Notice! EXTREME MotorAssisted MountainBike.

G'Day, Do you work for Santa Cruz Motoped? as i have been trying to contact them with no luck. I have sent 3 emails on the "contact us" page with no reply.
I am trying to find out if they will ship to Australia, New South Wales, Newcastle, {post code} 2281 if so the price and the price of the hub, swing arm, jack-shaft assembly and Cranks and bottom bracket, i have the rest of the stuff. Can you help me?
Thank you from Tony

I can tell you that I don't work for Santa Cruz Motoped. I can tell you un-officially that they are still in business, and that they are still producing the Motoped kits to convert a pit bike / dirt bike, into an extreme mountain bike / motorized bicycle. The inventor / patent holder for this pedal / jackshaft assembly, a man by the name of Cameron Woods will be producing more Motopeds soon. Google search patents online you should be able to find the Motoped U.S. Patent # 7,753,157 with this patent number you may find a way to contact Cameron.

OK, here's the link for the Patent check it out maybe it has information you'll find useful in contacting Cameron:
Motorcycle with pedals - Google Patent Search

Cameron's silent partner is usually who answers any email / correspondence on their website. Hopefully he will send you a reply soon.

Best of Luck to you Tony, in your quest to purchase a Motoped!
I can tell you that I don't work for Santa Cruz Motoped. I can tell you un-officially that they are still in business, and that they are still producing the Motoped kits to convert a pit bike / dirt bike, into an extreme mountain bike / motorized bicycle. The inventor / patent holder for this pedal / jackshaft assembly, a man by the name of Cameron Woods will be producing more Motopeds soon. Google search patents online you should be able to find the Motoped U.S. Patent # 7,753,157 with this patent number you may find a way to contact Cameron.

OK, here's the link for the Patent check it out maybe it has information you'll find useful in contacting Cameron:
Motorcycle with pedals - Google Patent Search

Cameron's silent partner is usually who answers any email / correspondence on their website. Hopefully he will send you a reply soon.

Best of Luck to you Tony, in your quest to purchase a Motoped!
Thank you for the quick reply and the web links, it has been 4 weeks {1 email per week} now, i hope they will reply, i will check out the Patent to find out any information in contacting Cameron.
Thank you again, from Tony
seen these before bad ass bike i love my pit bikes but this is bad ass just hard to convince the man if you run into him that its a bicycle lol i can see an impound and all that fun stuff lmmao !!!
Thank you for the quick reply and the web links, it has been 4 weeks {1 email per week} now, i hope they will reply, i will check out the Patent to find out any information in contacting Cameron.
Thank you again, from Tony


Here's a hint / suggestion in searching for a contact number for Cameron Woods inventor / patent holder of Motoped.

Try looking for businesses in Santa Cruz, California other than Motoped, with business owners named Cameron Woods. I cannot confirm or deny that this will get you in touch with the same Cameron above just think positive maybe you'll succeed in finding him! Good Luck.

Maybe this could be the same guy below:
Cameron Woods in Santa Cruz, CA - Google Search
This is the nicest build ive seen here so far.

Announcer says: "Do you have a hill to climb? Want to beat your friends up the hill? Well for $XXX you can race anybody on a regular bike and always win with the EXREME MotorAssisted MountainBike!
If you call within the next 20 minutes, we will even include free safety gear!
Call now to order!"

Seriously, awesome bike! I would definitely buy it if i had money.
I think that I can help out here. I myself ride a CT-70 K2, and yes I have a lot of extra parts, none of which are for sale. If you are looking for parts or even sources for parts this is a great place to start.


I am a member of that web board there. I have replaced my original Honda motor with a lifan clone, and I must say for what I paid for it, I have definitely gotten my moneys worth. Still running strong after 250-300 kms. This is another reason why I started buying these Chinese/ Japanese bicycle engines, I had no doubt in my mind that they should be good quality and easily repairable/ fixable.

However if you are looking for the MacDaddy of Honda engines, that are the same style as outlined above, ( Pitbikes, Ct-70, Z50, etc) look for the Honda Nice engine. Yes that is its name. Its the top in quality, but if money is not object it is the engine for you!

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. All the other guys at the web board are great!

Steven Gill
I've forgotten about this awesome motorcycle mountainbike, are these in production yet? Has anybody bought one and for how much? Do I need to win the lotery and hire a team of engineers to build me one of these
LOL OK this is one reason some of the DOT laws are getting crazy and they are defining them to the nuts with top speeds of 30kmph, heck I pedal at a steady 25kmph. 30kmph big deal other than hill assist. I'd hurt someone or get hurt just as much with those speed restrictions weather or not it's got a motor on it haha. They know darn well that people are going to soupe their Motorized bicycles up to the point where they are pretty much just motorcycles with pedals to make them legal. Alot of these Politicians are not stupid and were young once too.

For street use I have to agree, if that's the intended use, be a cop magnet. For off-road or track, why bother with pedals at all, the cranks would just be in the way and the BB and chain ring would lower ground clearance.

Project M85 - About the Prototype
Hey, if you guys read through my post here its post#44 you'll see that Cameron Woods is owner of a tree / stump removal service and if you carefully read through this thread you'll see that Cameron Woods is also the patent owner of Motoped!

So just click on the google link to Cameron Woods in Santa Cruz California, and it'll give his contact information ie telephone number for his tree service in Santa Cruz. The motoped website does not give a contact number, but now you have this info to reach Cameron for a motoped / extreme Motorized mountain bike!

Peace Crazy Horse.


Here's a hint / sggestion in searching for a contact number for Cameron Woods inventor / patent holder of Motoped.

Try looking for businesses in Santa Cruz, California other than Motoped, with business owners named Cameron Woods. I cannot confirm or deny that this will get you in touch with the same Cameron above just think positive maybe you'll succeed in finding him! Good Luck.

Maybe this could be the same guy below:
Cameron Woods in Santa Cruz, CA - Google Search
I've been brain storming a way for me to build this beast and thought I'd pass it by you. What if you used or adapted a downhill bike rear swingarm to a crf frame to bypass to whole custom jack-shaft swingarm you have to make or purchase? The type with the pedal hub built into it. Just a thought. Nashbar has a sale on frames I've been looking hard at. The GT Rukus might do the trick as far as using the swingarm part of it.

Thanks for all the great info that you post here in the forum.
I've been brain storming a way for me to build this beast and thought I'd pass it by you. What if you used or adapted a downhill bike rear swingarm to a crf frame to bypass to whole custom jack-shaft swingarm you have to make or purchase? The type with the pedal hub built into it. Just a thought. Nashbar has a sale on frames I've been looking hard at. The GT Rukus might do the trick as far as using the swingarm part of it.

Thanks for all the great info that you post here in the forum.

Mike, have you seen jschattes build, looks to be a winner in the making!

Here's the link below check it out if you like:

Here's a link to his trike build below:

Here's a couple of pic's of his build below.



  • jschattes_mountain_bike01.jpg
    309.5 KB · Views: 378
  • jschattes_mountain_bike02.jpg
    88.7 KB · Views: 424
Too much of a price tag for me to drop on a MB. For that much I'll just get another MC. It's very nice though. . .