Oddball Facts

Re: Motorized Bicyclist Gets $100k Insurance Settlement

People living on the east coast prefer creamy peanut butter , while people living on the west coast prefer chunky peanut butter .
I got a good chuckle outta that one, leftywoody!
I HATE chunky peanut butter..... ;)

Sometimes those whom perform national surveys over the telephone get things wRoNg.
My source for that info came from a Skippy peanut butter website . I suppose someone at their office got paid a high dollar to research that .
I know from experience that consumer acceptance surveys are often done by the same people who work for telemarketers. I wouldn't put much faith in their data. $3.00 an hour folks working out of their homes. :)

Honestly, the company I used to work for employed them quite often to get a 'feel' for how their products looked to the general public. They would base their product development on the results. Sad, but true.

A fly has a 360degree view around it. Ever wonder why you could never creep up on the blasted things?
The phrase '' rule of thumb'' is derived from an old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb. I suppose you might be wise to hide the two by fours from your wife .
The phrase '' rule of thumb'' is derived from an old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb. I suppose you might be wise to hide the two by fours from your wife .

ok so i guess an electric cord is ok then...darn i was worried there for minuit!!!LOLJ/k i would never beat my wife with an electric cord!!!we have boxing gloves for that and i usualy get the black eye!
A fly has a 360degree view around it. Ever wonder why you could never creep up on the blasted things?

Ah, but when a fly takes off it actually jumps up and backwards (an inch each way), making it slightly more swattable where it's going to be. It's usually the air pressure wave that preceeds the swatter that saves the fly by moving it out of the way.
Dog's brains (reaction time) is about 50 percent faster than a human's. They see and react quicker. Ever try to fake a dog out by rolling a ball past him? They can sometimes be fooled but not often. They're quick.

Clown fish are born gender neutral. But when there are three of them two will most likely become males and the other female. And when the female is taken away, one male can change into a female but can't change back. Cool huh!