Old Guys Simplex moto-peddle bike

In other areas of my life, I have found that peer respect is at least as gratisfying as the end result of the endeavour.
Steve watching you rebuild the rear triangle of your tri car & build a complete new fuel tank when many would have just cobbled a solution to "get 'er done" is a great testament to your determination to "get it right" & yes proper detail is time consuming. Merry Christmas, Rick C.
It is fun but I feel a little guilty when a guy walks up with a small boy and says, "Look Jimmy, that's a hundred year old motorcycle!"
In other areas of my life, I have found that peer respect is at least as gratisfying as the end result of the endeavour.
Ludwig thats a valid observation as well. When it comes to human motivations we definitively function on multiple levels of complexity, even or maybe especially when just having fun.
It is fun but I feel a little guilty when a guy walks up with a small boy and says, "Look Jimmy, that's a hundred year old motorcycle!"

Wret if questioned I'd reveal, if not just smile to myself & enjoy. My Harley-ish build is my imagination going; what if and so therefore... not a copy, but reasonable representation of early era moto biking . I take a lot of license along the way 'cause I can & I'm paying the freight.

Before and along the way photos show how the motor transformation is coming together. Removal of all factory paint, blacking the jug, hand carving motor mount brackets front and rear, "chucklehead billet aluminum, steel and hammered brass rocker cover" & brass push rod side tubes has started to really transform the early 1970's design push rod 125 cc motor. A lot more do do. Rick C.
Before and after. Indian22, Rock C.


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You have succeeded if people believe it's a hundred years old. If indeed someone asks for the details then I'd tell them that I built it. They will find it hard to believe and that will only add to the mystery and the beauty of the bike.


The name fits me well because at times Fasteddy ain't Swifteddy. A sensible person would have left well enough alone but not me. Like the Peashooter and the Coppergator and so many other builds and builders here we are only going to do it once and it is going to be the best possible. In part to show what we can do but also because it is built into our personality to do so.

I'm surrounded by the best and it's my duty to hold up my end of it and provide the best also. I do thank you for your observation. It keeps me moving forward.

Steve first of all let me thank you for your validation of my "chuckle head" engine mods, then allow me the opportunity to agree with you as to the high standards being set by so many fine builders on this forum. I am also encouraged to up my game due in part by the high standards shown in the progress posted by so many talented fabricators. I truly enjoy watching the project success of others while also picking up ideas to possibly incorporate in some future vintage style build of my own.

Mystifying others is part of it Steve, but living up to the name "Fast Eddie" has much to do with building well...not quick.

I'm off to enjoy a ride on the Copper Gator; too beautiful an afternoon to work lol. Rick C.
Thanks Rick. Wish I could be riding with you but at the moment the snow has turned to rain and it's 32F so there would be more sliding than riding.

Hope your ride was great.

It was Steve wish you could have shared it with me. Great riding weather here and projected good for several more days. Pulled basic maintenance on several bikes yesterday and refined a couple of things on the side lifter tubes that may work out. Also dyed the white saddle lacing. Since the frame and forks will not be painted the bars seem too bright as well and I'm thinking about going raw steel in the Harley racing style for the Pea shooter and save the shiny ones (which I like) for another build. Rick C. Aka BC


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Decided to get the fuel tank ordered from Pat. I think getting it mounted will help me decide some design details that I'm in doubt over and it's just time to have the tank in hand. I've revisited some of my original thoughts on the Harley Peashooter design & realize I've strayed slightly off my own target concepts and the original Harley flat track racers look prior cerca1930. Small details, maybe, but as I said in the previous post about the handle bars being too shiny & wrong profile for the period racing look. Same goes for the custom tooled saddle, love it as well
but not right for this build (think I'll try it out on the Simplex) ....just some year end thoughts about the HD. Wishing you all a prosperous New year! Rick. C.
I can picture you in my mind's eye doing some "creative staring" at your bike, perhaps with a cup of coffee... not so much thinking about anything in particular, just taking it in, running your eyes over the lines of the bike and letting it tell you what it wants to be and how it wants to look. Listening with your eyes, you might say... what I call "creative staring".
Looking forward to the changes and additions being made to the Pea Shooter. Any idea as to what seat you will use on the bike if you swap out the one on it now?

Creative staring. Heavily used at Bike Camp. What starts out in the morning usually looks nothing like what is finished in the evening.

Creative staring. Heavily used at Bike Camp. What starts out in the morning usually looks nothing like what is finished in the evening.
Along with a little something besides coffee...................Curt