So, what's he doing importing all the others illegally?
You have heard the old saying, 'slow boat from China' right?
I am not sure off hand what the exact date the 2010 EPA rules kicked in, but I am pretty sure anything that was FOB (Free On Board) meaning already shipped was allowed in the US.
I hope these is a glut of the 2009 Skyhawks here or still FOB.
As for why they still sell the older ones, it's a big world, only the US and Canada have to deal with the EPA.
I look forward to seeing some actual much larger pics from someone that gets a new motor.
This is pretty hard to make out.
We still don't know what the retail price will be, but last I heard from Don only will carry the motors as part of the new EPA cert. process has to include the distributor.
At this rate the EPA is going to price increase this already cheap and green form of transportation right out of existence.
At say $700 for the most basic build but it only costs that to make your old POS car run or buy one, why buy one, drivers licensee or not?