Old Guys V twin & sidecar

Like trying to do a front half of a old Rudge clutch, how many skate board wheels i went through, back to dreaming, then do another. Then give up for a few days, go see neighbor for ideas. then destroy another wheel. finialy went to nylon for wheel. Now on the shelf till i get the motor in frame. Here is a scetch..........Curt

Got this off Mr. B's Excalibur build and added a couple things, like the belt guides and tension release.
We used a similar clutch system on a build back in the late 1950's. I was just a kid, my uncle actually built it. I don't remember a jackshaft, just a pulley on the rear wheel, the motor shaft, and another on the "handle/shifter" to tighten the belt. It was the summer before the USAF shipped us overseas, 3 years later when we returned the bike was gone.
PeteMcP, I'm sorry to hear about your wife's illness. Hard to be a caregiver and harder yet to see someone you love slip off into the darkness of dementia and your not able to stop it from happening.

The Buick is outstanding. The vinyl wrap that you applied to the windows and dash is marvelous. It's nice that the car went to a new owner who treasured the car as much as you do.

Time spent building motorbike is time well spent indeed. Looking forward to seeing what your next builds are.

Curt I too understand awakening worn out after fabricating all night. From your illustration I can see how skate board rollers & even hockey pucks might have been in short supply during the design/prototype phase. I can't wait to see your build completed. Rick C.
I will be posting sometime this winter, it is now nice one can just copy and paste pictures, without resizing. Hockey puck, would of worked also, but got some thick nylon free, and just hole sawed out a round, lathed it from there. Old Rudge in the 20's had what they called a Auto- varia drive, two piece pulley on front, Just like snowmobile have today, sorta Mr. B did the first sketch. and i added. If it works it will be interesting to see what the speed range will be. If not i have a 3D to put on.
Should get back to yours as i may do side car mounts, and come to watch your build...........Curt
Yes Dogcatcher there was a lot of that "shipping overseas" going on during the late '50's & thereafter. When we returned much had changed and disappeared....

I seldom utilize cost/ benefit considerations in my bike building processes, but last night I did. Costs are approximate. Using the Predator 212: motor $130. shipped, ARC billet flywheel $130., Mikuni carb (real) $100., 3-D clutch $230. total basic parts = $590. not including misc. parts, shipping & any taxes involved. What you get 6.5 hp plus ? & single speed that will readily fit some smaller frame bikes.

I next looked at the cost involved in using the Honda clone 125 cc 5 speed engine which I utilized for both my Simplex & Harley "Peashooter" builds: Base engine shipped $375., Mikuni $100., CDI & electrical set $60., plus additional shipping & tax. Total basic parts=$535. What you get 12 hp, kick start, 5 speed integrated transmission, 10,000 rpm & a wet clutch.

I'd say cost /benefit are obvious, but will readily concede that the frame construction/alterations are more difficult to fabricate, but not necessarily more expensive dollar wise...time wise yes.

I'm still going to build a 212 Predator in the future, like I said I seldom use cost/benefit calculations in my builds, but the 125 cc still stands out in the comparisons. Rick C.
I really like the changes made to this site recently & it all really seems to work better, especially uploading files. Thanks to management!

I do have a question. What caused the drop off in number of views being registered? Did the parameters of what constitutes a view change? Are members only counted as viewers? I've noticed a big drop off in views across this forum segment, immediately following the format change.

Not a matter of importance to members, unless your're also a vendor who's paying for advertising space...then I'd think it's a big deal. Rick C.
One thing i know is a lot of people left the moterdbike forum and come to this one,as it was better. But now basically the same, but still prefer this one. Just my thought. A lot of people don't like change, and are afraid of unknown. Even though it is for the better, it took me a while to figure it out LOL
I did copy and paste a picture, found it works, so now it will be so much better to do a post for build. I am not one for a bunch of high tech stuff just to do things, keep it simple and i LIKE IT............Curt
Curt I agree on simple & no change, though this change was good; I initially was against it. Now I'm glad they invested in it. Still don't understand why the views don't add up? Rick C.
The changes on the forum are one of the few that actually made a great forum better. So many sites change and don't improve or make it harder to use. I often wondered about the views falling as well but when you look back at something that was posted even a year ago on a thread many of the people posting have disappeared from the forum.

