away....

I am thinking profound things like this is is luggage. Then I think? Why do I carry it around? This crud is money grubbing luggage. It takes my heath and who knows how dang much money I can save. Once again it is just luggage plain and simple..I rhyme that reason with you don't crap where you eat.

For me personally I had the luck of a sobor enough teen age years I would remind my self before, as I did quit cigarettes 3 or 4 times now over the years. Then boos who cannot have a smoke then? This time I am not looking back........... You cannot quit.. if you don't quit. So quit as this fool draws on a smoke to reflect what did I just typed?

Oh man I got work to do. So I do this put it out and don't finish it. Then :p

They should just label the cig packs luggage...laff
That was how I quit drinking. Did not tell a soul accept for God. said me prayers. No AAA stuff no body. I got my self into a frame of mind. I figured out EVERY THING I could possibly dream up about it. Basically every thing I hated then never changed my mind about it again. You see I could not afford to. I wanted to experience life and just drop it to do any thing else..

If for a second I was to think something good. Here is where I had some bad spots. Stress, completing a good job on a project , ate a meal... etc. That can be a tough thing for any of us. Had to stand my ground for just about three weeks.

After week four it was a piece of cake. The problem here lies with IMHO how many folks have at least tried to cut down? That is where it starts with a conscious effort. Quit Frankly you have to at least try. So the switch to turn it off is no where to be found? LOOK for it!!

I can walk through the boos Isle in the grocery store now and don't even deal with Ghosts a bit.. Been I lost track? Mebbe 5 or 6 years now? I am glad I did it. The money I save is pretty Kewl.

Yes I believe I am preaching to the quire about now. As I am to throw away the ciggs as well. *sigh* My Grand Father quit one day around age 60. He was pretty ornery. What He tried to convey to me early on is that this stuff is all in your head. You can will it out..... Just wanna say something that I think can be a encouraging stance.

Problem is that we get so accustom to our habits it becomes all we know. So I dare say be courageous about a one track mind '''away from it''' There was a time when you never needed the stuff. Know that find that.

You worked your way in thinking ya needed it?? Work your way out and stay there!

Dream a little and want for better for our selves in life. I wanna continue to set this goal and change my mind set. God Willing. Its way over due. If I don't try it will never work. Truth is I had not cared till lately and a heck of a lot now. I am almost there. Because right now I hate these things more seriously than I used to.. I do. Gonna keep that mind set too and start a new life. Away from it. Got to start some where? Or it cannot go away....

I am thinking profound things like this is is luggage. Then I think? Why do I carry it around? This crud is money grubbing luggage. It takes my heath and who knows how dang much money I can save. Once again it is just luggage plain and simple..I rhyme that reason with you don't crap where you eat.

For me personally I had the luck of a sobor enough teen age years I would remind my self before, as I did quit cigarettes 3 or 4 times now over the years. Then boos who cannot have a smoke then? This time I am not looking back........... You cannot quit.. if you don't quit. So quit as this fool draws on a smoke to reflect what did I just typed?

Oh man I got work to do. So I do this put it out and don't finish it. Then :p

They should just label the cig packs luggage...laff

Ever read the AA 12 steps step 4 turn your life and will over to god as you understad him. Can't do it alone.

Quiting smokeing is like cutting a dogs tail off you eather cut it off all at once or you cut back a little at a time and suffer.

I quit in 89 the wife and i both. Bought some of the ciggerest the were addvertizing on TV took it for two weeks and that was the end. then i quit drinking in 94 That also took god and prayers.

My dad had a hunting budy that smoked Lucky strikes all his live have you ever seen a man were long underwere in the middle of summer in 80 degree humid heat do to poor serculation because of smoking, i have and he did. He died a few years after.

Right now my wife's sister is in the nursing home with only 1 ft. of intestines left because of poor serculation to the intestines and almost died. she has to be there for regular tube feedings for nutreants to the blood to survive. So there is a hole lot more ression to quit then just break the habit...................Curt
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I quit drinking a long time ago & have not smoked at various times over the years. Right now I'm smoking, but workng my mindset to not smoking.
For me, it's a process of waking up one day and deciding I'm not going to light that first cigarette. I may not make it through that day, but the following day I'll give it a go once again and keep at it until I get through the entire day not smoking. If someone asks if I've quit, I tell them no, I'm just not smoking today. When folks stop asking, I know that I'm no longer a smoker.

me and my brother both quit by using the E-cig s you can get any flavor any nicotine amount and you can smoke anywhere. also you can as slowly as you want cut back on the nicotine till your at 0 then just enjoy the flavor and the feel of something in your hand that's the big thing finding that you miss the feeling of something in your hand you keepo that cigarette in your hand all the time its a habit that's hard to break but I and 10,000 more have stopped without that chantex keeping you up or feeling funny no drug just freedom from nicotine at your pace and have the fast change in your breathing since there Is no smoke just vapor so the co2 in your system drops rapidly and you feel better studys show after 3 yrs of vaping that your lungs are almost back to normal use vegetable glycerin that's VG instead of the propylene glycol liquids and you will be smoke free !!!!!!!
I enjoy smoking & drinking, never plan to quit. They make me feel good.

I just don't smoke too much and I don't drink too much.

I asked god and he told me to pour another cocktail & light up a smoke.

So I did. You guys have fun too, whatever that is - :)
I started smoking cigarettes in '88 when I was 25, in 30 day rehab. Quit drinking five months later but smoked one pack of Pall Malls a day, no more, no less. Half tried to quit a couple times, went 9 months once. Have probably been chewing the 4-mg. gum and smoking at the same for the last 3 years or so, I liked it 'cause you could keep your N levels way up there in places where you can't smoke. Came down with pneumonia sometime in January so I was already about a week without a smokey treat and have managed to go without one so far. It was pretty crazy the first couple weeks, just a whirlwind of being pissed off. Got calmed down for a couple months and then dropped down to the lighter, 2 mg. gum and that step was rougher than I would have guessed! Just now getting tired of them gum. It doesn't matter much what your personal chemical demon is, YOU have to WANT TO QUIT. :-|| PS= Local inconvenient store Pall Mall non-filter - As of last Jan. - $8.35
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