Motorized Bicycles in the News

it isn't about motor/bikes but, it pertains to bike laws & infrastructure built a more for bicycle future.

Bike Infrastructure Hits Congressional Speed Bumps : NPR

Some 57 million adults ride bicycles in the U.S., whether for commuting or exercise or fun. Cities are adding bike lanes with the help of a federal program that gets its money from the highway bill. Some Senate Republicans tried — and ultimately failed — to block funding for that program, which also pays for sidewalks and other pedestrian improvements.
more text after the hyper link.

here is the 4 min 28sec audio mp3. click prior link for flash version
That's cool Deco. Hartford and West Hartford (separate places/towns)have put in some great bike lanes. If cars are allowed to park inside, most have enough room so you can hug the road but still be out side "Car door swing zone of death"
Where you either die from the sudden stop or are driven out into traffic to be killed a nano-second later.

Funny side note. Earlier this year, they passed a law saying cars had to give bicyclists 3 foot of sea room. During an interview with some DMV official, he had never heard of it and was surprised. The interview was to high lite how bike friendly CT is.

Really is pro bike but not according to most of the organized spandex crowd.
Dan :here in IL. There susposed to give a rider 36" of clear room when "legaly" passing ?
Is it just me or do they not do the math? There is a section of the bike rules that states one may use 18" away from curb line were safe and praticable. But it's up to the rider to avoid roadway hazzards . Soo if you have to avoid a pot hole and are a foot or two into driving lane there is'nt room to pass within a single lane ? Don't they cover this stuff in driver edu.? Seems as the slower moving "vec" we have the right of way?
We need bright orange tees with an arrow to the left and a big three foot marker?
Drives ya insane, don't it Dawgs? (the passing close)

Rustico Ray said some thing way back that stuck with me. "Don't give up any road" Meaning if I hug the curb, they pass tightly and try to stay in the lane. So when I am obligated to stay to the right, I stick out just enough. It works well. If they can't move over, they are forced to slow down.

But really cool thing about CT, if a Motorized Bicycle can do the posted speed, you can ride in the middle of the lane. Like any vehicle. We have no top speed for Motorized Bicycles but I don't make so they go above 35. (yet, snork)
Maybe instead of all the other fancy stuff we strap , glue , weld and screw to our bikes , a handlebar breathealizer would be the best gaget of all...

Lol Dawgs! I have suggested that for all MVs elsewhere. I think driver's licences should have a color coded bar code stating whether or not one should be allowed to drive, drink (special code for any thing more then beer) or procreate.

Sad stuff Goat.
Stolen motorized bicycle could explode
By The Chronicle Herald
Tue, Sep 27 - 4:54 AM

A stolen bike could get a whole lot hotter, Halifax Regional Police warned Monday.

The motorized bicycle was stolen from the front deck of a Cabot Street residence last Wednesday night. The bike, taken after a lock was cut, requires a specific fuel and could otherwise explode.

The bike could be the only one of its kind in Halifax or Nova Scotia and citizens should be able to recognize it, police said.

The force released photos of the bike and its motor Monday afternoon. The bike is a black Norco Bushpilot and is equipped with a Zenoah Go-Ped motor.

Police spokesman Const. Brian Palmeter said his force’s main intention in issuing a warning is to prevent an explosion, but officers also hope someone recognizes the bike so they can recover it.

Anyone who sees the bike is asked to contact police at 490-5016.

Link...Stolen motorized bicycle could explode - Metro -
requires a specific fuel and could otherwise explode

Huh? What the heck are they talking about?


Halifax police are asking for the public's help as they look for a stolen, motorized bike that could explode if the wrong fuel is used.

This is a prototype engine - it is the only one of its kind and potentially VERY dangerous if fueled incorrectly (will grenade violently). It was/is part of a locally supported fuel economy/low emissions commuter project.
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Har!!! lol. I had read that. I think it was either a misunderstanding or a ploy to get the thieves worried or reported.

Like some one said "it will blow up the motor if they don't mix the oil correctly"

I dunno but do love the media take on most every thing.
it is, like, an island that is within spitting distance (almost) of Maine, EH !!!
I tried to say that with my bob n doug mackenzie voice ;) laff