Motorized Bicycles in the News

Am I the only one noticing that there is a common theme to a lot of the people in these articles... It looks most have had thier licenses suspended or revoked, and at least a couple seem to enjoy baiting the cops by flaunting or using the grey areas of the laws.
It's an unfortunate truth, though, the Media focuses on the people that give the rest a bad name.

Case example: A year and a bit ago riding my bike to work (pre-motorizing), a 10-ton truck with a tank back passed me and I went down over the curb onto the grass. I felt the edge of the tank unit against my shoulder and arm as it brushed by me. After I'd picked myself up and settled down a bit I got to work, looked up the number and called the dispatch of the company involved. I couldn't tell them the number of the truck, but I was just down the road from thier yard and knew what time, so that helped.
What the dispatcher said to me right off the top was "Oh, you're one of those 'm@$$holes' aren't you?" The rest of the call went downhill from there (and there is now something very pointy inches from my left hand that the sidewalls of tires don't like on my bike).

The 'm@$$hole' reference comes from a group of idiots and worse here in Vancouver, who call themselves "Critical Mass". The idea was to 'take back the streets' for cyclists, which I won't disagree with. In fact, when I first heard of it I thought it might be a good thing. When I started to read up on these people, I began to understand. I don't agree with the way they do things though, in that they'll ignore all signage, traffic and so on and get from A to B in such a way as to often deliberately incite anger in the rest of the commuters just trying to go about thier day. Quite often, they'll proceed to one of the few bridges that connects the cities and take up the whole bridge standing around and doing thier own thing for an hour or more. Before I heard that others were using the term, I started calling them 'm@ssholes' myself.

Making others mad at the next cyclist they see (muscle or motored) doesn't help any of us. Being a part of the problem without being a part of the solution solves nothing.
I'm in Cresent beach and noticed the same thing. The attitude is I can't drive legally but here is a way for me to beat the system then the system beats those of us who are innocent.

As soon as I heared of the Critical Mass rides I pictured the participants. Much like the thugs who took part in the Stanley Cup riots. As you said we are now brushed with the same brush as they are. If your on a bike your one of THEM and therefore a cheap target.

If I got a bunch of lip from the dispatcher I would have asked to speak to the owner or manager and then told them it was that or I would have been there personally to speak to them and would mention the dispatcher often in the conversation.
A call to the cops and I.C.B.C. would get thier attention as well because we know how much I.C.B.C. likes paying out for claims.

Oh and I'm laughing at your term m@ssholes. When I lived in New Hampshire that is what we called any one from Massachuetts. Of course they would yell Cow Hampshire back in reference to our country setting and the fact that at one time New Hampshire was a large dairy producer.

riding my motorized bicycle makes me feel like the red headed step child,nothing against red headed step children its just a saying. police do not like us, people in cars do not like us, those guys with the funny hats and tight pants do not like us,most bike shop owners do not like us, the public in general does not like us, dogs do not like us, the squirrles im not sure I just think they are playing chicken. I forget where I was going with this but I do know if we were on fasebook(sorry I do not play that game,must be to old) does not look like we would get too many licks,too bad I could use one or two or three or foooooor RIDE SAFE GUYS & GALS BOB B
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Dang Goat, what happened to the happy fluff news pieces on Motorized Bicycles? Just been bummer after bummer story eh?
I think we're going to have to wait until spring, the news is probably going to get worse as the weather gets worse across the country.
Re: MB in the News

I'm in Cresent beach and noticed the same thing. The attitude is I can't drive legally but here is a way for me to beat the system then the system beats those of us who are innocent.

Yep, seems about right. Since we're in a grey area in our local laws here, some folks think they can do anything they please. Unfortunately that means the laws will be set because of these idiots and what they do, not people who just want to get to work and back without opening the wallet to feed the tank each end of the day.

As soon as I heared of the Critical Mass rides I pictured the participants. Much like the thugs who took part in the Stanley Cup riots. As you said we are now brushed with the same brush as they are. If your on a bike your one of THEM and therefore a cheap target.

As I said, when I first heard of the idea, it sounded like it might not be a bad thing... then I saw news video of 1,001, *ahem*, people on everything from nice bikes to stuff that would be turned away by the recyclers/metal scrappers, as organised as a bag of cooked spaghetti, and no two people had the same (or even similar) ideas as to why they were there or more imortantly, what they wanted to achieve.

And by the way, any "Critical M@sshole" reading this, I'll happily meet you and introduce you to my steel toes. Seriously, the next time they do this sort of thing I'd love it if someone dropped the bridge out from under them.

If I got a bunch of lip from the dispatcher I would have asked to speak to the owner or manager and then told them it was that or I would have been there personally to speak to them and would mention the dispatcher often in the conversation.
A call to the cops and I.C.B.C. would get thier attention as well because we know how much I.C.B.C. likes paying out for claims.
Unfortunately I have a real piece of work as a boss, and even that call on "company time" got me a lecture. By the time I got around to lunchtime I'd cooled a bit, and had decided to let it go. Carrying that kind of anger around for too long gets bad for your health.

Oh and I'm laughing at your term m@ssholes. When I lived in New Hampshire that is what we called any one from Massachuetts. Of course they would yell Cow Hampshire back in reference to our country setting and the fact that at one time New Hampshire was a large dairy producer.


