So here I am still stuck, once again, waiting for parts. I ordered a 20t sprocket for JS-in last week and a Max Torque clutch because I thought the problem is the Hilliard Clutch but same shhhtt again. Now with the lower ratio I cant even get it to move like before but thats all rpm/vibration related. I was able to get it above 10-15mph once on a long straight and once the clutch was engaged, the vibration was completely gone and I could finally pull the throttle more than 5% for the first time. All I thought was DAMNNNNNNNN..... I mean I knew it will be fast but its actually crazy fast. This bike will smoke most cars in a drag race and even more knowing that my ratio is still really tall.
So yeah, I thought I will be ending up having to buy the Cheetah for 165 plus shipping but I found out today that the Hilliard Extreme Clutch also is adjustable and I just ordered black springs for engagement around 3000rpm. This and 2 more JS sprockets for smaller gearing should fix the last problem so I can enjoy the beast finally. It runs great once the clutch is engaged but how it is right now it is nearly impossible to get to 10mph. I already damaged 2 sprockets with the vibration.
The new gearing will be
BTW I found some sweet websites offering sprockets I never saw before like those:
This website also have a huge selection of sprockets and other stuff for 4 strokers:
I ordered from both of them.
Once its done, I will get my friends GoPro and make a video for you guys.
Lets hope this works this time, otherwise I really need to buy the Cheetah.
I learned so much building this bike, I just want to get to enjoy it now and then buy the surfing rack so I can use it as a ultimate beasty beach cruiser