Alberta clipper's been transferring cold air in waves, yeah, so I've been pretty inactive other than riding to my coffee shop and to lunch. I'm using the e-fat bike only & other than it's gotten no prettier; I'm pleased....20 amp lead packs are a great improvement and with the eventual addition of the gas motor's weight along with doubling the battery weight; the extra battery capacity will be welcome. I was surprised at how well the 5 amp 48 volt pack worked. It was fine for my daily use, but really demanded overnight charging. Again fine for me, living in a small town, but not for most. I'd say a daily, round trip, 8 mile commute with the 5 amp pack would be iffy even with much pedal assist.
I plan on mounting the Lifan motor with all the factory stuff, except the governor, in place including carb, air cleaner, gas tank etc. I like the little 4 stroke's quiet and smooth operation in symbiotic conjunction with the electric hub. Power and speed isn't really a concern with this but*yugly experiment. Peanut tank will be used to increase the bikes range. Adding a trailer hitch is also coming. Really no fabrication involved just adding pieces and making them fit for a purpose. Free form?
Rick C.