Crazy Horse
Here's a hint / suggestion in searching for a contact number for Cameron Woods inventor / patent holder of Motoped.
Try looking for businesses in Santa Cruz, California other than Motoped, with business owners named Cameron Woods. I cannot confirm or deny that this will get you in touch with the same Cameron above just think positive maybe you'll succeed in finding him! Good Luck.
Maybe this could be the same guy below:
Cameron Woods in Santa Cruz, CA - Google Search
does any body know or can find out what size sprockets ar on this bike? I need all 4 sizes to complete mine..
Scott, aka BatesBikeConverters. If you are still interested you can reach Cameron and just ask him what sprockets he uses, he'll either tell you or not.
Just follow the link or google Cameron Woods Tree & Stump Removal Service, thats gow I found him.
Peace C.H.