Oddball Facts

Clown fish are born gender neutral. But when there are three of them two will most likely become males and the other female. And when the female is taken away, one male can change into a female but can't change back. Cool huh!

Don't the operations get expensive after a while?
Well I'm sure it can get quite pricey if you've got more than two, but lucky me and my brother have only got two. Yah, so that transgender operation hasn't been needed yet. LOL!
Well I'm sure it can get quite pricey if you've got more than two, but lucky me and my brother have only got two. Yah, so that transgender operation hasn't been needed yet. LOL!

eww... but hey, to each his/her own.

Did you know? Canada has stronger/better beer? .santa
ooh ooh, how about how alcohol is actually yeast bacteria excrement from them digesting sugar ^^)

That slowed my Rum intake the first time I heard that, 20yrs ago. :)

I ain't got nuthin' against 'merican beers, harder to come by up here, is all. :p

Lol@mexican beer using Canuck/European water, :)
American beer (to me) is like having sex in a canoe (f**king close to water). Canadian beer isn't bad, but it doesn't do it for me either. German beer is more my speed. Heard of "Weihenstephaner"? They've been brewing this brand of beer for about a thousand years, so they know a thing or two. It's good beer.

PS: yes, literally almost a thousand years. Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan
Established: 1040 AD. There's another oddball fact for ya.
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American beer (to me) is like having sex in a canoe (f**king close to water). Canadian beer isn't bad, but it doesn't do it for me either. German beer is more my speed. Heard of "Weihenstephaner"? They've been brewing this brand of beer for about a thousand years, so they know a thing or two. It's good beer.

PS: yes, literally almost a thousand years. Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan
Established: 1040 AD. There's another oddball fact for ya.

I wanna try some of that beer. At what temperature is it normaly used? I'm guessing warm since refrigeration is relatively new compared to that beer.
I wanna try some of that beer. At what temperature is it normaly used? I'm guessing warm since refrigeration is relatively new compared to that beer.

You'd want to drink it at cellar temperature, because that's where it would be stored. I've had it when it was in the fridge for a short while and was just a bit cooler than room temp. I can't afford it on a regular basis. But I make a point of treating myself and my wife now and then. I can almost guarantee you'll like it, if you like really good beer.
The guy that did the original voice for bugs-bunny was allergic to carrots. Now Isn't that odd or what?
"The longest distance from finger tip to finger tip with your arms held straight out to your sides is equal to your height." -- I've found this to be accurate to within an inch for most people who'll humour me long enough to show them.
Here's an old one:
Face a wall standing behind a chair and lean over resting your head against the wall and try to lift the chair and stand upright. If you're male, you won't be able to do it but get your wife or GF, any female to try it. She'll do it with no effort.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, you must keep both feet flat on the floor. No stepping back.
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