Oddball Facts

Here's an old one:
Face a wall standing behind a chair and lean over resting your head against the wall and try to lift the chair and stand upright. If you're male, you won't be able to do it but get your wife or GF, any female to try it. She'll do it with no effort.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, you must keep both feet flat on the floor. No stepping back.

So, you face a wall, but you're behind a chair. (?) How do you rest your head on the wall, then turn around and lift this chair? Or is the chair behind you what's facing the wall? Or is the wall standing behind the chair??? I don't get this; I think only a female could do it.
:), Okay, it's really simple to do, but difficult to explain:

Take a simple kitchen chair, as light weight as you want and place it, seat out, against a wall. Step up to it, facing the wall and lean over and rest the top of your head against the wall. Now, reach down and pick up the chair with both hands and try to stand upright while lifting the chair without stepping back or moving your feet.

The concept is that women have a lower center of gravity than men. They (I should say, any normally shaped woman, not some of those you see shopping at Wally World) will have no problem lifting the chair and standing up. Men's upper body weight prevents them from doing it.

Okay, there'll be some exceptions and do to the fact that I first heard about this and saw it demonstrated when I was in junior high, now called 'middle school', things, especially the average weight of Americans, have changed. This trick might not work as it did before over fifty percent of the population was obese. :)

Ahhh Rum, the next level after Beer. Lambs Navy Rum?


Why is th rum, allway gone?

Lol, they used over 300 dodge chargers (not every one was a 69) in the filming of the whole dukes of hazzard series.
There is a speicies of spider that is the size of the . Rite there with its legs.

There is a species of tree in south africa that is too. Muffed up to explain on here, google it. Its called the "sandbox tree" the seeds shoot out poisin spikes if they are too warm (ex. Annoying tourist says "oh what a pretty fruit") and sha-boom! No moar face