Member Map of Motorized Bicycle Enthusiasts

Re: Member Map

Rhode Island is cool. I bet you can ride a motor assisted bicycle across the whole state in no time. On Google maps it says it's 55 miles from Charlestown to Woonsocket. I've been there (Rhode Island) a few times in a diesel truck. I liked it.

Texas is huge. It takes a whole day to drive across it in a diesel rig. On a bike it would be a really long time. (800 mi from El Paso to Texarkana, or Perryton to McAllen)
Odd there are only 2 members listed in Las Vegas and they are not the 3 members that I am aware of, including myself. Oh I'm so lonely for motorized bicycle companions in Vegas...
Vegas may very well be the scooter capital of America, but I've only seen 3 motorized bicycles, and I own 2 of them. :-||Where are you all hiding? Why won't you come out to play?
The only ones close to me here in IL are 35 miles away. And they haven't been active on here in awhile. All alone here. I have seen a couple around town. They might not be aware of this sight, though.
I know how you feel paintgun. I live in a town with a population of just under 3k but I have seen 5-6 different motor assisted bicycles. One sold his engine after getting his license back. Oddly they never took his pilots license and he bought his kit in China. The other rider I know stopped riding after he moved several miles out of town. Just yesterday a mutual friend told me he was offered the entire bike for free since he hasn't rode it in a few years. I have seen 3-4 others but none are on the map. And I'm not even counting the ones I've seen in bigger towns 20-30 miles away.

Maybe they should add a banner on the main page to make the map more noticeable. Right now its kinda hidden.
The only ones close to me here in IL are 35 miles away. And they haven't been active on here in awhile. All alone here. I have seen a couple around town. They might not be aware of this sight, though.

I just joined today, and am now on the map. Peoria here!
Re: Member Map

Just added myself, but I made two dots. I would like my address one taken off.
dumpstercrusher, glen burnie,md 21061

Hey Dumpstercrusher,
I've been known to meet up with my Dumpster Buddies at the Ordnance Rd landfill on Saturday mornings. Welcome from 21146.
Thank You Dan! And the entire staff for all the work they do for the forum. And most important the members who make what it is.
The U.S. is so covered with crazy motorbicyclists you can barely see the map anymore! Yay!
Great job! all you mods and supermods for giving us a place to share info and bench race.
Didn't know there was a map........nice work....I'm in from Indy. Been reworking my ride for the summer. Post soon after I get pics.


The trail life for me.
You can adjust the zoom on the map to show just the state you want to look at or the back it out for a globe view. State by state is easy to study this way.