Jschatte's Trike Build


New Member
Hey I came across this forum and I had to join, i'm really excited about the re-build of my trike. Currently is is inoperable, the engine is shot, but starting in January I'm going to get working on it, hopefully it will be ready for the spring.

Anyway, the bike i got is an old Industrial Trike (called the Mover apparently) that was sitting out at my grandpa's farm. Got a chainsaw from my friend and we rigged this beauty up. lol (see attachments)

But i put bout 75km on the chainsaw and it bit the dust. Chainsaws don't like being operated at close to WOT for several minutes at a time. Also the gearing needed to get them to a reasonable RPM is ridiculous, my setup is a 35:1 ratio.

So not comes the build, I purchased a chinese 50cc dirt bike for cheap (actually 48cc). I am going to throw that engine on, and this thing should go pretty good. Also I am going to upgrade the brakes and add a large container on the back for some functionality.

Photo updates to come this winter when i start working on it.

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One of the neat things about that trike is it's single bar design, you've sure got a ton of room for that horizontal four stroke! That motor seems somewhat commonplace in lil four wheelers, pitbikes & ofc dirtbikes so parts are easy to come by and from what I can tell, they're pretty rugged too.

Lookin' forward to yer build (^)
That chain saw hanging off the backlooks kool,you should keep it for looks even if not hooked up,maybe two of them side by side,remove the insides to lower weight,,lol
well sorry for not keeping you guys up to date! The trike is done and I got about 900km on it (it is my daily commuter lol). I started on it at the start of april and finished it up around the end of the month. It has been quite fun and a learning experience tinkering with the motor and making little improvements here and there.
oh and the top speed on flat ground with no wind is 70km/h or 43mph

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Thanks for bringing us up to date on your trike build. That is a very impressive bit of work there. Congratulations. Enjoy and ride careful.
Nice work.

Very clean. I like the big cargo box. You can get a weeks worth of groceries in there I bet.
Nice work on the trike. I have the same model looking to motorize it but would like to keep the pedals do you think its possible?
Thanks for the replies!
Yeah the cargo box is pretty big, I have had backpacks, my full size helmet, and in one case a whole computer in there haha. Havent went grocerie shopping yet. One of the advantages to a trike for sure.

Silveradot- Yes the pedals can be hooked up. I ha to relocate the two holders for the rear hub, but other than that the chain fits on fine. I need to do this but havent got around to it. My bike has been so reliable i havent had to pedal luckily.
those chineeze motors are honda clones and unlike the H/T are widely in use all over asia giving years of service with little maintaince [adj valves change oil] honda made these motors with small ports that work as a govenor [over built] like a old vw
Not sure the relevance of that comment?

But yes that engine on my bike is a clone engine. I have put about 1600km on it so far and it still runs like a champ. Like you said, they are reliable engines.
Very cool man! That thing is an animal, the chainsaw engine was cool, but that monkey bike clone engine is AWESOME :D Happy riding and stay safe!
Well some more updates, I am using the trike for a second season and its approaching 2000km. I did some safety related modifications.

-New fork and brakes (dual 8" disks with avid calipers)
-Rerouted exhaust to exit very rear of bike (used 3/4" plumbing lol)
-Revised the lighting system. LED headlight and brake lights for decreased power consumption.
-Some maintanence on the motor. Adjusted the valves, cleaned the carb, changed spark plug, and changed the oil. I am very hard on the engine and it still runs as good as the day I got it, perhaps even better!

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