It had occured to me that term might be used as you described, no offense intended to anyone from that area. Been through there a couple of times, nice region. Not unlike southern Ontario, nice from spring to fall, miserable in winter. However it fits this bunch of people perfectly.

Nice to meet you, Steve, if you make it over to south Van I'm a busted-part's throw from the Knight St bridge. No Timmy's nearby, but there's bound to be somewhere we can grab a coffee (or a wobbly pop).

Re: MB in the News

Interesting debate. Personally, I think scooters should not be on bike paths but MBs (engine off) and ebikes should be allowed. One of the great things about our thing, is this thing with the pedals.
Just my thing.

I agree, scooters should be restriced to the road. The main distinction I use is the weight of a scooter and the fact that the vestigal pedals they offer are really useless making it a primarily motor operated vehicle (although the silent operation of a scooter style e-bike can be a problem for some). The article says
Electric scooters can weigh up to 80kg and, though their top speed of 32km/h may not seem very fast, it is nearly twice the average speed of a purely muscle-powered bicycle (17km/h).
That's a bit over 176 lbs. China girls only add 25 pounds or so to the weight of a bicycle.

My wife had an electric bike/scooter for a while, until she got a door prize with it and it was written off. I had to take the car out a few times and pick her up with it when she had a flat. The battery pack alone weighed 65 lbs, the bike itself was probably around 115-125. (Fortunately I'm blessed with an '02 Buick for times like that, you can park a Smartcar in the trunk of that boat).
She's even happier with the bike I motorized for her, and I can pick it up with one hand so it's a lot easier for her to move it around. (Qualifier: I've spent the last 8 years or so handling car, truck and heavy equipment/vehicle batteries. I'm not bad at guesstimating weights. ;))
Re: MB in the News

I really like that build CT. Just pure MB

LOL, I have yet to get Carol on a MB. She cooks at all our rides, loves and enjoys the folks but I could not get her on one if my life depended on it. I gotta do a tandem build.

Worse then that! Every time I bring home a really cool old bike to MB-erize, she confiscates it and tells me "Thats to pretty to put a motor on"!!! She now owns more bicycles then me.

I am not complaining. She is my best Bud and favorite cook. (kinda sexy too)
Re: MB in the News

Thanks Dan. That's the one I'm having a little trouble centering the sprocket on right now. It runs well (almost through it's first gallon of juice) but gets a bit of slap in the chain from that problem. It's got the 48T on it, and someone else had done a little work with the sprocket before I got it (widening the hole) so centering it is proving... tricky. It climbs hills very well, and pulls a trailer without noticing.

Every time my wife takes it out she's grinning ear to ear, whether it's a tune-up trip up and down the lane or an afternoon outing.
Re: MB in the News

Har!!!! 2 funny.

"...but the sperm jumped out at me"
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motorized sperm bike (don't ask) let the jokes begin

Transports Male Reproductive Cells the Eco-Friendly Way

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Seattle's 'Sperm Bike' Transports Male Reproductive Cells the Eco-Friendly Way

The Sperm Bike is a 120-pound, 10-foot bicycle rigged with a sperm-shaped tank filled with liquid nitrogen and—on business days—vials of human sperm ("pre-babies"). Based on a model used in Copenhagen, Seattle's sperm bike transports sperm from the Seattle Sperm Bank to fertility clinics. Even though it's motorized, it's still better for the environment than sperm utility vehicles, spermships, and the Spermarine, the sperm-carrying submarines that were so popular in the 1930s.

In addition to hauling cargo, the Sperm Bike also works as an advertisement for sperm donation, ABC News reports. "Good, qualified sperm donors have been needed for awhile, but the need is increasingly dramatic," a Sperm Bank rep says. "Fertility rates are plummeting. People are having a harder time conceiving. People are waiting longer have children." Hmmm, well statistics suggest that the world could use a break from all the procreation but whatever, we know how much becoming a parent is important to you.
Re: MB in the News

I have heard of the rabbis in NY harassing women for riding bicycles, but now are they harassing MB riders? Crazy! I heard they complained that the water "wasn't kosher" lol re: "not kosher"

Still, if someone is buzzing down a sidewalk, they are asking for trouble anywhere. That is just dumb.

LOL Matt, just read your sig.

Guy traveling 30 mph on motorized bicycle down Main Street sidewalk, Batavia | The Batavian

Last line, not good. Last I read MBs were not kosher in NY and certinly at 30 and on a side walk.

"Guy traveling 30 mph on motorized bicycle down Main Street sidewalk, Batavia
Submitted by Billie Owens on September 7, 2011 - 12:32pm
A man is reportedly riding a motorized two-wheel bicycle on the sidewalk on Main Street in the city of Batavia. When the caller reported this he was near Burger King. Watch out pedestrians. The guy is going about 30 mph.
Upon getting the report the cop says: "Oh kay," with some hesitation.
The dispatcher replies: "I know what you mean."
He's toting a light-brown backpack on his back. He's white. But he was easily spotted by police, all descriptions aside.
Two days ago the same guy was seen, by me, on Maple Street (actual street).
UPDATE 12:35 p.m.: The bicyclist is having a chat with an officer about his travel plans."