Notice! EXTREME MotorAssisted MountainBike.

I've wanted one of those Motorped's for a long time, especially with the highest power engine, just to use it in off-road trails and tracks.

It looks so damm good and it's got pedals.

Here's a thought for those builders who like brainstorming their idea's.

Have any of you heard this saying dreams are just idea's that we haven't made a reality!

Think about this you could build this style of motorized bicycle with a new or old Honda crf50 or a chinese cloned 50cc Pitbike.

Ok some of you know that these builds are based on the Original Honda 50 Solo Mono-Shock Chassis just Look with your own eyes.
Here's a Pic of the Honda 50 Solo Mono-Shock Chassis:

Do you see the resemblance of the Chassis for the Honda Solo 50 & the Motorized Mountain Bike.
Here's a pic of the Motorized Mountain Bike:

The only major difference is that the Motorized Mountain Bike has an special custom designed Bottom Braket for your jackshaft and pedals, if your skilled enough you could build it yourself or take it to a machine shop to have it custom made.

So if you decide to start with a Honda CRF50 dirtbike/pitbike Aftermarket frame you could then use the same size wheels as the Honda 50 Solo or the Honda 250 Rebel front forks & wheels. Just a thought!

Here's a pic of a Honda CRF 50 dirtbike/pitbike after market frame:

Remember you'll still need to custom design your swing arm to accommodate your pedal crank ie jackshaft/bottom bracket for you pedals.

the frame they sell in there kit is strethed 4 in. over a stock frame, the swing arm is made by them, the crf 50 only uses 10 in. wheels so everything is stretched. be carefull buying repop 50 frames, alot of them are junk, go over to planet minis and lurk around for good info on the 50's, that bike cost so much because it has a lot of high dollar parts on it. the forks they use cost over $800 and the rear shock is $400. if you build one from a stock crf 50 frame you'll need some welding and fab skills and need to mill your own pedal crank hardware. not a project for a first timer.
^^ furthering this members comment, depending the grade of aluminium the pitbike frame is, welding it could drastically weaken it, certain grades can be welded and then heat treated once only, most bicycle frames fall into this category.

LOL OK this is one reason some of the DOT laws are getting crazy and they are defigning them to the nuts with top speeds of 30kmph, heck I pedal at a steady 25 kmph. 30kmph big deal other than hill assist. I'd hrt someone or get hurt just as much with those speed restrictions weather or not it's got a motor on it haha. They know darn well that people are going to soupe thier Motorized bicycles up to the point where they are pretty much just motorcycles with pedals to make them legal. Alot of these Politicians are not stupid and were young once too. Remember the Old school so called "goveners" that were nothing more than a thin nascar style restrictor plate? People figured out they could just punch them out and ride a full 100+ cc bike.

On the other side of the coin, this is AWSOME stuff! Excelent fabrication and design work. I would also like to comment that these Bicycles in this thread have pretty much better suspention and handling technology than my 130 MPH, Yamaha RD 350 twin 2 stroker!!!! and that is a good thing, that said I'd more than likely trust the safty and handeling of the first bike in this thread and some of the others more than my RD350. I'd imagine if it weren't for a Horsepower issue comparing to the old 60's and 70's dirt bikes, these Sweet motored Bicycles could and would easily ride circles around them, and do it safer.

Awsome thread, I am in heaven looking at these pictures lol. Awsome inspiration!


Here's another way that you can build this EXTREME MotorAssisted MountainBike.

Take your chinese cloned Honda 50cc 4-stroke PitBike/DirtBike Chassis and build something like this pictured below:

The economical way to do this is by using the Loncin chinese cloned Honda PC50 horizontal 4-stroke engine which has built in pedal system as pictured below:

This engine is cloned from the Honda PC50 as seen in picture below:

Here's a lil history about these engines:

The Honda PC50 is a moped introduced in May 1969 that is stylistically similar to Honda's popular Super Cub line, with a step-through pressed-steel frame, a gas tank under the saddle, a chain cover, and sometimes equipped with a forward leg guard.

A distinctive feature of the PC50 is the use of a four-stroke engine, when almost all pedal-equipped mopeds use simpler two-stokes. Honda's early development of 50 cc four-strokes was a result of Soichiro Honda's dislike of the sharp noise of two-strokes.

Honda PC50 Manufacturer Honda Motor Company
Also called "Little Honda PC50"
Production 1969 -1971
Predecessor P50
Successor PF50
Engine 49 cc air-cooled four-stroke
Top speed 50 km/h
Power 1.8 hp @ 5,700 rpm
Torque 0.29 kg-m @ 3,500 rpm
Tires 2.00-19

Peace Crazy Horse.
I don't think most people will pedal when they have a mountain bike / bicycle that is motorized.


LOL I wish! I have to pedal up most dirt roads if it gets even a little steep. I thought I would have moe power with a 66cc slant head. So how are these 50cc cloned 4stroke motors at going up hills?
My old tomos went up hills just fine, for the very very brief time it was running (3 days).

It was a cool little motor though, the thing must have weighed 40 pounds. 2-speed tranny 2-stroke w/70cc top end kit (oh that's right, this is 4-stroke stuff) with oil injection. Didn't need the pedals for much (mine only had one still attached to it anyway), just to start it with.
I don't think most people will pedal when they have a mountain bike / bicycle that is motorized.


Been thinking about this all afternoon and honestly if you have to pedal at all other then staring the motor forget about it. For me I have quite a few areas I ride though where I have to shut down the motor and pedal to get through a bike path, park, etc. and if these are geared like the old mopeds it's like 4:1 when you're pedaling.
Been thinking about this all afternoon and honestly if you have to pedal at all other then staring the motor forget about it. For me I have quite a few areas I ride though where I have to shut down the motor and pedal to get through a bike path, park, etc. and if these are geared like the old mopeds it's like 4:1 when you're pedaling.

Perhaps checkout the videos of it being pedaled on the manufacturers website i think you will be pleasantly surprised how easily it does pedal...

G'Day, Do you work for Santa Cruz Motoped? as i have been trying to contact them with no luck. I have sent 3 emails on the "contact us" page with no reply.
I am trying to find out if they will ship to Australia, New South Wales, Newcastle, {post code} 2281 if so the price and the price of the hub, swing arm, jack-shaft assembly and Cranks and bottom bracket, i have the rest of the stuff. Can you help me?
Thank you from Tony