NEW BUILD: Micargi Royal with Predator 212cc

What size is the chain to the wheel, it looks small in the pictures.

I run this setup on one of my bikes: 12-21-13-56 on the sprockets.

With this motor everything needs to be perfect or it will destroy parts quick.


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Well right now for testing I used a bmx chain, but the regular chain is a #40 which doesn't work as well as the bicycle chain. But obviously thats just for testing purposes. See in the other thread.
Nice setup. From where did you get that rear sprocket and the chain you use it #415?

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Oh please...................
What size is the chain to the wheel, it looks small in the pictures.

I run this setup on one of my bikes: 12-21-13-56 on the sprockets.

With this motor everything needs to be perfect or it will destroy parts quick.

Thanks Jeff for helping out.
Chris, Culvercityclassic and I have been racing each other for a couple of years now. During one of our races on the 4 strokes he would get me of the turns and pull away but he always looked over his shoulder and knew I was coming up behind him. It was one of the Adams race he beat me by 1 bike length.

Im wondering though about how you say the clutch engages quick during idle.

I had the cheetah clutch on it. My rpm at idle was 850-900 & the clutch didnt engage at all. I would blip the throttle and the clutch still wouldn't engage until 1800 rpm. With this set up it vibrated alot and wasn't reaching full rpm, it felt like the clutch wasnt fully engaging and wasnt near 50 mph.
I adjusted the cheetah clutch to engage at 3500 rpm and wallah & the engine woke up, little vibration until the clutch was fully engaged at 4000 rpm. From that point on the engine had absolutely no vibration and was hitting 50-54 mph at 6850 rpm. I had such a grin on my face & was hoping I wouldn't eat bugs for dessert. :D
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The clutch engages pretty quick as soon I pull the throttle 5% from idle and it pulls the bike away like a monster. Its unbelievable. I think this clutch puts ALL the engine torque right on the chains and sprockets and thats the problem because the shoes are metal on metal.

I just wrote again in the problem thread. I think my problem is the clutch itself.

Just tested something (again).
You've got the best looking Predator bike I've seen so far. I hope you figure it out soon, and I'm sure you'll be able to.
So here I am still stuck, once again, waiting for parts. I ordered a 20t sprocket for JS-in last week and a Max Torque clutch because I thought the problem is the Hilliard Clutch but same shhhtt again. Now with the lower ratio I cant even get it to move like before but thats all rpm/vibration related. I was able to get it above 10-15mph once on a long straight and once the clutch was engaged, the vibration was completely gone and I could finally pull the throttle more than 5% for the first time. All I thought was DAMNNNNNNNN..... I mean I knew it will be fast but its actually crazy fast. This bike will smoke most cars in a drag race and even more knowing that my ratio is still really tall.

So yeah, I thought I will be ending up having to buy the Cheetah for 165 plus shipping but I found out today that the Hilliard Extreme Clutch also is adjustable and I just ordered black springs for engagement around 3000rpm. This and 2 more JS sprockets for smaller gearing should fix the last problem so I can enjoy the beast finally. It runs great once the clutch is engaged but how it is right now it is nearly impossible to get to 10mph. I already damaged 2 sprockets with the vibration.

The new gearing will be


BTW I found some sweet websites offering sprockets I never saw before like those:

This website also have a huge selection of sprockets and other stuff for 4 strokers:

I ordered from both of them.

Once its done, I will get my friends GoPro and make a video for you guys.

Lets hope this works this time, otherwise I really need to buy the Cheetah.

I learned so much building this bike, I just want to get to enjoy it now and then buy the surfing rack so I can use it as a ultimate beasty beach cruiser :)
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I got the bike running pretty well now. With the Max Torque and with open exhaust the vibrations are not as bad. It is so loud and powerful.. WOW. Today I drove around working couple hours, visiting customers and after having a good sale I did my first short road trip along the beach to get a "coco frio" at a place called Pinones here, where every weekend lots of people eat and drink and everybody goes for showing off their bike, cars and all kind of custom stuff. So on the way back I had 2 motorcycles, a jeep and a couple 4 wheelers behind me and when the road opened up to 2 lanes straight along the airport, i raced all of them. I beat the jeep, the 4 tracks and a Honda 750 so bad hahahaha. The acceleration of this thing with open exhaust is incredible.

But yeah, I will be moving to the other side of the island soon and I will probably sell it.

I have it in Ebay for 2.500 but I am taking offers of you guys in here lower than that. The only thing missing is an exhaust and some small stuff like wide pedals. Shot me an PM if you are interested.

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nice bike! sounds like fun. i tried selling mine for $1200 and had no luck. so i'm just going to enjoy it, and participate in the local races.
I got good offers already. Im still not sure if in the end I sell it because its a ton of fun, but I didnt know before I started with it that I will move and that changes everything right now.

After getting new spokes installed and got a clutch guard done I actually took myself 2 hours to just cruise around for the first time. Through the city, along the beach. Got stopped by the cops but they just wanted to check it out and another at least 10 people took pics and talk me how they like it. Like here on the beach with some surf buddies. As soon I stopped, about 10 people came right to the bike studying it :)