Is it the forum changes that put them off posting or is it that they lost interest in motor bikes and moved on. Many of the members that posted here posted on Facebook and they aren't there either.

Steve many have moved on, but most of those disappeared long before the format change. The dramatic drop off of viewing occurred at the same time as the forum changed. 100 to 200 views per day (on my thread) dropped to maybe 100 per week or less. I participate in another cycle forum & it's views (on my posts) have remained quite steady over the last three years I still believe that site parameters were changed. Again no harm to me, but I'm curious. Rick C.
I agree with you, Rick. When the forum went to the new format the main complaint is I remember correctly was that it was too hard to read with with the white background. That is true for me but my eyesight has never been good being nearly blind in one eye and the other one is just plain old.

I've noticed my views for the tri car are down by over a 1/3 from October to November last year. Lack of interest? I don't believe so because when I was too ill to do anything on the bike and nothing new was posted the views stayed steady every month.

Like the other site there are some threads that are not having anything new posted on them for long periods of time and that doesn't take long for people to drift away me being one of them on the other site. This is home and I'm here until one of us passes on but it is sad to see a once vibrant forum dwindle away.

View attachment 96740 View attachment 96740 I'm watching! Anyway pictures of the V twin and when side car part is getting together like see pictures. Some of the terms used in the builds I may not have the knowledge to understand all that goes on, but when I see how the tooling is done and it all comes together, that's it. I'd say your right that things have slowed some. but not all for just the GUI (graphical user interface). Still I keep watching and posting. I saw two snow mobiles on a trailer today. I know that I'd like to get the skis idea to mod my bike. I also need studded tires for my truck which I use to transport my OHV. I rode recently places that had light dusting of snow.
Thanks for sharing the photos from the trail MT, great scenery and the snow adds an aspect of adventure. I personally think it would be a great boost from the reader's point of view if more on the trail type photos showed up in our posts. The trail could be in mountains, deserts or from the streets of villages or metropolitan Los Angeles. I was drawn to build moto bikes not only because building things is what I do, but also because they looked like fun. I ride everyday, year round; though I've have come to that age where snow, ice and steady rain keep me off 2 wheels, last week I did ride a few miles in winds gusting to 60 mph on my Grubee which bordered on insanity. I'm often out in the saddle but don't trouble to share my fun through photos. I get the fact that this is a forum that has formed around building & it's a good one, but adding ride photos to build threads shouldn't just be an afterthought. Seeing your "snow trek" photos makes me want to ride and shoot some photos as well. Keep on sharing your building & riding adventures! Rick C.
Steve your post prompted me to do the simple math on 3 years of posting to Old Guys Simplex thread... averaged 3,000 plus views per month. Since the changeover & it's been more than two months maybe 1,000 views....really down. I'm thinking maybe visitor views aren't counted anymore, but that's just a guess. I'm afraid member interest in posting will wain if we feel no one is viewing or reading our posts. Rick C.
I'm a month away from three years since my first post, so I'm just a newcomer myself Ludwig. I'll leave it to you long timers to decide on what constitutes gravitas among our members. I do miss reading the posts of many who've dropped off the board...for whatever reason. The number of views from our visitors should be included in the view totals to show actual interest in our projects. I know from posting in other non moto-bike forums that visitors by far constitute the majority of hits or views registered, some of these eventually do join. I did after visiting often for a couple of years & after building several CG powered bikes. Being a member & sharing is much better than just lurking.

Rick C.
Perhaps the bots / crawlers that automatically scan sites like these were counting as hits. More sophisticated software can tell if it's a human or not and that’s what’s most important to a site host and advertiser. I have a screen shot someplace where I’m the only member online. At one point I could update my thread and the view count would jump by 10 or more right away. Now, not so much. I think the new site counter software is more discerning of where the hits come from. Just a guess from having a couple different companies host my business site.
Perhaps the bots / crawlers that automatically scan sites like these were counting as hits. More sophisticated software can tell if it's a human or not and that’s what’s most important to a site host and advertiser. I have a screen shot someplace where I’m the only member online. At one point I could update my thread and the view count would jump by 10 or more right away. Now, not so much. I think the new site counter software is more discerning of where the hits come from. Just a guess from having a couple different companies host my business site.

That's probably more true then one realizes, Seems if i remember right they were having trouble with scams before..........Curt