New and no spark.

if outer is turning, then small gear is turning, so if crank is not turning then the woodruff key got left out of the small gear
I am pulling mah hair out!.. Thanks for the kind sentiment though. It's just going to surprise me with how ridiculously simple the problem is...when it makes itself known. When I first set it up the tire was super stiff and I heard the motor sound. But that was so long ago now, sniffles... But really, I am at loss right now. I haven't looked at it or tinkered at all today because of work and that's that. Tomorrow is a new day. May the solution show itself in my dreams.

I will take photos of different angles if suggested...
Lunch break fun.

Question: what next? How to get the gear off safely, and seriously, be specific like even say, "turn the wrench righty righty despite it being weird" or jam something other than your finger in between the gears. Whatever it is please and I'll gladly oblige! Thanks back to work for me!
If you have a piece of wood you can hold it in the gears in the front, make sure you have the puller center backed out far enough to screw the puller deep in the gear. Wedge the wood in the gears and turn the center bolt of the puller clockwise, put a little pressure on the the puller while holding the wedge in place. If it doesn't want to move tap slightly on the puller center bolt with something that won't damage the puller, wood works for that too.
looks like you have the mounting screw off the gear, and the puller installed, so no need to do more than hold the puller with a 22mm wrench while turning the inner bolt with a 14mm wrench
Hi again ... looks like your still struggling with that clutch hey ? Well .. I just said "looks" like ..right ? that's because a picture says a 1000 words ... and you wanna know what that pic is saying too me ??
Well it's saying "Hey Ron ... what do you think about this pressure plate being mounted on 'backwards' ?"
Might work better the other way around ... give it a try .
Ya eh ? I've been putting alot of thought into her 'problem' for a few days now ... even said I wished I was there so I could "see" what the problem was .. it was a good idea to post the picture because I'm pretty sure that none of us would've ever guessed something like that would've been the 'problem' ... But ya .. I'm pretty sure that wouild be whats been causin' her all the greif ... that would keep the motor from turning over for sure 'cause the clutch would never 'engage' with the pressure plate facing the wrong way ....
Oh well ... I guess this one is/was a learningh experience for us all !
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Hah! That is funny. I has been on correctly until this morning when I was hurrying to get my sister to the airport... Too bad it wasn't the problem all along though! Thanks and i AM REALLY GLAD YOU ARE THAT OBSERVANT. I'll keep the pics coming. Phew
Oh my GAWD! Some magic happened today. All because of that beautiful mistake with the clutch cover...and Ron noticing it. And I had already dug so much deeper. I have it all out back together and I have heard the sound! Now for unfurling out if I need to onetime anything? Or if it sounds like it wants to start, but isn't completely turning over on my little spin, what do I do? Soooooo close!
Make sure the gas is turned on ... set the choke too about 1/4 - 1/2 ... get on it and pedal like he_l ... pop the clutch out and keep pedaling .. giving it a little bit of throttle as you pedal , turning the motor over as you are doing this .. and putt .. putt ... you should go ... quikly turning the choke back off (might not even need too choke it at all ?? your choice ..) GOOD LUCK !!
So ... ?? How does it run ?? Been out riding it around .. I hope ?!!
Keep me in the loop ... would luv ta hear you say "IT WORKS !"
Me thinks it is flooded a lil bit because when I took the tube off the valve to the tank the off position is inaccurate and gas was dribbling out. I don't have much gas in the tank besides (like just covering the bottom) so I'm going to take the plug out. What shall I notice? If it's wet or dry, then what?
My pedal is hitting the muffler just barely so I can pedal but it isn't desirable and if I had a torch or a super vice, I wouldn't be asking. Is there any other way to get my muffler to bend or my pedals to clear it without above items? Oh, and please don't say a tree because I already tried that and it was hilarious but not successful. Thank you! Liza
Loosen the muffler and pull it to the side while tightening, if it still hits you can drill the mounting holes a little larger for clearance.
I left the muffler off to try and start it and it won't start. Forgive my inadequate language but it makes a kind of dry hollow whirring sound when I pedaling and release the clutch etc. What is wrong?
you really shouldn't start it without the muffler - chinese alloys aren't the best & an exhaust open to cold air may produce a 'cold shock' to a hot piston which may prematurely fatigue the metal

put the muffler on, then after turning the motor, see if the plug is wet, check spark, and all other usual stuff